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Airdate:September 18, 1999
@10:15 am EST
Season: 1
Prod. Number: 10b
Air Number: 10b
Paired With:Culture Shock
Directors:Sherm Cohen (storyboard), Fred Miller (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Sherm Cohen, Aaron Springer, Peter Burns
Songs:F.U.N. Song
F.U.N. Song
F.U.N. Song (Paramount Parks)
Plot:Spongebob is convinced that Plankton's so evil because he's lonely and needs friends. To prove it, SpongeBob befriends Plankton and the two start spending time together. Unfortunately, everyone sees Plankton us using SPongeBob to get to the secret Krabby Patty recipe. It's up to Mr. Krabs to reveal Plankton's plot to SpongeBob.
On Video:
Sponge Buddies Nautical Nonsense & Sponge Buddies The Complete First Season Truth or Square The First 100 Episodes The Best 200 Episodes Ever

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" with my friends at Jellyfish Fields."