169b. Planet of the Jellyfish

Planet of the Jellyfish - 10/10

[background=rgb(12, 14, 16)]In my humble opinion, this may well be one of the best post-movie episodes out there. It's just that everything worked so well, and the gags had me laughing out loud. The plot was also so out-of-the-box, it worked perfectly. There were also some nice callbacks to older episodes. [/background]

[background=rgb(12, 14, 16)]Overall, I just found myself completely loving this episode. No real issues, just perfection. Another masterpiece by the great Mr. Lawrence.[/background]
One of the best S8 episodes. It had a great and creative plot, with funny and well executed humor.
beautiful episode. next to frozen face off this is the best season 8 episode. sandy and spongebob team up to defeat evil aliens? amazing! jokes were good and i loved the "hold the mayo!!" and "RANDOM GUY!"
I liked the plot but, it felt a little rushed and could have used a few more jokes. I thought the jokes they had were brilliant ("SOME RANDOM GUY!") but, I think it could have benefited from being a half hour special.
This is like the only episode that I haven't seen twice (saw it on the premiere).
I love this episode. It's so cool, and I have soft spot for Sci-fi. I know the writers wanted to go somewhere that Spongebob hasn't gone before, and it was great.
SCI-FI IS AWESOME! Anyway, it be better if it wasn't paired with "Are You Happy Now"
I love this episode. SpongeBob and Sandy teaming up, Patrick saying "Hold the Mayonnaise" and SpongeBob saying "Some Random Guy" were the best parts in this episode. 10/10
This episode was amazing! i wonder if they are gonna make a sequel for the episode because at the end it said
After rewatching it, it was way better than I remembered! 10/10
This episode truly is fantastic. I love the Sci-Fi themes. It's a really creepy episode, but unlike Squid's Visit, this is creepy in a good way. The concept is unique and fresh, and the writing is good in this episode. This is one of my all time favorite episodes past Season 4. This is a definite A+ for me.