178. Hello Bikini Bottom!

And here we arrive at the grand finale of season 8, “Hello Bikini Bottom!” Of course this had to be a special. Because why would they make things easy for little ol’ Pugs, huh? Nah, but seriously, I’ve always liked this special. And so have many “critics”. So I don’t think any of what I’m going to say is going to be unpopular. Probably.

Well, first things first: This episode just sounds nice. And I mean, this show is already a 10/10 when it comes to music and sound design, but this episode really just hit those nails on the head. All the background music is excellent, and I really loved the sound of Squidward and SpongeBob playing clarinet and ukelele together. It’s just pleasing to the ears (when Squidward’s clarinet isn’t bad, that is). And then of course we’ve got the songs. This is a musical episode, so of course there’s songs. And I like them all! Never Give Up is of course the star of the show, but High Tide Time deserves its flowers too.

The second good thing in this episode are the visuals. The visuals complement the audio quite nicely, and this episode has got some great art all around, from the animation, to the character designs, to the backgrounds. Again, Never Give Up has got to be the star of the show, because the backgrounds in that song are absolutely gorgeous.

The third good thing in this episode are the characters. Everyone is great here, and so are their dynamics. Mr. Krabs’ cheapness interacting with Squidward’s aspirations and SpongeBob’s enthusiasm is a great mix. Patrick also provides some good comedic relief (well…continued comedic relief I guess). And everything in this episode is just so funny. I’m too tired to list everything like I normally do, but please know that I find most of the jokes in this episode absolutely hilarious. Colonel Carper is also a great character.

And of course, this episode also ends with such a huge win for Squidward and SpongeBob, so I’ve got to love that. It’s kind of like “Band Geeks”. Or like a reference to it. Yeah I know the connection is spotty at best, but let me be a little delusional. And of course, Mr. Krabs gets his universal justice. The long line of people was hilarious. As was the last little gag with Plankton.

Yeah, this was a short one, and I do apologize for that, if you were expecting a long review, especially considering this is the last one of season 8, and a special at that. What can I say? I was very tired today. But I did really like this episode! This thing was hilarious, engaging, wholesome, and made very good use of our guest character, who helped to both shake things up, and reinforce the core Krusty Krab trio as a great group for an episode to center around. And I think it’s a really good ending to season 8, as it encapsulates a lot of what I like about this season (adventurous, hilarious, good at using characters wisely). But that’s all I’ll say on that, because of course I’ll be expanding on that all tomorrow.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:

*Cue the Goku and Vegeta at the end of the Buu fight gif...or maybe save that til I finish all my reviews* I made it to the end of season 8! It was a lot of trials and tribulations this time around, but get dunked on I did it! Season overview will be up tomorrow.
Wow this episode? it was really good what a way to end of the best post season 5 era! you know how this goes its great the songs are great its not really the funniest episode but it has some good jokes I mean the first song is slightly offbeat... they're kind of sing talking... yeah the first song isn't that good... its problaby one of the worst song's but it all makes up for the last song god that is one of the best song's in the entire show specially the ending thats problaby the best ending to a song I mean the high note in the bubble song can be a competition? but not really anyways this is a great episode I'm problaby writing my biggest review right now but this episode for everything bad it has it makes up for the last song one of the best episodes of the show
Why did this special never got a dvd release in the use?
Wow this episode? it was really good what a way to end of the best post season 5 era! you know how this goes its great the songs are great its not really the funniest episode but it has some good jokes I mean the first song is slightly offbeat... they're kind of sing talking... yeah the first song isn't that good... its problaby one of the worst song's but it all makes up for the last song god that is one of the best song's in the entire show specially the ending thats problaby the best ending to a song I mean the high note in the bubble song can be a competition? but not really anyways this is a great episode I'm problaby writing my biggest review right now but this episode for everything bad it has it makes up for the last song one of the best episodes of the show
Why did this special never got a dvd release in the use?
  1. It's A Spongebob Christmas! (15/10)
  2. Frozen Face Off (10/10)
  3. Hello Bikini Bottom! (10/10)
  4. Ghoul Fools (10/10)
  5. Planet Of The Jellyfish (10/10)
  6. The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (10/10)
  7. A Squarepants Family Vacation (10/10)
  8. Mooncation (10/10)
  9. Mermaid Man Begins (10/10)
  10. The Hot Shot (10/10)
  11. Are You Happy Now? (9.5/10)
  12. Oral Report (9.5/10)
  13. Chum Fricassee (9.5/10)
  14. Drive Thru (9.5/10)
  15. Treats! (9.5/10)
  16. Plankton's Good Eye (9/10)
  17. The Good Krabby Name (9/10)
  18. A Friendly Game (8.5/10)
  19. The Way Of The Sponge (8/10)
  20. InSPONGEiac (8/10)
  21. Home Sweet Rubble (8/10)
  22. Walking The Plankton (8/10)
  23. Squidward's School For Grown Ups (8/10)
  24. Sweet And Sour Squid (7.5/10)
  25. Sentimental Sponge (7/10)
  26. Move It Or Lose It (7/10)
  27. Accidents Will Happen (6.5/10)
  28. Glove World R.I.P (6/10)
  29. The Other Patty (6/10)
  30. Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up Is Go! (6/10)
  31. Free Samples (5.5/10)
  32. Bubble Troubles (4.5/10)
  33. Fiasco! (4/10)
  34. Barnacle Face (3.5/10)
  35. Squiditis (3.5/10)
  36. For Here Or To Go (3.5/10)
  37. Karen 2.0 (3.5/10)
  38. Mr Krabs Takes A Vacation (3.5/10)
  39. Bubble Buddy Returns (3/10)
  40. Demolition Doofus (2/10)
  41. Restraining Spongebob (2/10)
  42. The Googly Artiste (1.5/10)
  43. Patrick's Staycation (1.5/10)
  44. Smoothe Jazz At Bikini Bottom (1/10)
  45. House Sittin For Sandy (1/10)
  46. Pet Sitter Pat (0/10)
  47. Face Freeze! (-9999999/10)
And here we arrive at the grand finale of season 8, “Hello Bikini Bottom!” Of course this had to be a special. Because why would they make things easy for little ol’ Pugs, huh? Nah, but seriously, I’ve always liked this special. And so have many “critics”. So I don’t think any of what I’m going to say is going to be unpopular. Probably.

