Matt's BOTTOM 50 (yet another list)

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]#48 :[/background]

Episode name[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : “Dumped”[/background]

Episode number[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : 29b[/background]

Season [background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]: 02[/background]

Boy, I don't think I need to explain the basis of the episode, since the only thing making the episode bad is the characters. But we'll get on to that. First the base. Yeah, this episode is not so bad in terms of it's stagnant structure. It's based to be a Gary episode, I can understand that. Some jokes are fabulous, some are mediocre. What I don't like is how sad it is. I find it hard to enjoy. Really hard. You just want to plum Patrick to death. And you just feel so sorry to SpongeBob. How am I going to enjoy an episode which reminds me of Coldplay. The difference being Coldplay's sad-authenticity is musical. Plus it's jamming. So you can still very enjoy it. On a cartoon? Not working so good. It just wrecks.

The characters. Oh boy, here's the rant. Okay, let's start with wreck boy-Bob. At first glance, he was average. Coming through again, he was pathetic. He was pitiful. He's a total wreck. It's like he thinks the world ends after he lost his pet-snail. It's like having a pet pig that doesn't want you anymore, and you responded by the Gary Ablett capsule. But, of course, he had Gary since forever. They created a magical pet-owner bond that is very lovable. So I can understand if he's sad. He's just a bit too desperate. And then . . uhhhh . . god. Patrick and Larry. God, they're a ::dolphin noise::. They're are some mother ::dolphin noise::ing ::dolphin noise:: ::dolphin noise:: ::dolphin noise:: eating ::dolphin noise::ing monkey ::dolphin noise::. That'll do. Gary was innocent, as usual. So guys, that's the end of my review. I'll be updating, probably and hopefully tomorrow. So, bye.


[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Moment : Patrick's OOC'S[/background]

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Character : Patrick Star by a mile[/background]

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Quote : “[/background]Well, well, well... I guess that answers that question.[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]” -Patrick-[/background]

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Bonus Best Quote : "Hold it right there, DMAP!"[/background]
The worst pre-movie episode, IMO. I didn't like any of the characters in this one. :notworthy:

It's not that bad... o.o

The Gift of Gum was gross

Dumped made me cry when I first saw it

there you go. I hate both those episodes.
Dumped made me cry when I first saw it

What I kind of don't get is why a lot of people seem to dislike "Dumped" but like "Have You Seen This Snail?", which are both episodes where SpongeBob is depressed about Gary leaving him. Don't get me wrong, I love HYSTS? but I also like Dumped too.
What I kind of don't get is why a lot of people seem to dislike "Dumped" but like "Have You Seen This Snail?", which are both episodes where SpongeBob is depressed about Gary leaving him. Don't get me wrong, I love HYSTS? but I also like Dumped too.

I agree. Maybe because "Dumped" was just a bunch of crying, and Patrick being a jerk. And "Have You Seen This Snail?" attempted comedy, and it pulled off. It was a bit too depressing, though. I do find that weird.
What I kind of don't get is why a lot of people seem to dislike "Dumped" but like "Have You Seen This Snail?", which are both episodes where SpongeBob is depressed about Gary leaving him. Don't get me wrong, I love HYSTS? but I also like Dumped too.

For me, it's because Patrick was being ANNOYING AS HECK and didn't learn his lesson. SpongeBob was a temporary annoyance but he realized what a dumb crap he was and fixed his ways.
[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]#47 :[/background]

Episode name[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : “To Save a Squirrel”[/background]

Episode number[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : 95b[/background]

Season [background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]: 05[/background]

Yeah, okay, maybe this episode could be placed in a better place. A bit higher, maybe? Well, this episode was a dilemma. Some like it (I sorta don't) More hate it (I sorta do). So why do I find this a perfect spot? Well, looking back at the episode, it's not a very bad episode. There are some clever premises. The part where they started to wk around and coming off with the best solution possible : Hide and Seek. I love the way Squid tried to voodoo his neighbors, and how the 2 chased each other for the sake of food. But then again, there are more bad aspects. The part where th-you know, why talk about parts? Besides the others I've mentioned, other parts were piss poor. The title itself was stupid. Nobody saved a squirrel. Sandy can save her own ::dolphin noise::. I mean really?

