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Sharks vs Pods

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Airdate:May 4, 2016
@5:30 pm EST
Season: 9
Prod. Number: 198a
Air Number: 198a
Paired With:CopyBob DittoPants
Directors:Shellie O'Brien (Storyboard), Sherm Cohen (Supervising), Vincent Waller (Creative), Marc Ceccarelli (Animatic), Tom Yasumi (Animation)
Writers:Solomon Georgio
Songs:Kung Fu Rock
Plot:SpongeBob joins a group of wild living sharks.

SpongeBob's Hydro-Dynamic Spatula returns in a cameo.
Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Yaaay- I mean, ayyy, new friends!"

"I'll have to go into the Witness Protection Program. I'll have to quit working at the Krusty Krab! I'll never flip a succulent Krabby Patty ever again… Oh, what have I done! Hmm? What's this?"