Aye, to cheer me up a bit, I decided I'd do something I like to do during the school day: early morning SpongeBob reviews with a peppermint mocha. Last night was a night, I'm glad I can come back and review with you guys again.
As I've previously mentioned Season 2 is my favorite in reviews like "Something Smells", "Imitation Krabs", "Christmas Who?" and probably some others I didn't mention. This one has been regarded as one of the worst of Season 2 by the community. I wanted to give my opinion on this episode. Unlike many in the community, I actually enjoyed this episode. Not as much as episodes like "Dying for Pie" or "Big Pink Loser" (yet to review), but "Grandma's Kisses" wasn't bad in my opinion.
Another unique title card, only used in Grandma's Kisses. Yes, I do have to talk about the title card every time. It's part of my rating system, after all. But the card was only used in this episode, I've mentioned some other unique title cards like the one for "SB-129". Fitting for the episode and only used for this episode.
As the episode starts, we get to see SpongeBob with his grandma, and the episode seems completely fine. SpongeBob and his grandma clearly have a pretty strong bond with each other, and that's not a bad thing, in fact, I think it's nice to see.
But then comes the next part, after SpongeBob is dropped off. Squidward and the others are just absolute :dolphinnoise: jerks! And for what, because he loves his grandma? This episode made me want to use Squidward as a bat to hit the other Bikini Bottom residents who made fun of SpongeBob. Squidward is probably jealous because his grandma doesn't like him. But yeah, this part got on my nerves, and my studio knows this one too, because I ranted about it.
Also, the whole plot of this episode is kind of dumb to me because who publicly shames someone for receiving affection from their family?
And this is what I mean! Like who does that?
I liked the Patrick part, one of my favorite Patrick parts, actually, with the "freeform jazz" joke. I appreciate how much Patrick
originally tried to help, actually acting as a best friend this way. I've seen many people saying Patrick was "weak", and sure, that might be true. But let's take into account that at least he isn't being an ::dolphin noise::, mostly, unlike "The Card" (which I hate a lot). At least he tried.
Continuing my review, feeling much better now that I had my lunch.
But I thought the anti-kiss shield was funny. Also, continuing on, and seeing SpongeBob break down. Again, we get to see SpongeBob's bond with his grandma. But then those chewed up bubblegum wads had to come back and ruin the perfectly heartwarming scene. C'mon man. But anyways, continuing the review.
Thought it'd be funny to mention that my family calls SpongeBob's family cookies. My reviewing partners called SpongeBob's grandma a cookie as well.
Another mention, I actually thought this episode was a Season 6 for a while. IDK why.
Final rating: