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Enchanted Tiki Dreams

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Airdate:June 19, 2010
Season: 7
Prod. Number: 145b
Air Number: 162
Paired With:Buried in Time
Directors:Aaron Springer and Sean Charmatz (storyboard), Vincent Waller (creative), Alan Smart (animation)
Writers:Aaron Springer, Sean Charmatz, Richard Pursel
Songs:Squidward's Tiki Land
Plot:Patrick and SpongeBob build a dream world for Squidward.
On Video:
The Complete Seventh Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"One extremely annoying shift later..."

"Next stop, a padded room in Cephalopod Home. Iust go with it, Squiddy. Empty. A refill, my good man. What the--? Patrick, what are you doing here? Ah, it's delicious! What is it?"