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Krab Borg

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Airdate:March 29, 2002
Season: 3
Prod. Number: 49a
Air Number: 47a
Paired With:Rock-a-Bye Bivalve
Directors:Paul Tibbitt and Kent Osborne (storyboard), Tom Yasumi (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Paul Tibbitt, Kent Osborne, Mark O'Hare
Songs:Electric Zoo
Electric Zoo
Plot:After watching a late-night movie where robots take over the world, SpongeBob becomes convinced Mr. Krabs is a robot. With Squidward's help, he's going to prove it.
On Video:
The Seascape Capers The Complete Third Season The First 100 Episodes

Other Robots
- Blender ($24.95)
- Toaster ($32.50)
- Mixer ($62.67)
- Coffee Maker (Gift)
- Cash Register

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Well, let's hear it, lad."
-Mr Krabs

"No, that's not Mr Krabs. That's Robot Krabs."