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Chocolate with Nuts

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Airdate:June 1, 2002
Season: 3
Prod. Number: 52a
Air Number: 50a
Paired With:Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V
Directors:Paul Tibbitt and Kaz (storyboard), Andrew Overtoom (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Paul Tibbitt, Kaz, Kent Osborne, Merriwether Williams
Songs:Fancy Livin'
Plot:Spongebob and Patrick go into business selling chocolate bars door to door. With sales going nowhere, the boys devise a way to get things moving - by lying!
On Video:
Christmas The Complete Third Season The First 100 Episodes

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"What are we gonna spend it on?"

"Oh, a couple of rich entrepreneurs and their dates."