Gravity Falls Season 2

The episode felt sort of forced when Mabel got upset with this puppet guy, but the inclusion of Bill Cipher saved the episode from being just another filler episode, and it's a bonus considering Bill is probably my fave character.

7/10's some notes.

+ Bill Cipher was glorious in this episode. Every line and action he performed demonstrated his insanity to the T. I especially liked the part where he tricked Dipper with his subconscious feelings.
+ The idea of being forcibly robbed of your body, where some dream demon can toy around with it, while you can do nothing about it but watch, is pretty dark. The trope Fridge Horror describes it well.
+ How Mabel "returned the favor", or so to speak. It was done with subtlety, not in-your-face how every other cartoon would have done it.
+ The humor was consistent. The Statler and Waldorf reference at the end was funny.
– The character of Gabe. Everything about him. Alone, he is a generic snobbish craftsman who values his own work more than life. But the way he harms the narrative is infuriating. His reaction at the end was so predictable, it undermines the story, especially upon rewatch. What did we gain from this? Another disposable crush? Maybe if Mabel didn't automatically change her mind, it would have given this experience some value.
– Also, Gabe has a puppet fetish. You know, for kids.
– Mabel's speech at the end, while kinda cute, was way too obvious. These types of realizations are always apparent in any show, but here, it was predictable even for those standards. And I think she already learned that before, though I'm not sure in which episode.
– Was it necessary to see the crowd boo so harshly at two 12 year olds? Eh, this could be a petty complaint.
– How Bill Cipher was defeated was slightly anticlimactic. Another petty nitpick.
Conclusion: The episode gains a momentum, and it all breaks down with the clichéd ending. Which is a real shame, as the triangle guy deserved to be in a better episode. He's the reason to watch this anyway. I don't like it, it gives a very bad vibe. Hopefully, this is a blip in a radar and isn't a sign of any declining quality. Grade: C
I personally loved Sock Opera, It was hilarious and there were a lot interesting scenes in this episode. Billwas once again amazing, although I don't really think he was needed in this episode. We didn't learn much anything from Bill or the laptop and the laptop is broken. Also this is the only apperance of Bill in this season I guess. What a disappointment. He needs a second episode in this season. Anyway, I'm giving this episode 9/10. It's both great and disappointing.
*Is still shown mourning for Big Henry from The Golf War and sees what is now called "Bipper"* Big who now? OK while I admit Gabe wasn't really needed and the ending was all over the place (minus dat muppets reference <3 ) it was still great, and Bill was perfect, although his voice had more of an echo to it this time than the last one, so a 9.5/10.
Sock Opera was really good episode.

glad to see Bill return again.

yay for muppet reference 9/10's some notes.
+ Bill Cipher was glorious in this episode. Every line and action he performed demonstrated his insanity to the T. I especially liked the part where he tricked Dipper with his subconscious feelings. + The idea of being forcibly robbed of your body, where some dream demon can toy around with it, while you can do nothing about it but watch, is pretty dark. The trope Fridge Horror describes it well.+ How Mabel "returned the favor", or so to speak. It was done with subtlety, not in-your-face how every other cartoon would have done it.+ The humor was consistent. The Statler and Waldorf reference at the end was funny.– The character of Gabe. Everything about him. Alone, he is a generic snobbish craftsman who values his own work more than life. But the way he harms the narrative is infuriating. His reaction at the end was so predictable, it undermines the story, especially upon rewatch. What did we gain from this? Another disposable crush? Maybe if Mabel didn't automatically change her mind, it would have given this experience some value.– Also, Gabe has a puppet fetish. You know, for kids.– Mabel's speech at the end, while kinda cute, was way too obvious. These types of realizations are always apparent in any show, but here, it was predictable even for those standards. And I think she already learned that before, though I'm not sure in which episode.– Was it necessary to see the crowd boo so harshly at two 12 year olds? Eh, this could be a petty complaint.– How Bill Cipher was defeated was slightly anticlimactic. Another petty nitpick.
Conclusion: The episode gains a momentum, and it all breaks down with the clichéd ending. Which is a real shame, as the triangle guy deserved to be in a better episode. He's the reason to watch this anyway. I don't like it, it gives a very bad vibe. Hopefully, this is a blip in a radar and isn't a sign of any declining quality. Grade: C
This post barely makes any sense...

I still consider the episode to be on the brink of meh, but nowhere near bad. The biggest complaint, that I didn't mention during this review, was the lack of balance that is apparent in every other episode. I loved the entire scenario the episode is built upon, but it could have been focused on more. It felt undermined until the very last minute, and it seemed like wasted potential. Then again, it was almost worth it for more Bill Cipher. Due to that, it doesn't have the spark that other GF episode contain. Nevertheless, it does play with the ideas enough for it to not be a total waste. I'll give it a 7/10.
Soos And The Real Girl...welp, that was terrifying. This show is really getting darker each episode.
Oh, SHOOT, I TOTALLY forgot about Soos and the Real Girl! HOW ON EARTH did I forget that? I think that's the first time ever I've forgotten about a GF or WOY premiere. Jeez...

Nobody tell me anything. :p
RedSoxFan274 said:
Oh, SHOOT, I TOTALLY forgot about Soos and the Real Girl! HOW ON EARTH did I forget that? I think that's the first time ever I've forgotten about a GF or WOY premiere. Jeez...

Nobody tell me anything. :P

I'm kidding, I watched Gravity Falls one day, and I wasn't interested that much ;)
Soos and the Real Girl, is it bad to say that I think that scared me more than any Halloween special of any show that I've ever seen? O.o Still a 10/10 minus the ending though, and the next one as I posted above is another Halloween episode, since it's all during one summer it can't be another Summerween type episode so I'm guessing it's just the cliche nightmare and never happened filler episode. Only time will tell.
Soos and the Real Girl Review:

I like when this show takes a break from the mysteries and just focuses the humor and strangness. This episode was hilarious. The video game character was kind of cliched but they made it work for the most part. The scene where Soos first played the video game was so funny. I also loved when Soos tried to talk the women LOL. I forget what his new girlfriend's name is, but she is an awesome character. I hope she comes back, she probably will because GF has great continuity. I loved the battle scene at the end, but my one problem was when Soos burned the disk. That's all he needed to do the whole time? Really? Oh yeah, Stan's plotline was funny too.
Aw, Melanie's gotta move back to Portland!

That's a darn shame. I think she would have made a good recurring character. I guess it just wouldn't have fit Soos's mold to have a permanent girlfriend... but I think the writers can afford to break from those molds once in a while, don't you?
Abaconings was the best one, because this was a Halloween episode I thought it'd fail due to trying to hard honestly. This is what Bottomless Pit failed to be honestly, due to Trooth Ache being boring, and of course the only other episode I don't really like gets referenced, Sev'ral Chimes. XD That middle finger joke though. Also I don't know why but the "Why do men have nipples" part had me laughing for no reason. O.o
This episode was so stupid and absurd...and I was cracking up to the point of tears. Definitely an improvement over Bottomless Pit in terms of laughs.
First of all, I love Soos and the Real Girl. It's funny as hell (lol, It even had a Hell joke) and It was really dark. Might even be the darkest episode the show had. Abaconings is a great episode too and definetly better than Bottomless Pit (I actually like that episode). The three stories were really funny and interesting stories. I like the Waddles one most though. Both gets 10/10.