PatStar's (I hope) Bigger and BETTER Top 102!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Comment: A great episode towards the end of a lackluster Season 7. It wasn't quite like you had expected. SpongeBob was helping Squidward, and Squidward never really engaged his rage mode at SpongeBob. Squiddy having his biggest annoyance in life (SpongeBob) as his advisor was just great. :lol: Even the practice when SpongBob made Squiddy go around the block was pretty comical, despite being a filler. I feel like we need more of a helpful Bobby towards Squidward, instead of always annoying him to death. He could still be annoying though, otherwise SpongeBob wouldn't be SpongeBob. :sbx: Overall, it wasn't my favorite "In Favor of Squidward" episode, but it was still some great quality in Season 7. =]

Aired: 2011

Favorite Character: :binoculars:

Favorite Part/Quote: :sbx: - "[Squidward], when was the last time you went on a date?"

Flashback shows Squidward dancing with a girl, and they both look young, and old music is playing. :xD:
I love this episode. Squidward and SpongeBob are both not annoying in the same episode, it's a bit rare if you ask me.

This would be up there in like maybe the 40s-20s if I included Season 7 in my list. ;)
That's a good place for that. Good with Spongebob trying to help Squidward. It actually gives Squidward a reason to be mad at Spongebob.

Comment: A rather weird episode, but of course, in the future, could be considered a classic, depending on how much longer SpongeBob runs. Anywayz, this isn't my favorite Jellyfishing episode, but it gets points for how... interesting it is. :P It mainly focuses on an alien jellyfish, which turns another little jellyfish into a jellion, and is commanded to turn a Bikini Bottomite into a Jellion. But of course, more and more Bikini Bottomites become Jellions, kind of like Once Bitten, except they truly ARE zombified creatures.... and they don't like Mayonaise. :rofl2: Ah, the Mayo jokes, they always work well in a SpongeBob episode. =]

The characters, well, a majority of them are Jellions, but the best character that became a Jellion was Squidward, not because I like him better than Patrick (I don't), but it's just his epic "RAHHHH!", not to mention, "Hold... the may-o-nayz!!" It's cool to see SpongeBob and Sandy team up again, and be the protagonists, and save all the Bikini Bottomites, and "Random Guy", or Harold. :xD:

Aired: 2012

Favorite Character: :squidx: (Jellion)

Favorite Part: The "hold the mayonaise" gag


Comment: An episode with a rather interesting storyline. It wasn't exactly the best in terms of humor, but the characters were pretty good. I didn't like the Head Chef at the fancy restaurant, but aside from that, all the other characters seemed to be pretty good. SpongeBob might've been a bit too obsessed with love, but I liked the gag of Squidward choking, there was just something about it that made it work well. Even Pearl's bit was funny! Burgurlars! :xD:

Aired: 2007

Favorite Character: :squidx:

Favorite Part: Le Schnook- "Monseiur! It's the rare fruit of the Kazook Tree!"
:krabsx: - "So, it's supposed to smell like rotten Gym Socks?"

I always enjoyed this episode and I think its in the right spot. Definitly this episode didn't have the best humor but I liked the little things they thrown in.


Comment: An episode that definitely gets credit for some good moments. The Patchy segments were pretty good for one reason, which is really the reason it made this list. But SpongeBob worked well as the big role, while most of the other character's preformances were lackluster (except for Old Lady Jenkins). :rofl2: But we also got to see Spongey's grandpa for the first time, and his songs, Jo [Your] Momma, but most importantly... WALK CYCLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :w00t:

Aired: 2003

Favorite Character: :sbgrin:

Favorite Part: THE ONE AND ONLY WALK CYCLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :funny: :funny: :funny:
I'm not about to spoil 88

87 sucks

86 is okay but walk cycle is the only worth it thing, well, except for SpongeBob and Patrick's parts.


Comment: Selling Out is probably going to be one of the first post-movie episodes to be considered a "classic." It really can't be considered that just yet, but if I were to describe the episode's storyline, then it would probably be unique, or the way I like to say it... interesting. :funny: Mr. Krabs retiring was a great plot, and it makes you think that the show wasn't automatically so horrible after Hillenburg's departure. The humor was pretty good, too. The Krabby 'O Mondays bit was just classic, how Squidward was pretending to smile. Just any opportunity to see Squiddy Quincy smile now is rare. =/

Aired: 2005

Favorite Character: :krabsx:

Favorite Part: :krabsx: - "Wait a minute, I hate golf!" (While he's playing golf)

This episode is so forgotten, that it's not on my list. But it definetely should make the top 100.
I haven't watched Planet of The Jellyfish. Is it a parody of Planet of the Apes?
Not my favorite. I think that the general plot of the episode gave it way more to go on than they actually executed with--basically what I mean to say is the plotline is a well-thought-out one, but the execution on this episode seemed to be lacking.
I haven't watched Planet of The Jellyfish. Is it a parody of Planet of the Apes?

