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The Whole Tooth

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Airdate:December 3, 2016
@10:30 am EST
Season: 9
Prod. Number: 204b
Air Number: 204b
Paired With:Mutiny on the Krusty
Directors:John Trabbic (Storyboard), Dave Cunningham (Supervising), Vincent Waller (Creative), Marc Ceccarelli (Animatic), Alan Smart (Animation)
Writers:Kyle McCulloch
Plot:Patrick must lose last baby tooth but he's scared.
On Video:
The Complete Ninth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"I have a headache inside of my mouth!"

"Agnes, please turn down that radio. I'm Dr. Beige Mundane. You must be Patrick Star. What seems to be the problem?"
-Dr. Mundane

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