Now that’s what I’m talking about! Y’all know I love the horror-inspired episodes, so do I even need to say anything here? And “Planet of the Jellyfish” involves jellyfishing, which is one of the SpongeBob hobbies that I’ve always liked, so this episode really is tailor-made for me, at least in this way. And this episode very clearly inspired
Around The Clock at Bikini Bottom, so that’s yet another good association for this one to have.
I like how nothing about the Jelliens are explained in this episode, because I think it makes this episode more amusing to me. They’re just creepy jellyfish whose weakness is mayonnaise. And the Jellien King has a pretty cool design. There’s nothing more I can ask for. If this was a special, then maybe an explanation would’ve been good, but as it is it’s about as unexplained as
The Twilight Zone.
Luckily for the Jelliens, SpongeBob is kinda an idiot, so they manage to get away with cloning Patrick, and spreading themselves across Bikini Bottom, with SpongeBob being none the wiser. But unluckily for them, SpongeBob is an idiot with plot armor LMAO. Nah but seriously, this entire plot is very entertaining for me, and there’s only so many ways I can say it. The set up of everyone becoming clones is great and the tension is built very well, intermixed expertly with some humor too. The foiled attempts of the Jellien to bite SpongeBob are pretty funny. Poor Gary doesn’t remain unscathed…but he does get a neat design from it lol.
Once we get to the Krusty Krab, things continue to be great, especially once we see the Jelliens’ hatred of mayo. Same, Jelliens, same. Though I don’t explode when I eat mayo, so. Maybe not same. Then SpongeBob finally figures out what’s going on, and seeing him try to act normal is pretty funny, considering the Jelliens probably have no idea of what normal is lol. The bit with the random guy (AKA Harold) is funny too.
Then we get the surprise appearance of Sandy, which thank god because she would never get herself cloned, she’s too good for that LMAO. Her interrogation of SpongeBob is pretty amusing, and when SpongeBob tries to Uno Reverse the accusation on her, I like how she just ***** slaps him. The bit with the two of them pretending to be Jelliens is pretty fun as well, and then when they get their cover blown we get a pretty great action sequence. We even get some fun quips at the end when they face the King Jellien. Mr. Krabs selling the King Jellien’s literal corpse has gotta be up there with the grossest endings LMAO. I mean I don’t actually feel disgusted, but logically…come on. And of course we end with “hold the mayo”, which begs the question…are the Jelliens actually gone? Does a preference for no mayo come with eating the literal corpse of the King Jellien? Who knows? I feel like I used to have a whole theory about this back in the day.
“Planet of the Jellyfish” is simply what an Amazing-tier episode is all about. It’s funny, it’s interesting, it’s entertaining, and there’s nothing bad I can say about it. So I won’t say anything else either. Let me just say that it's been a long time since I've seen an episode
this atmospheric. Maybe since "Gone"? Or even "Graveyard Shift". I don't know, all I know is that it's been a while.
Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.6/10