I'm Flying
CD: The Sponge Who Could Fly: A New Musical
Track Number: 7
Artist: SpongeBob, Gary, Squidward, Mrs. Puff, Patrick, town people
I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm really, really flying, I'm flying Meow meow meow I'm really, really flying Just when it seemed like an empty dream I'm flying, I'm flying high in the sky I'd love to linger here and enjoy the view But it's time to see just what this baby can do Now it's flying time for me Dahaha! He's flying, he's flying, he's really, really flying We laughed We scoffed but now he has lifted off But now he's flying, he's flying high in the sky I'd love to hang around and say I told you so But it's off to Jellyfish Fields I go He's flying, he's flying, he's really, really flying I have never felt so free high in the sky is the place for me What's up with that? Soon I'll be in Jellyfish Fields and all my dreams will be free He's come so far Please oh help me, won't somebody somewhere help me My poor defenseless snail is up a tree She must be terrified She's only three She could fall at any moment now I fear Won't someone please come help my snail so dear There's no need to fear, the flying sponge is here! This is a favor I will not forget. To you I am in debt, you can bet. For you've saved my precious pet from a threat. I was so upset. I was in a cold sweat. Then you came along how fortunate. You know we've just come from a local vet from the shot she had to get. And she was really quite upset. By the way, her name's Annette. Are ya done? No not quite yet! Ugh... I almost named her Antoinette but that name was taken by my friend Claudette. For her name was Excuse me. For her snail was a sister named Evette. Excuse me Mrs. Puff... Every night we would get quite upset. Listen! I'd love to say and chat but I just can't ya know 'Cause it's off to Jellyfish Fields I go To fulfill my date with destiny Help me! Help me! Flying sponge please help me! Oh flying sponge I'm in a bind Save me from this brain befuddling mime She's confusing me! I will save you from that silent pest Oh flying sponge you are the best All in a day's work as you can see For a sponge who could fly like me He's flying, he's flying, he's really, really flying (3x) In the sky that you really can't deny And swore like he's never had before He's doing something he really couldn't do He's really flying, he's flying high in the sky He's streaming, he's swooping, he's doing loop-de-looping He's loopy looping! He's saving and speeding Yes he's suddenly succeeding He's flying, he's really, really He's flying (5x) Yes he's really really flying