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Séance Schméance

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Airdate:October 14, 2013
@7:00 pm EST
Season: 9
Prod. Number: 187b
Air Number: 187b
Paired With:Don't Look Now
Directors:Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas (Storyboard), Vincent Waller (Creative), Alan Smart, Tom Yasumi (Animation)
Writers:Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Mr. Lawrence
Plot:SpongeBob and Patrick summons a ghost of someone who owned a restaurant where the Krusty Krab currently is.

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"What's the big kurfuffle? Oh, it's you. Only what's on the menu, old-timer!"
-Mr. Krabs

"Looks like a certain foolish sponge has been conversing with the unliving! All right you floating nuisances! Time for the bossman to mop up! Batter up! Hi-ya! Yeah, and go back in which you came!"
-Mr. Krabs