Well, first things first: This episode just sounds nice. And I mean, this show is already a 10/10 when it comes to music and sound design, but this episode really just hit those nails on the head. All the background music is excellent, and I really loved the sound of Squidward and SpongeBob playing clarinet and ukelele together. It’s just pleasing to the ears (when Squidward’s clarinet isn’t bad, that is). And then of course we’ve got the songs. This is a musical episode, so of course there’s songs. And I like them all! Never Give Up is of course the star of the show, but High Tide Time deserves its flowers too.

The second good thing in this episode are the visuals. The visuals complement the audio quite nicely, and this episode has got some great art all around, from the animation, to the character designs, to the backgrounds. Again, Never Give Up has got to be the star of the show, because the backgrounds in that song are absolutely gorgeous.

The third good thing in this episode are the characters. Everyone is great here, and so are their dynamics. Mr. Krabs’ cheapness interacting with Squidward’s aspirations and SpongeBob’s enthusiasm is a great mix. Patrick also provides some good comedic relief (well…continued comedic relief I guess). And everything in this episode is just so funny. I’m too tired to list everything like I normally do, but please know that I find most of the jokes in this episode absolutely hilarious. Colonel Carper is also a great character.

And of course, this episode also ends with such a huge win for Squidward and SpongeBob, so I’ve got to love that. It’s kind of like “Band Geeks”. Or like a reference to it. Yeah I know the connection is spotty at best, but let me be a little delusional. And of course, Mr. Krabs gets his universal justice. The long line of people was hilarious. As was the last little gag with Plankton.

Yeah, this was a short one, and I do apologize for that, if you were expecting a long review, especially considering this is the last one of season 8, and a special at that. What can I say? I was very tired today. But I did really like this episode! This thing was hilarious, engaging, wholesome, and made very good use of our guest character, who helped to both shake things up, and reinforce the core Krusty Krab trio as a great group for an episode to center around. And I think it’s a really good ending to season 8, as it encapsulates a lot of what I like about this season (adventurous, hilarious, good at using characters wisely). But that’s all I’ll say on that, because of course I’ll be expanding on that all tomorrow.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.3/10

*Cue the Goku and Vegeta at the end of the Buu fight gif...or maybe save that til I finish all my reviews* I made it to the end of season 8! It was a lot of trials and tribulations this time around, but get dunked on I did it! Season overview will be up tomorrow.
too loud review!
Am I the only person on the planet that hates this episode, let alone more than any other episode of the series to date?
In case anyone is asking, YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY YES EVER!!!!!!!!!
This is actively my least favorite episode of the series. Why? Let's just get over with this.

To describe this as short as possible, this episode is about Squidward, SpongeBob and Krabs making a band, Krabs sells the Krusty Krab (I'll get to that later), they get *dolphin noise #1* thrown at them, SpongeBob gets the Krusty Krab back, and sprinkle in Patrick and Songs in there.

Going over every part of the story one by one, SW SB and Krabs making a band isn't exactly an original plot, (Krabby Road has essentially the same base plot, but with Plankton instead of Krabs), but there are other episodes with eerily similar plots, that do something original (Home Sweet Rubble is one), and this one does, since they actually have a band instead of it all being a trick.

Krabs selling the Krusty Krab, is not only un-original, (Selling Out anyone?) but also really, REALLY stupid. Why would Krabs be willing to sell the Krusty Krab, just because he starts a band? He's either an Idiot, or flanderized beyond belief, and I'm 99% sure he does this, just to give a reason to care about the Story, which is just half *dolphin noise #2*.