Sort of....

Now onto 84, the upset!!! :run:



Comment: Now here we go! An episode that is sure to leave me worried for the next few days. Maybe I can borrow a bullet-proof vest! But anyway, Squilliam Returns is a very well-executed episode, where Squilliam Fancyson, Squiddy's arch rival from band class dies returns to Bikini Bottom! =O Now, of course, I always have to come up with a reason for an episode like this to be this high. It was probably the characters. Don't get me wrong, I always liked Squilliam and his insults, but towards the end, you have to feel sympahty for Squidward. But for now, let's focus on the episode! =] The jokes were great. Squidward's reactions when he sees Squilliam are priceless! That was one of the best moments in the episode. :D Squidward was "Most likely to suck eggs in High School." When I first saw this episode, I thought Squilliam meant that Squidward sucked on real eggs, or scrambled eggs. :xP:

Now onto characters. They weren't exactly like theirselves. I always liked the character Squidward had when Squilliam came around. SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs were kind of out of character, and they were both kind of dumb, although you can't blame Bobby. Emptying his mind wasn't Squiddy's best idea. But without a doubt, Patrick was the best character. It just shows how much camera time he needs to be humorous! Just don't overuse him, or he won't be as funny (*cough*RiSeAnD-ShInE*cough*).

Aired: 2002

Favorite Character: :patx:

Favorite Quote/Part: :squidx: - (To Patrick) "Can you take hats in a sophisticated and dignified matter?"
:patx: - "You mean like a weenie?! MAY I TAYK UR HAT THIR?!!? MAY I TAYK UR HAT THIR?!!!? MAY I...

Squiddy shuts him up.





Comment: Yep, it's a double-whammy! :D A double-whammy where honsety might not be the best policy. =/ But next to drop is a very interesting episode, Hooky. It had a great undersea storyline that included Mr. Krabs telling an ol' sea tale. Man, I wish Mr. Krabs were still that father figure, instead of a greedy, carless coot. It was just a great apperance of Krabs karin' for his frycook and his friend, and it might've been the best appearance of Krabs. Only he would go cukoo for Cocoa Puffs over being reeled into a Gift Shop, or be put in a can of tuna (like me)! If I'm giving it such love, then why is it all the way up here at #83? Pretty much the same reason as Squilliam Returns. This was one of, if not the funniest Season 1 episode, but the ending was TERRIBLE! :bleh:

It had too much character abuse towards SpongeBob with the hook and all that. Don't get me wrong, I like how it was Squidward instead of Krabs making SpongeBob learn his lesson once and for all, but Krabs should be left to the fatherly job. :krabsx: But the worst part was Pearl and her friends. Like Drive-Thru, they were obnoxius brats, but worst of all, they were laughing at nudity. Really? But for the very end, the turna was pretty comical, but it makes me sad, reminding me that I should've never played with the hooks.

As for the characters, SpongeBob was very wise and not annoying, but Patrick was too stupid and his preformance was pretty weak. Really, a carnival? Mr. Krabs was the best character, though. Nothing's better than the old and wise version of that crustacean, that's more of a father figure. :thumbsup:

Aired: 2000

Favorite Character: :krabsx: (surprisingly)

Favorite Part: Squidward's excuse to make sure he didn't have to hear Mr. Krabs' hook story at the beginning. :rofl2:

Two good choices. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Squilliam episodes.
Two good choices. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of Squilliam episodes.
What about Band Geeks?! =O

You can't say no to Band Geeks!



Comment: Yet another episode that leaves me in fear! This episode, The Fry Cook Games, was such a pure classic. It all starts at the beginning, with the computer/video game animation, which is win! :thumbsup: They need to use that more often! Anyway, this was a great episode. It was about jalapenos games with food in Bikini Bottom. The famed rivalry was Krabs vs. Plankton. But SpongeBob vs. Patrick? That's not something you'd hear anymore. Now you see SpongeBob & Patrick obnoxiously yelling and screaming in Squidward's yard. It's too bad. :no:

But the characters are what take the cake here. All of them were superb, and humorous. Even Krabs and Plankton were funny while battling, especially when Plankton "loves messing things up." Even the cameos were astonishingly exectued (if that makes sense). The scaredy muscleman, and the purple one, who says "AAAHHH!!!" wit a funneh accent. :rofl2: But the best would be Patrick. Especially during the wrestling match. The lemons in the eyes, the tux, but most importantly, "MY NAME'S... NOT... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!!"

Like Squilliam Returns and Hooky, there is a reason so many points were taken off, and again, it's for the ending. Just so wrong in so many ways. >_<

Aired: 2001

Favorite Character: His name's not Rick.

