Ideas for an adult SpongeBob series?

Might happen, chances are low. But it did happen with Ren and Stimpy, so the chances aren't 0%.

I could make a parody show that's kind of the "Adult Party cartoon" but 1, I am terrible at animating, and 2, I'd be copyrighted in seconds by Paramount (on second thought I think there's special rules about parodies and copyright)
This would never happen but my brother once suggested an adult series focusing on Squidward, being similar to Family Guy with Squidward's jaded humor.
This would never happen but my brother once suggested an adult series focusing on Squidward, being similar to Family Guy with Squidward's jaded humor.
This might be the one way that an adult SpongeBob series could actually work, I mean it's probably never happening either way but in most cases I don't think it would be good tbh.