Milkmaid's Top 111!


May 25, 2013
Reaction score
Don't worry, i'll still finish my bottom 50. Shoot me but I love multitasking B)


Season - 3
Episode Number - 51
Premiered - May 17, 2002

Well, a brand new list. Quite something, seems like yesterday I was writing my Wormy review for my top 39 Season 2. But in fact it was three months ago :p. Well, this was a pretty good episode. To make the top 111 it needed about a 77/100. Yeah, I really like these episodes :p. Don't worry, there's a fair amount of post movie. But onto the episode. Really, the Patchy segments were horrific. Except for Underwater Sun and the fact they threw in the show staff as the party goers. Also the Spongebob abuse lowered it still. The police reminds me of the Season 7 police, I mean look at it. So you didn't get invited. Deal with it for bucket's sake. Otherwise this was a very good and memorable episode with a creative plot and creative jokes. The clue for next episode is Stupiditis germs.

can not wait for the rest

I like Party Pooper Pants but it dose not air that mush I only saw it in 2012 and some day in August of this year
Yay a new list and I don't remember this episode :p
And no idea for next episode
I'm glad you decided to do this list. :)

Party Pooper Pants is a pretty good episode, but I always feel kind of bad for SpongeBob when I watch it. I know he was being an annoying host, but still, getting locked out of your own party must suck. Oh well, I do like this anyway, it's just not one of my favorites.

My only idea for the next episode is Squirrel Jokes. ("Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one!")
Uh, sorry to interrupt, but #110 will be revealed today 4:30 PM EST.
I will follow, and PPP, a pretty good episode, but one of my least fav. half hour specials.
HarryPotterLives said:
My only idea for the next episode is Squirrel Jokes. ("Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one!")
wow ur good


Season - 2
Episode Number - 31b
Premiered - November 27, 2000

Time to rereview this hushpuppy. It's been a while since i've reviewed this one. The beginning is actually OK. Sponge's comedy number was still a literal flop in some way, as I had to use the fork reaction in my Waiting review :p. But seriously, the squirrel jokes were memorable enough, and the lightbulb joke was just golden. But seriously folks, I think the Bikini Bottomites took the "jokes" a little too serious. It's just a joke mans. Sandy isn't dumb. If so THEN WHY DID SHE BECOME SUCH A BRAINY SCIENTIST IN SEASON 4-PRESENT? OK yeah, the ending was probably the best part, and I really wanted to see what SB's impression of starfish was. Oh well. Ah yes clue for #109 is Official Bunny Bun Stickers and that just gives it away right there =/
