SBM is trash!


Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
SBM is trash!
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It looks okay at best, but then I don't care about Disney cartoons. (Gravity Falls is okay, Wander annoys me now)

My god, why are most things on TV today so annoying?
RedSoxFan274 said:

Tell me why I'm sort of dreading this one?
Yeah, I guess I've said it lots of times, but I'm still waiting for Angry Wander to be a reality. :P

I'll agree that I'm dreading this one too. I don't know why, I just do.
This is it. My Crowning Moment of Indifference.
I think show sounds amazing. It's good to see that Disney is accepting more cartoons, which will make Disney improve a lot.

Fun facts:
The theme song is composed by Brad Breeck, who also composed the Gravity Falls theme song and several other Gravity Falls songs.
The director, Dave Wasson, was the creator of Time Squad.
This show is animated by ToonBoom Harmony, the same company that animates Wander Over Yonder.
The voice of Star plays Sue Heck on The Middle.
mandythepharmacist14 said:

Fun facts:
The theme song is composed by Brad Breeck, who also composed the Gravity Falls theme song and several other Gravity Falls songs.
The director, Dave Wasson, was the creator of Time Squad.
This show is animated by ToonBoom Harmony, the same company that animates Wander Over Yonder.
The voice of Star plays Sue Heck on The Middle.
I guess that's why the animation looked so fluid and familiar.
So, basically it's a western magical girl cartoon. Might check it out if I stumbled upon it while channel surfing.

edit: When I see the title I expected something related to Star Wars.
So, it's coming out in a few days. May as well put this topic back on the top page.