The characters were stupid. Most are out of their main idea. SB and Patrick tried to kill each other at the ending. This is a kid's show for pete's sake. Plus, none of them saved Sandy which completely MISSES the point of the title! Sandy herself, was, although being her usual ::dolphin noise::-self. The other 2 were not even close to their full potential. Not a single joke that come off good. In fact, apart from the voodoo, and the "burn all the food to make fire underwater" joke, weren't hilarious in any way. But out of all the characters I figure would be bad, it should be SB. He lost it. The charm, the determination, the aspiring demands, the composure, everything, and then went to be crazy. He was mad. How is he suppose to be a benchmarker, if he acted like that?! Right, enough ranting. So guys, that's the end of my review, and, well, I'll see yous soon (rushed ending, I know)


[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Moment : The ending (Should have changed the title "To eat a squirrel")[/background]

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Character : SpongeBob[/background]

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]Worst Quote : “[/background]Yes! Yes! I shall eat Patrick before he eats me![background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]” -SpongeBob-[/background]

What I kind of don't get is why a lot of people seem to dislike "Dumped" but like "Have You Seen This Snail?", which are both episodes where SpongeBob is depressed about Gary leaving him. Don't get me wrong, I love HYSTS? but I also like Dumped too.
Simple, HYSTS was SB's mistake. So most people felt it was deserving. Plus, Patrick was golden in that episode.

Dumped, meanwhile, well, most of us will probably agree, SB didn't deserve those rejections. Patrick was a ::dolphin noise:: in that episode.
You know what I find incredibly stupid about this episode?

Couldn't Spongebob and Patrick escape from the front entrance of the cave (hur dur)?
You know what I find incredibly stupid about this episode?

Couldn't Spongebob and Patrick escape from the front entrance of the cave (hur dur)?
Sandy said there's no way out of the VALLEY (as I remembered). I could agree, they could've just walk away.
[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]#46 :[/background]

Episode name[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : “The Krabby Kronicle”[/background]

Episode number[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)] : 109b[/background]

Season [background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]: 06[/background]

I've been here for sometimes, now. And I'm sure at the very least, some of you might now my internal hatred of abusive episode. And, well, there is no doubt that, again, at the very least, episodes like The Krabby Kronicle will get i to this list. For starters, I'd like to give credit to this episode. It is very unique (but in a bad way). It takes character abuse to a different level. The good thing is, they made character abuse (a little bit) funny, especially the Patrick part (okay so it's not an abusive part, but still). But, abuse is still abuse. WHne I watch a cartoon, I felt what the cast felt. And boy, am I pissed. Krabs was again, pissing me off with his terrible lack of respect and attitude. The basis of the episode, which is telling lies about everyone. Giving Bottomites annoying prejudices. I mean how can they believe some crap written by an enslaved sea sponge. Lastly, the ending. What in god's name was that?! Patrick randomly appears while Krabs does illegal copying?! ::dolphin noise::.

Now for reviewing the characters. I'm just going to get this straight, that the reason I put this episode low on the hall of shame is because everyone was good. SpongeBob wasn't annoying, Patrick was (at the very least) not being a dummy, and the other background casts were doing their job well enough. And then we have Eugene H. Krabs. Along with Penny Foolish. Krabs was piss POOR in this episode. Let's look at the base, shall we. As we're basically reviewing a crab that enslaved his lowly-paid employee to make lies about innocent people, for the sake of cash. I mean, can you find any worse basis of a role taken by a cartoon character? Okay, maybe you can. I mean, really, he didn't even play the role well. At least do it funny you cheap ::dolphin noise::! So guys, that's all my review today, I hope I can see you in #45. Bye!


[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]
Worst Moment : The ending (Makes no sense)[/background]​

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]
Worst Character : Oh, I don't know. Guess . . .[/background]​

[background=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)]
Worst Quote : “What a fantabulastical day!” -SpongeBob- (I mean what does that even mean?!)[/background]​
Considering this is season 6, this one is a masterpeice

Considering it is post movie, it is above average

Considering it on the show, it is average.

Sorry, Matt. I disagree with you here.
Considering this is season 6, this one is a masterpeice

Considering it is post movie, it is above average

Considering it on the show, it is average.
Those are basically my reasons why this episode is not so high on the list. It's a good episode for a season 6. But, I just hate the character abuse. And how can you not agree that Krabs is a ::dolphin noise:: in this episode?
Those are basically my reasons why this episode is not so high on the list. It's a good episode for a season 6. But, I just hate the character abuse. And how can you not agree that Krabs is a ::dolphin noise:: in this episode?

I said it was average. Average is not bottom 50 material. Also, I dont mid character abuse. And Krabs is supposed to be cheap.