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House Fancy

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Airdate:June 6, 2008
Season: 6
Prod. Number: 101a
Air Number: 116
Paired With:Krabby Road
Directors:Aaron Springer (storyboard), Vincent Waller (creative), Tom Yasumi (animation)
Writers:Aaron Springer, Dani Michaeli
Plot:Jealous that Squilliam's on House Fancy, Squidward lures the show's producers to his fancier house. Desperate to make his home presentable, Squidward lets SpongeBob help.
On Video:
Spongicus Season 6 Volume 1 The Complete Sixth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Well, I have to say Squilliam, and I think that i'm speaking for all of our viewers out there when I'm saying you are truly a fancy man."
