186b. Plankton's Pet

OldFanNewSkeptic said:
I really do hope they bring "Spot" back as a recurring character. Maybe he has other powers besides increasing in size that could aid Plankton in stealing the Krabby Patty.
I was just about to reply that, I still agree with what you said. Possibly in a Season 10 episode?
This episode was very heartwarming. Spot is so adorable, I'm glad he's returning in Season 11! :D It was nice to see Plankton doing something other than trying to steal the secret formula. Sure, he did that in the beginning but the episode was mostly about Plankton spending time with his pet. 8/10
This is a REALLY Heartwarming episode; Especially since Unlike Other episodes, Plankton is allowed to have a Happy Ending, even without a Krabby Patty
I'm glad Plankton gets a happy ending, but I don't think this episode is anything too special. It's tells a good story, but there weren't enough jokes, and I feel like this episode didn't make sense at some points.

Ranking so far:
1. License to Milkshake (A)
2. Evil Spatula (A)
3. It Came From Goo Lagoon (A)
4. Eek, an Urchin! (A)
5. Bumper to Bumper (B)
6. Plankton's Pet (B)
7. Jailbreak! (B)
8. Patrick-Man! (B)
9. Extreme Spots (B)
10. Safe Deposit Krabs (B)
11. Gary's New Toy (B)
12. Squirrel Record (C)
13. Squid Defense (D)
14. Squid Baby (E)
15. Little Yellow Book (F)
It's about TIME We Got a Heartwarming Plankton-Centered Episode; that doesn't yank the rug under him and take away his happy ending. . .
This episode is really sweet. First of all, it's so refreshing to get a Plankton episode that doesn't revolve around stealing the Krabby Patty formula. Plankton and Spot's interactions are honestly really cute and the episode was pretty funny too. The part where Plankton is trying to find spot is nice, the ending is nice, this episode is just really nice all around. Definitely my favorite of season 9 so far.

Great episode (9/10)

1. Plankton's Pet (9)
2. It Came From Goo Lagoon (8)
3. Eek, an Urchin! (7)
4. Jailbreak (7)
5. License to Milkshake (6)
6. Extreme Spots (6)
7. Safe Deposit Krabs (6)
8. Squid Defense (6)
9. Gary's New Toy (6)
10. Bumper to Bumper (6)
11. Squirrel Record (5)
12. Patrick-Man! (5)
13. Evil Spatula (5)
14. Squid Baby (3)
15. Little Yellow Book (2)
THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF SEASON 9A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has got to be the most heartwarming episode i have ever saw its very funny plus Spot is adorbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: Perfect Episode

Plankton's Pet (Perfect)
License to Milkshake (Perfect)
Patrick-Man! (Amazing)
Eek, An Urchin! (Awesome)
Safe Deposit Krabs (Awesome)
Squirrel Record (Great)
Extreme Spots (Good)
Evil Spatula (Good)
Squid Baby (Okay)
Jailbreak! (Okay)
Squid Defense (Mediocre)
Bumper to Bumper (Meh)
Gary's New Toy (Bad)
It Came From Goo Lagoon (Bad)
Little Yellow Book (Inferior)
Finally, we get to meet Spot! Spot is one of my favorite additions to the SpongeBob cast, because he’s so dang adorable, and this episode introduces us to the little guy, so I’m pretty excited to be reviewing it. This episode also begins that “Patrick is a pet” bit too, so I like that as well.

This episode again is one of those examples of the show straying away from making every single episode SpongeBob-focused. And yeah, this is something the show has had a history of doing (”Squid’s Day Off” is an example), but I think in these later seasons it becomes a lot more apparent. And this episode is all about Plankton, so it’s a clear example. I also really like that this episode is about Plankton, but not about his villainy. It justifies his existence as a main character, and let’s us see more of him than just “trying to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula”. And yes, I am aware that the beginning of the episode is a (hilarious) Plankton scheme, but that’s not what the entire episode is about. In fact, the whole reason Plankton ends up getting a pet in the first place is so that he doesn’t think about the formula and his failure to steal it. So Karen is almost like the audience here, telling Plankton to do something other than steal the formula for once.

This episode also shows us some SpongeBob and Plankton interacting, which I love, so that’s another bonus. I really like when they act friendly like this. I’m sure SpongeBob considers Plankton a friend at times like this, though Plankton would never admit he feels similarly haha. SpongeBob even names Spot, that’s so cute! This episode really is just so adorable, so let that be the last time I say that lest I get repetitive.

“Plankton’s Pet” is also pretty funny. I loved the bit where Plankton’s like “I hope nobody saw that emotional outburst”, and then a bunch of jobless people were watching him, and he was like “shoo!”. That was pretty funny. And yes I did just write the joke out, what about it? I also just think it’s funny that Plankton is almost the epitome of the “dad that didn’t want a pet”. I mean he wanted Spot so it didn’t quite work, but other than that…let’s just say he reminds me a lot of the dad in my life lol. Anyway, the bit with SpongeBob and Plankton in the animal shelter, when they’re looking for Spot, was also really funny.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
Spot is just so cute! I wish he became part of the main cast and part of the show always!
Cute episode!

Plankton is my favorite character, so seeing a cute Plankton-centered episode was fun. Also, I loved seeing Spot, he's adorable. So glad he had returning episodes because he's amazing.

I'd pay for a spot plush to add to my plush collection if they had one.

8.5/10 episode!!
this is definetly the bes 9a episode i mean its common sense i like a lot of jokes and i want a spot plushie to be with my gary plushie
Plankton adopts a pet amoeba named Spot.

A good episode, Plankton's dynamic with Spot it great. I also like how they didn't fully make it an episode about Plankton using Spot to steal the Krabby Patty formula.
