after I can break my fast -_-
But congrats dude! (now be more active here so i can spam you)
after I can break my fast -_-
But congrats dude! (now be more active here so i can spam you)
did you just have my notification of you quoting my post take you to a post all the way back in september what the hell pazza what magical powers did you get while you were "gone"? XDPatStar2000 said:Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for...
102. Marty McFly's least favorite
100. Extra Support
99. Darn nematodes!
98. The grammy that no one likes!
97. It's a man!
96. The overrated one
95. The enigma...
94. fired a comma
93. R.I.P. Roadie
92. R.I.P. Ernie
91. R.I.P. Fifi
90. Situation misinterpretation!R.I.P. O.M.A.I.R.
89. I thought people <3 ed this one
88. hold the mayo
87. Le unlikED
85. Favorite Part: :squidx: -Happy Birthday *breathes* happy happy . . :lol2: -Roadierepair.com
84. he's baaack!
83. My Grandmother's favorite episode!
82. f00d
81. My first episode <3
80. *pbbt*
78. Krappy Land
77. What kind of present is this?!
76. >Slimy Dancing
75. iOverrated it
74. Nostalgia at its finest
73. EDUCATIONAL TV!!!!!!!!!!!
72. why,why is this episode here. =/ -patricknotstar
71. :booghost:
70.Cash coma
69. :naughty: Rolling stone gathers no algae...
68. Available in 6 assorted colors!
67. Wanna live in grease and peace?
66. the latter
65. One of my first episodes
64. #Toenails
63.I was a Teenage Gary
61. pilot
60. Snails made out of bread!
(Chum famine of)59. spongedude likes the color
58. Our first glance at the 99% hot gas algae
56. overrated?
55. overplayed?
54. SpongeBob is innocent!
53. "Where SpongeBob went down hill" - Nostalgia Freaks
52. :dolphin noise: the rest! This is the best :dolphin noise:ing episode ever, Murica!
51. Evan claims it's his favorite from Season 1... if only we knew his favorite episode...
50. Halfway there! Halfway there! Halfway there! ...on free balloon day.
49. Ye old eppie
48. The lesser of the 3 E.V.I.L.s
47. NO WAI! =O
46. How 'bout every main character, Willis?
45. The Valentine... SpongeBob's return to greatness. :3
44. Big Pink Awardless nothing
43. >SB-129
42. nahh he's got no complaints
41. F is for... fooey! I can't come up with lyrics for crap!
40. Krusty Krab Funfair!
39. Everyone's favorite episode =/
38. The Admins told me it deserves a better rating
37. ssj's poop
36. another man's treasure
35. Okey-dokey folkeys!
34. You're never too old! ...unless you're Geno.
33. Refer back to the strikeout at #90.
32. itz not mah wallet
31. The bizarre one
30. 2002
29. Pranks for the memories! even though they weren't so great... erm, sorry, got a bit musical there!
28. The first non-staff member to register!
27. All of dat pudding in the middle of January
26. Give it all you got!
25. iSurpassedEvan... but not in art!
24. My VideoNow episode
23. The first of too many on the list!
22. My mommy's favorite episode!
21. SpongeBob's 67 seconds of fame
20. Originially 18 minutes
19. it smells good, like Squiddy!
18. Sea Bear!
17. "And now to wrap up Season 1..." -meh
16. The unSTOPable, and the unPOPable
15. My daddy's favorite episode!
14. Who does Roadie hate more? Tweenboy or thy?
13. PINHEAD!!!
12. He's coming for me... :ssj:
11. He's BIG, HAIRY, AND PINK!!!
10! Nosferatu! ...at night! :death:
9! The long one, with 3 biscuits and wishes, and The Perfume Department of Despair!!!
8! For Season 8!
6! Are you sure it's permanent?
5! Around or in town? No matter, I'm about to get murdered!
4! ...by Omair.
3!!! Best post-movie!
2!! Best special!!
Comment: And here it is! First off, a very special thanks to the wonderful followers of my list. Think about how crappy these lists would be without y'all! Some of you even had to sit through a lie, and had the patience to get to this. This actually feels REALLY good. Now, before this all comes to a close, I have to be a critic for one last time... maybe. :naughty: Idiot Box has always been special to me. It has all of those wonderful factors, but they're not as hyped up as other episodes. It's not just the IMAAAGINATION, or the Happy Hopping Moron Day, it's about the humor. Squiddy was able to show that he is a childish non-believer. I think he just got drunk there at the end. :p SpongeBob & Patrick doing all these cray-cray things in the box. Heck, even unrealistic for a show like SpongeBob! Who needs TV, when you have your IMAAAGINATION? Patrick was a sophisticated idiot, telling Squidward about the magic of the box when Squiddy told him that he already was a starfish. :xdmagic: It just had all of that humor that made it so great. And I've stated that several, heck, too many times! SpongeBob is just one of those shows... they make great humor out of everything possible. A great example is when Squidward was watching TV. The wonderful world of boxes! It kept you in suspense, wondering if there WAS a tape recorder, and how Squidward would end up feeling in the end of it all? Just so much made it so great.
So thank you all for coming, and maybe I'll be back some other time! I could make some more lists, if you'd like. However, I need a break for now. Whew! Hope y'all wnjoyed my list, and maybe I could make a revised one, and continue to copy Matty with everything! :cigar:
Aired: 2002
Favorite Character: Gotta love 'em all here.
Favorite Part: Squidward's thought bubble with the nonexistent tape recorder in the box
:sbx: - "Squidward's such a jerk." *giggles*