Top 95 WORST episodes of SpongeBob!


An extremely boring ripoff of Culture Shock. At least with Culture Shock, Squidward's act was interesting, with this, we have 11 minutes more dull and boring than 7th grade algebra. Many parts are completely jokeless, and the jokes all fall flat, considering they're also really repetitious. So this episode starts with a gag that goes on again. Squidward gets mail, thinking his play was accepted, only to realize that it was denied, and goes back to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob suggests that they should show Squidward's play at the Krusty Krab, and wants to call it "Singy Eaty Time!" Though, there is no singing in the play. Then, we get to the play. It's at this point that I realize why Squidward's play was not accepted. It's because it's the most boring play I've ever seen. I can't put into words how boring this episode is. The only "jokes" told in this part is how Squidward doesn't give a crap about the customers. We then have SpongeBob burning the krabby pattys, and still serving the customers them, which is completely out of character. You would think that the best fry cook under the sea would care what he's feeding the consumers. The customers throw the tainted burgers at SpongeBob and Squidward. When they try to be stopped, Patrick has to be a jerk and says "I like throwing food," prompting everyone to throw not only burnt krabby pattys, but things like anchors, bottles, and Plankton, for some reason.

Hint: Terrible way to end a season
The Clash of Triton? (That's the only one IMO that is terrible. MM&BB 2 is good, SSATW is awesome, Pranks a Lot is great, the Gift of Gum is only weak, Stanley S. Squarepants is dull, Perfect Chemistry is really good, Hello Bikini Bottom is Amazing)
InvisibleCake18 said:
The Clash of Triton? (That's the only one IMO that is terrible. MM&BB 2 is good, SSATW is awesome, Pranks a Lot is great, the Gift of Gum is only weak, Stanley S. Squarepants is dull, Perfect Chemistry is really good, Hello Bikini Bottom is Amazing)
I may be a little late for this one :P

I find this episode a lot worse than other people say it is. Let's address the elephant in the room, this episode is just gross-out. No real other jokes are told except with an exception or two. Patrick is also blind to the world around him, which is "great." The jokes all fall flat, and if this episode didn't have that much gross-out, it wouldn't be memorable at all. And it doesn't help that the ending is predictable and just boring.

Hint: Chip in the paint
I agree with your choices so far. I haven't seen every episode but they sound like classic episodes of later Spongebob- Squid abuse, people out of character, and lack of jokes. Clearly I didn't miss much that season. I'm also glad to see you include The Gift of Gum- that episode was a giant gross out.
Not only is this episode another Squid torture episode, it turns out that this episode happens to be one of the most disturbing episodes of the entire show. And it's not in a good way. This episode starts with Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob speaking as slowly as possible to Squidward to fill up the runtime. Then we have SpongeBob stalki- uh, I mean asking Squidward if Squid can come over to his house. Squidward says no, and we get SpongeBob excessively crying, as if he's 6 years old. Squidward says that he doesn't want to leave the comfort of his own home. This prompts SpongeBob to borrow, AKA steal Squidward's vaccum, so Squidward goes into SpongeBob's house to get it back. It turns out that SpongeBob completely changed the interior of his house to look exactly like Squidward's, even down to the tiniest details. This implies that SpongeBob has broken into Squidward's house so much, that he can replicate everything off memory. The implications are just astounding. Squidward finds his vacuum and goes outside. Only to see that his house has burned down, because he left a casserole in the oven. I'll never know why the writers needed to squeeze in that one more bit of Squid abuse in the end, but they did it anyway. Finally, Squidward goes insane. But, not in a funny and cartoony way. No, Squidward has a tea party with his vacuum cleaner, speaks to it as if it were an actual person, and laughs with his eye twitching. Great way to this.

Hint: Eh. Any hint for this one would be too obvious. I'll just review this episode tomorrow/Thursday.
Squid's Visit is definitely one of my least favorite episodes of all time. I have a suspicion of what the next might be, but I'll wait to see if I'm right.
Even though you don't want us to guess my guess is Stuck in The Winger