178. Hello Bikini Bottom!

One of the best Season 8 episodes and also one of my favorite specials in the series. I liked how SpongeBob and Squidward were singing near at the ending. 10/10
I have never seen this one, but some people say the ending is stupid. But since Aaron Springer wrote it, I will give it a try.
Sorry for saying this but It's a tad bit overrated. Seriously though, it's overrate but I understand. It's an excellent episode with great songs and a non original plot but who cares anyways, it's still very enjoyable! :)


-Spongebob and Squidward are friends in this episode (at least in the middle and end)

-Never Give Up is one of the best songs from the show

-Mr. Krabs stealing the wall of sound equipment/"It sure was nice of that Colonel Carper guy to let us borrow his entire wall of sound equipment."

-The music that they played in the Supermarket was very nice, and the dancing scenes were funny

-Too Loud!

-Gary having a college fund

-The ending (I thought the Plankton part was funny)

The Bad

-Spongebob/Squidward/Mr. Krabs lose in the end.

Overall: 10/10
If you want to make me cry, just force me to watch this episode.

Not only is it really REALLY freaking great, but.... just look up "Aaron Springer" and his career.

Then you'll see why it breaks my heart.
A wonderful and surprisingly emotional special. It paved way for an excellent moral, without missing the essential plot. None of it felt dragged out. It was a perfectly timed and a perfectly written episode. A last hurrah from the likes of Aaron Springer.
Mega-Plankton said:
A wonderful and surprisingly emotional special. It paved way for an excellent moral, without missing the essential plot. None of it felt dragged out. It was a perfectly timed and a perfectly written episode. A last hurrah from the likes of Aaron Springer.
I thought you loathed this special...or at least that's what you said on SBC. Did a re-viewing change your mind?
This was a Good episode, the jokes and were funny, the songs were great, and the plot was pretty decent.
This episode is also a piece of history because this is the last spongebob episode to be produced in fullscreen standard-def. Great season 8 finale! 9.4/10
I really don't know whateher to absolutely love this special or absolutely hate it. I'm really that conflicted. Due to that, it's really difficult to get more than a pro-con list done.

  • They finally managed to have a plot that filled in 22 minutes.
  • About half of the jokes in the episode work.
  • There was a great balance between the story and the comedy.
  • Plankton wasn't shoehorned into the plot and was only there for the funniest joke in the episode.
  • Non-wasted celebrity cameo (Andy Samberg)
  • It had the single-best song from the modern era.
  • Mr. Krabs was shoehorned into the plot and ruined the experience.
  • Mr. Krabs was incredibly cheap, enough for one of his worst performances (despite getting comeuppance, he was rewarded slightly after and when he's this bad, it's hard to forgive).
  • Squidward was in constant pain. So was Colonel Carper.
  • Uses too many elements from Band Geeks.
  • Unlikeable Townspeople (Not appreciating SpongeBob/Squidward and running them out of town, etc.)
  • One of the worst endings of the show. The townspeople were only there for the light show and didn't even open their ::dolphin noise::ing ears to enjoy the amazing song.
  • The other half of the jokes were very infuriating.
I thought it was.... okay..... I..... guess.... There wasn't really anything funny in it, I thought the songs were repetative and didn't like any of them, there were times where Mr. Krabs bugged me and when the citizens came to watch fireworks instead of Squdiward and SB's performance, I felt it was a little mean spirited, the two being aware or not.
I honestly not sure If I like it or don't like it. So I'll balance everything out.

That was just...GREAT. Now THIS is how you do a special. Never Give Up is one of the best post-movie songs easily.
This episode SUCKED. Like the colonel was just an unnessary character, the jokes were just plain unfunny, and the music just wanted me to throw a rock at my TV.

Final grade: 1.5/10 or 15%
Season 8 ended with a bang, i would have been okay with this being the final episode ever