02b. Ripped Pants

Hilarious.My favorite part of this episode was SpongeBob annoying people by ripping his pants. 10/10
This is a really good episode. The song is pretty catchy. I give it a 9/10
This is one of the most overrated SpongeBob episodes in season 1. Sorry but I don't like this episode at all. One of the worst pre-movie episodes in my opinion. It's not a bad episode though. I laughed at a few parts like SpongeBob pretending to be Squidward and some of SpongeBob's ripped pants jokes. I also liked Spandy moments in this episode and the song is great but this episode is kinda boring and repetitive. I really hated when SpongeBob pretended to drown, so he can make another ripped pants joke and make people laugh. What the heck SpongeBob was thinking? It's not funny. Also I didn't find ending funny. I rate this episode 6/10.
Ripped Pants

This is probably one of the better episodes so far, in that Spongebob actually learns a lesson in the end. Sadly, the only memorable thing about the episode is the song, since the ripped pants gag wasn't that funny to begin with. I honestly felt more sympathy for the whale that got buried in the sand and forgotten about.

Grade: 3/5, Good. Like I said, this is a good episode. But on my personal scale of enjoyment, it wasn't fun to watch since the gags (minus the sand jokes in the beginning) didn't really do anything for me. I do like the moral of the episode and the song was nice to listen to though.
This episode was pretty good. My favorite part is the song with a lesson at the end. There were some good jokes. 7.5/10
Solid episode. I'll admit that Spongebob was annoying by ripping his pants but most of the time it was actually pretty funny. There were some funny jokes and such. The song number was amazing and has a nice moral to always be yourself.

Episode Ranking: Good
10/10 obvious reasons for me: Spandy.

But well, it was really funny, and the song is amazing.
I used to not care for this episode that much, but now I've grown to like this one more. Not one of my personal favorites, but still pretty good, and has a highly memorable song. 8.5/10.
Really awesome episode SpongeBob ripping his pants was really funny and the song was amazing

Grade: A+

Best Character: :sbx:

Best Line: How about ripple no thanks I already got one

Best Moment: The song