213a. The Getaway

Wow, never thought an episode like this would hold such diverse opinions. IMO, the episode was pretty solid. Not spectaclur, but fine. An above-average episode if you ask me. Sure, the middle is very repetitive, but I can forgive it because it had a lot of visual humor. Full of filler, but of course it's not bad. I'm totally fine with filler as long as it keeps me interested. I liked the fast paced humor, it didn't get boring for me. I give it an 8.5/10.
I liked this episode because it toured around bikini bottom. Also it only features one main character, spongebob. I like when its kept simple. The story was weak, but i like the action. Some cool past references, too. 8/10
This episode definitely feels unique. I don't think we've ever had another episode that was almost entirely one big chase sequence. The episode uses the simplicity of the plot to its advantage, I might add.
Plot: Spongebob misleads a criminal to a driving inspector and leads police on a high speed chase
Over all lots of people mislead this episode with Jailbreak! Because Jailbreak! Is seen a lot more than this. This is Good episode because it has a lot of humor and makes me laugh a lot
Random Quote: Ms Puff: Hey cutie wink wink
I love this episode but... it does have a similar plot to Jailbreak! But it's hard to see but overall so really I'd give it a 10/10
Episode: The Getaway (S11-E213-A)

I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! It's better and funnier than Doing Time! SpongeBob's recklessness make me laugh so hard.

Final Score = 10/10
This episode is a bit better than I remember it being.

Of all the zany episodes this is definitely one of the best. The car chase motif was really fun and wouldn't work without the zany tone, thematically it actually makes sense. Plus I really liked the subplot with Mrs. Puff's romance as well as the particularly great animation and decent humor for a season 10 episode.

One of the best season 10/11 episodes imo.
Master WhoBruh said:
Sorry people, I was not fan of this. Infact this might be my least favorite post-second movie episode ever. The entire episode felt too hyperactive for my taste and I didn't think any of this episode was boring but it was rather tiresome. I like fast-pacing but the problem for me was that the entire jokes in this episode felt way too random and loud. At least slow down for a second to let us breathe but the episode keeps going so fast, it felt like 5 minute episode. SpongeBob was way too oblivious. Yeah, that was a thing in SB Meets the Strangler but that one knew how to be so silly and how to breathe for a bit. And it had jokes. I couldn't smile at the entire thing in this one, except for Kaz joke because all jokes were random situations that happened so quick. I suppose the driver Mrs. Puff had crush on being the getaway driver for the prison was a cool twist that I actually didn't see it coming. That's kind of one positive thing I can say about this episode. Overall, it was just uhh bad. Worst episode in a long time.

Grade: D+
yea opinions change?

I used to dislike this one due to the fact it was just really hyperactive and random like most of season 10-11 Kaz episodes and I was getting sick of these episodes. Call it me being cranky or not, this episode did represent all of my issues with season 10 (and now season 11) but after seeing it again, I find it decent now. Is it as great as some people say? Not really. It still had some dumb gags like eye on the road and it had its loud parts just like most of other season 10 episodes but it was sort of a fun action episode. Probably one of the few post-second movie episodes that actually use fast pace well. Mrs. Puff having a romance on the getaway driver was cute (although my Kruff feelings were hurt but what's continuity?), the thief stealing things from anywhere was amusing to see, feet joke was sort of gross in a funny way and the ending was a bit funny. SpongeBob's obvliousness didn't bother me as much anymore because the thief had its coming. I still don't consider it to be one of the greatest of season 10 but it was definitely one of the better Kaz episodes of post season 10.

Grade: B
I liked this one, but I felt like some parts of it were rather unsettling. Plus I feel like there could have been more jokes. But other than that, this episode is just fine.

Ranking so far:
1. Unreal Estate (A+)
2. Plankton Gets the Boot (A+)
3. Mimic Madness (A)
4. Burst Your Bubble (A)
5. Mermaid Pants (A)
6. SpongeBob's Place (A)
7. Plankton Retires (B)
8. The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (B)
9. Life Insurance (B)
10. The Getaway (B)
11. Code Yellow (B)
12. Trident Trouble (C)
13. Whirlybrains (C)
14. House Worming (C)
15. Sportz? (C)
16. Krusty Katering (C)
17. Snooze You Lose (D)
This could've been an easy great or amazing, but mrs. puff's subplot was pretty useless and was kind of annoying, bringing this episode down. It is however a better version of SpongeBob Meets the Strangler, though not by much.