You know why most people hate about 85% of Pre 2nd movie Squidward episodes?
Because Squidward gets tortured for no reason from start to finished.
That's the exact thing that happens in this episode, except that SpongeBob and Krabs get the same experience. A lot of people will probably point out that Krabs is greedy, and that's why he deserves the torment he gets, and to that I say, HE SOLD, THE ONE *dolphin noise #3* ING THING IN HIS LIFE, THAT MADE HIM MONEY, IN THE FIRST PLACE! HE ISN'T GETTING A *dolphin noise #4* ING PENNY FROM HIS BAND! HE HAS A *dolphin noise #5* REASON TO BE CHEAP! WHY IS HE STILL GETTING *dolphin noise #6* THROWN AT HIM!?! They pay a bill at the shopping mall, they get no response from Shady Shoals (er, sorry, Shady Lanes) and they get battered and bruised at the birthday party. It's no surprise that they hijack a concert by the end. But, as it turns out,
:krabsoO:: Sorry sir, we were just trying to make at least one penny on our tour.
Adam Sandler Fish (I know he's voiced by Andy Samberg, but I prefer to call him Sandler) :I'M GONNA *dolphin noise #7*ING NUKE YOUR HOUSE AND *dolphin noise #again* YOUR FAMILY'S RADIATED DECOMPOSING CORPSES SIMOLTANIOUSLY AND THEN *good Neptune this guy's swearing a lot* NUKE YOUR DUST PILE OF A HOUSE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's that part of the episode in a nutshell.

The Ending
This is just an *calm down man*pull. After Adam Sandler Fish steals all the money, SpongeBob just gives Krabs enough money to buy the Krusty Krab back. WHERE DID THAT *take a drink every time these show up* COME FROM!?!?

Admittedly, even though Patrick doesn't really serve a purpose in the story, he's undoubtedly the highlight. A lot of the jokes he tells are really funny, and he never comes off as annoying. One of my favorites is how he takes Adam Sandler Fish's insult to the bus a compliment.

These are what make this special stand out, so if they are *you've passed out, haven't you?* as well, then there really isn't anything saving this special.

High Tide Time
This song, never, ends. It's not a bad song in any way, it's very upbeat and nice to listen to, but it just drags on and on and on that I just want it to end shortly after it starts.

Never Give Up
Despite the animation in this song being weird as all *OH COME ON!*, it's really nice. It sends a nice message about you should never give up, even in the darkest of times and the music is just so soothing to listen too.

Well, the special was, kind of saved. Some good jokes and the second song in it don't make this episode a total failure, but it still has Squidward, SpongeBob and Krabs tortured for seemingly no reason at all, and since the start of the episode proper is stupid and the end is lazy, I'm just left asking myself "What's the point?" I guess they made this episode to show everyone the song they made, but they didn't have enough time to think about what the episode should actually be, as there's very little substance here, other than that song.

We're all different in our own different way, and that's a plus. If everyone was exactly the same in looks and minds, then the world would be devoid of conflict, devoid of joy and devoid of substance.
Don't judge an episode by it's fan-base.

Two cooked fish that sound suspiciously like celebrities out of ten, coming right up.
bro is not 2013 mr enter, this review is just being negative for the sake of being negative
Per this guy. I agree that i didnt really like this episode. Its really boring and i know it had some good songs but it just felt like a lackluster of humor and focused more on songs and not jokes.......

Rating: Bad Episode

Mermaid Man Begins (Perfect)
The Hot Shot (Perfect)
Its a SpongeBob Christmas! (Perfect)
Planet of the Jellyfish (Amazing)
Chum Fricassee (Awesome)
For Here or To Go (Awesome)
Restraining SpongeBob (Great)
Oral Report (Great)
A Friendly Game (Great)
Accidents Will Happen (Great)
Treats! (Good)
Squiditis (Good)
Karen 2.0 (Good)
Sentimental Sponge (Good)
Frozen Face Off (Good)
Sweet and Sour Squid (Good)
Mooncation (Good)
The Way of the Sponge (Good)
Plankton's Good Eye (Good)
Glove World R.I.P. (Good)
Are You Happy Now? (Okay)
The Googly Artiste (Okay)
Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom (Okay)
Patrick's Staycation (Okay)
Ghoul Fools (Okay)
Drive Thru (Alright)
Pet Sitter Pat (Alright)
The Other Patty (Meh)
Demolition Doofus (Meh)
Face Freeze! (Meh)
Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go! (Meh)
Free Samples (Mediocre)
Squidward's School for Grown-ups (Mediocre)
The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom (Mediocre)
Home Sweet Rubble (Mediocre)
Move It or Lose It (Mediocre)
Bubble Troubles (Bad)
Hello Bikini Bottom! (Bad)
Barnacle Face (Bad)
Walking the Plankton (Bad)
The Good Krabby Name (Bad)
A SquarePants Family Vacation (Inferior)
House Sittin For Sandy (Inferior)
Bubble Buddy Returns (Ridiculous)
Fiasco! (Terrible)
InSPONGEiac (Terrible)

And now season 8 is done i will do season 9 some time soon
dude stop that because of someone you dislike a episode, that's not how opinions work