137a. One Coarse Meal

DigitalDistraction said:
Don't pull an AK2002, dude.
what the ::dolphin noise:: are you even talking about?
and everyone can see YOU started this
im defending myself
Can everyone just calm down. Step offline for an hour or two. Otherwise I have some warning points to hand out.

Also, you do not need to report a post four times for us to see it. If you report something, we will see it and do something about it.
i deeply apologize for spamming your reports but after hours, I thought they weren't going through. Especially seeing as Mr. Enter discussion, baiting, and trolling are NOT allowed, ALL of which he did.
on-topic - i may not hate this episode as much as i do Best Day Ever but its still awful, cant believe it had a high score on TV.com
Okay, let me get something straight -- I'm actually okay with this episode.
Why in the world, you may ask? I'm a mindless 7-year old SpongeBob fan who watches it just for gags and how cool the characters are? :P

Alright, alright. Enough jokes, let's get this on with. The reason why I thought so was because this episode had some neat plotpoints/jokes, and an okay plot. However, this is the point where I may be an inconsiderate, flaming beast.
About the ever-infamous part, it is bad to make fun of people like that, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Bad idea, but at least it made up with some regular SpongeBob stuff. I also thought that Plankton was being more of a jerk than Mr. Krabs in this episode, which makes up for things.
A horrible episode. Mr Krabs' behaviour was extremely disgusting, and the whole thing was neither funny or particularly exciting.

Time for CakeCup to review this eppy...

Okay, after rewatching the episode, I still find it pretty awful. Let's start of with the jokes. Most jokes are unfunny and irritating, and I really hated that suicide scene. The suicide scene was unnecessary, forced, unfunny, stupid, and depressing. I actually had sympathy for Plankton in this episode because Mr. Krabs was SERIOUSLY out of character and detestable in this episode. Spongebob wasn't that much of a helper either, because he remained fairly neutral in this episode. The plot was really unoriginal, bare, and bland and I have seen way better from the writers. I respect the writers, and I am sure that they TRIED to make a good episode out of this, but they just failed at it. The 16 days filled with paranoia was disturbing and even nightmarish. But, To be honest, this episode is a tad bit overhated. Yeah, I said it. I do NOT think that this is the worst episode on TV (Trust me, there are WAYYYYYYY worse shows from Family Guy, Mr. Pickles, Brickleberry..), not even the worst episode on Spongebob. My first time watching the episode, I just find it boring and unfunny, maybe the equivalent of a 3.5/10. It took me 3 more times to rewatch to REALLY hate the episode, and giving it a 0/10. But, a couple more times rewatching it, I did not find it as awful as I used to find it, but it is still atrocious. This episode would have worked a a horror type genre, NOT as a comedy, because I found this more disturbing than funny.

Score: 1.5/10, aka Awful

PS: I do have a couple moments in the episode that I liked. The beginning of the episode was decent, even good, and I liked the scene with the Wacky Bucks. So OCM is not the worst episode I have ever watched in Spongebob, I can just say that.
This episode is a pile of seahorse raddish.

The episode starts off with an action scene. which i'll have to admit is decent, but that's really the one scoop of ice cream on top af a putrid pile of garbage. None of the jokes in this episode are funny in any way. Also, I have to mention THAT MR.KRABS IS AN UNLIKEABLE JERK!!!!! Not only that he's sooooooo cheap, when Mr. Krabs pays Spongebob Wacky Bucks, this episode makes him such a bad person too. Seriouslly, I hate Mr. Krabs in this episode where he's cheap in the wrong way, and this episode shows the worst in his character, this was never even in character in the first place, he was never a cold hearted person in other episodes. No other characters in this episode are likeable in any way, shape or form. Pearl litterally traumatizes Plankton into going insane to the point of suicide. This is just plain wrong on so many levels. Does Mr. Krabs do anything to redeem it? NO!!! He only makes things worse by saying,"(gasps) Really?, He's a mess! (laughs)" Are you kidding me? That line!!! THAT ::dolphin noise:: LINE!!!!! Does the ending do any better? Nope, it does not. At the end of the episode, Spongebob has a projecter of whales that are showing up outside of the window, Plankton runs away and Mr.Krabs and Spongebob laugh. That's it.


EDIT 8/03/2016: Wow, Coming back to this review, some of this cringed me. And I was being a little too harsh on some parts. So I took some parts out of this review. As for the episode, it's still a terrible episode. It's not funny, it's still a boring episode and the story is not good. I think it's fair to blame Zeus Cervas and Casey Alexander just for making this episode, they're still good people. Also, I completely respect your opinion if you like this episode.
BobCarotte said:
EEW!!! :kelpface: :patgross: :squidhuh: :krabseyes: -_- :sbdyah: :tomew: :fred:
Wow, I was SO immature back then and that was only 10 months ago...

I don't think it's the worst episode of the show. Yeah, there were suicide jokes that WEREN'T funny, but I know an episode that is worse than that. It's called "A Pal for Gary". There's no suicide jokes, but it's still worse. I still hate OCM, though. I give this episode a 2.5/10.
Oh men, I don't like this episode :|
The only thing that was a ''guilty pleasure'' for me was Plankton's dream...I liked how they had animated Pearl.
Mr.Krabs is -like all the post-movies episodes- the villain and finds out that Plankton's scared of whales and tries to DESTROY his life..seriously?
Then Plankton was going to suicide because of Mr.Krabs, seriously? #2
But Plankton found out that Mr.Krabs has also a stupid fear, and he did plot his revenge , that was an enjoyable moment for me, Mr.Krabs deserved it...
The ending was stupid and weird...Is that an episode? Tell me...What were they ::dolphin noise:: thinking were they made this episode... >_<
This episode is also BORING...I am going to give it a 1/10
This episode gets so much hate it's honestly isn't that bad but it's not good Mr Krabs was definitely a ::dolphin noise:: in this episode driving Plankton to suicide Karen was also a jerk here but at least SpongeBob was trying to help him the action scene was definitely the best part and Mr Krabs getting creeped out by a mime was funny but this episode was bad BUT not that bad

Grade: 4/10

Worst Character: :krabsx:

Worst Line: Really he's a mess

Worst Moment: Mr. Krabs jerky moments