Good Episode (7.5/10)
Very funny episode indeed. I didnt want to "getaway" after seeing this! Its fun and funny and is beyond being the best but its getting there...

Rating: Perfect

Burst your Bubble (Golden)
The Getaway (Perfect)
Trident Trouble (Perfect)
Code Yellow (Perfect)
Plankton Retires (Perfect)
Mermaid Pants (Amazing!)
Mimic Madness (Superb)
The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (Great)
Sportz? (Great)
Whirly Brains (Good)
Plankton Gets the Boot (High Okay)
SpongeBob's Place (Flat)
Krusty Katering (Dull)
House Worming (Meh)
Life Insurance (Sucky)
Unreal Estate (Bad)
Ah, back to episodes that I distinctly remember premiering. This is another one of those episodes that I wrote a blog post about, all those years ago. So I can remember it pretty well. I really liked it back then, and I can tell you now, that opinion hasn’t changed very much over the years.

So the first thing I like about this episode is the atmosphere. While not as palpable as some episodes, like “Gone” or “SpongeHenge” or (as we will get to eventually) “Squid Noir”, I think there’s just something about this episode that makes it stand out on vibes. Maybe it’s just this beginning scene in the graveyard, but I think it’s the whole thing. It really leans into some action movie tropes and feels that I love, which really builds the atmosphere from the ground up.

I also like that this is a boating school episode. It reminds me a lot of “The Hot Shot”, but better. Just something about SpongeBob and Mrs. Puff being involved in this criminal chase is very appealing to me. And the way the episode sets this up is entertaining. The graveyard scene was funny and enjoyable, and it doesn’t feel forced at all to have SpongeBob back them all the way up to a prison, or for Sticky Fins Whitling to mistake SpongeBob as his getaway driver. Speaking of Sticky Fins Whitling, Joe Pantoliano does a great job in voicing him (as does Steve Buscemi with Dorsal Dan).

From here, the episode somewhat splits into two plots: SpongeBob and Sticky Fins Whitling, and Mrs. Puff and Dorsal Dan. The plots intersect a lot, so that’s why it’s more of a kinda split. I love the way these duos interact with each other. Sticky Fins realizing that SpongeBob is absolutely bonkers is great, I love how SpongeBob is such a force of nature behind the wheel. And then Mrs. Puff intimidating Dorsal Dan at first is hilarious, and I love how that develops into a certain kind of companionship for them. The cheesy romance is just so fun!

This episode also is almost entirely comprised of one of my favorite tropes: a chase scene. Again, there’s a reason I love action movies. SpongeBob is such a fun getaway driver to watch. And there’s all kinds of fun jokes in here, like the ole going through the clothes routine. It’s just so much chaos and entertainment, I love it! I won’t go through all the jokes, so just know I was thoroughly amused. The parts with Mrs. Puff and Dorsal Dan provide some relief from the chaos, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good. Just the opposite, actually. And one joke I did want to point out specifically was the Kaz easter egg, loved that! Just another one of the many great visual gags in this one.

As for the ending of “The Getaway”, I quite like this too. “Prefer Jail to the Protagonist” is an oldie, but a goodie. And unfortunately for Mrs. Puff, Dorsal Dan goes off to jail too…hey, at least Mr. Krabs is still around!

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
This was a really good episode but I can't put it higher since the feet scene was just...... No also HAVE YOU SEEN THIS SNAIL REFERENCE OH MY GOD FOR A FRAME I SAW THE TRUCK WITH GARY
  1. Mimic Madness (19/10)
  2. Unreal Estate (10/10)
  3. Spongebob's Place (10/10)
  4. Sportz? (10/10)
  5. Code Yellow (9.5/10)
  6. Krusty Katering (9.5/10)
  7. Mermaidpants (9.5/10)
  8. Life insurance (9/10)
  9. Bust your bubble (9/10)
  10. Trident Trouble (9/10)
  11. Plankton Retires (8.5/10)
  12. The Getaway (8/10)
  13. Whirly Brains (8/10)
  14. The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (5.5/10)
  15. Snooze You Lose (5/10)
  16. House Worming (3.5/10)
  17. Plankton Gets The Boot (3/10)