Favorite Part: The Fish Sticks bit. Yet more great food humor! :lol:




Comment: Yes, it might deserve to be around the 90s, but c'mon, despite it getting credit for a reason, it still had funny moments, no? :) I know most people think that Naughty Nautical Neighbors is what started the whole "neighborhood" era, but I believe it's this. It was just great to see Squidward fail at blowing bubbles. To make it even more classic, it costs 25 cents to blow a bubble at Bobby's Beautiful Bubblestand! Wow, some alliteration I came up with! :xdmagic:

The characters were brilliant. Squidward's sarcasm was absolutely priceless, and obviously better than the grump 98-year old Squiddy we see today. His terrible clarinet playing and rude remarks on Spongey's bubblestand were even better. =] This was the first episode that really showed what great friends Bobby & Patty were. Patrick had his best Season 1 preformance here! "It's a giraffe!" and "Squid's got jeans!" were classic lines. About Squiddy, it was very surprising that I like his preformance in this episode so much now, since this was the first SpongeBob episode I saw, so the first time I watched this show, I hated "Squidwirt", as I called him, unintentionally. That's why I give this episode bonus points. :)

Aired: 1999

Favorite Character(s): :pattywagon:

Favorite Part: THE TECHNIQUE!!!!!
Sort of....

Now onto 84, the upset!!! :run:



Comment: Now here we go! An episode that is sure to leave me worried for the next few days. Maybe I can borrow a bullet-proof vest! But anyway, Squilliam Returns is a very well-executed episode, where Squilliam Fancyson, Squiddy's arch rival from band class dies returns to Bikini Bottom! =O Now, of course, I always have to come up with a reason for an episode like this to be this high. It was probably the characters. Don't get me wrong, I always liked Squilliam and his insults, but towards the end, you have to feel sympahty for Squidward. But for now, let's focus on the episode! =] The jokes were great. Squidward's reactions when he sees Squilliam are priceless! That was one of the best moments in the episode. :D Squidward was "Most likely to suck eggs in High School." When I first saw this episode, I thought Squilliam meant that Squidward sucked on real eggs, or scrambled eggs. :xP:

Now onto characters. They weren't exactly like theirselves. I always liked the character Squidward had when Squilliam came around. SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs were kind of out of character, and they were both kind of dumb, although you can't blame Bobby. Emptying his mind wasn't Squiddy's best idea. But without a doubt, Patrick was the best character. It just shows how much camera time he needs to be humorous! Just don't overuse him, or he won't be as funny (*cough*RiSeAnD-ShInE*cough*).

Aired: 2002

Favorite Character: :patx:

Favorite Quote/Part: :squidx: - (To Patrick) "Can you take hats in a sophisticated and dignified matter?"
:patx: - "You mean like a weenie?! MAY I TAYK UR HAT THIR?!!? MAY I TAYK UR HAT THIR?!!!? MAY I...

Squiddy shuts him up.





Comment: Yep, it's a double-whammy! :D A double-whammy where honsety might not be the best policy. =/ But next to drop is a very interesting episode, Hooky. It had a great undersea storyline that included Mr. Krabs telling an ol' sea tale. Man, I wish Mr. Krabs were still that father figure, instead of a greedy, carless coot. It was just a great apperance of Krabs karin' for his frycook and his friend, and it might've been the best appearance of Krabs. Only he would go cukoo for Cocoa Puffs over being reeled into a Gift Shop, or be put in a can of tuna (like me)! If I'm giving it such love, then why is it all the way up here at #83? Pretty much the same reason as Squilliam Returns. This was one of, if not the funniest Season 1 episode, but the ending was TERRIBLE! :bleh:

It had too much character abuse towards SpongeBob with the hook and all that. Don't get me wrong, I like how it was Squidward instead of Krabs making SpongeBob learn his lesson once and for all, but Krabs should be left to the fatherly job. :krabsx: But the worst part was Pearl and her friends. Like Drive-Thru, they were obnoxius brats, but worst of all, they were laughing at nudity. Really? But for the very end, the turna was pretty comical, but it makes me sad, reminding me that I should've never played with the hooks.

As for the characters, SpongeBob was very wise and not annoying, but Patrick was too stupid and his preformance was pretty weak. Really, a carnival? Mr. Krabs was the best character, though. Nothing's better than the old and wise version of that crustacean, that's more of a father figure. :thumbsup:

Aired: 2000

Favorite Character: :krabsx: (surprisingly)

Favorite Part: Squidward's excuse to make sure he didn't have to hear Mr. Krabs' hook story at the beginning. :rofl2:


I have been to a restaurant, with some idiotic man walking inside naked asking for service. :redx: That was disgusting, funny, and odd at the same time.

Weirdest moment to ever happen. :P
Why you put Squilliam Retruns so low? I LURVES THAT EPISODE! :P

Bubblestand should be higher, Fry Cook games should be just a bit higher. ;)

But you have good points.