02b. Ripped Pants

I find this episode to be kind of annoying to be honest. I didn't like that SpongeBob pretended to drown. Also, it was kind of repetitive and boring. However, the song was great and this episode introduces Larry, so points there. 6.5/10.
I honestly consider this to be the first awesome episode of the show. It's a very funny episode the whole way through, and it's an example of how to do a repetitive gag the right way, seeing as how it was funny in the first place and is acknowledged that SpongeBob has taken it too far. The song at the end was awesome as well, I think it's one of the best SpongeBob songs even to this day. But what really sells this episode for me is the excellent moral: Be true to yourself. Normally I couldn't care less about morals in SpongeBob, but the moral here is definitely a great one for children to learn and it is executed pretty ::dolphin noise:: well here. While I'm not quite sure if this episode would land in my Top 50 (Though it is certainly close), I still love every thing about it. Very charming, quite funny at times,great musical number, and awesome moral. Just all around a VERY cute SpongeBob and Sandy episode.


I honestly consider this to be the first awesome episode of the show. It's a very funny episode the while way through, and it's an example of how to do a repetitive gag the right way, seeing as how it was funny in the first place and is acknowledged that SpongeBob has taken it too far. The song at the end was awesome as well, I think it's one of the best SpongeBob songs even to this day. But what really sells this episode for me is the excellent moral: Be true to yourself. Normally I couldn't care less about morals in SpongeBob, but the moral here is definitely a great one for children to learn and it is executed pretty damn well here. While I'm not quite sure if this episode would land in my Top 50 (Though it is certainly close), I still love every thing about it. Very charming, quite funny at times,great musical number, and awesome moral. Just all around a VERY cute SpongeBob and Sandy episode.

SpongeNicko said:
I honestly consider this to be the first awesome episode of the show. It's a very funny episode the while way through, and it's an example of how to do a repetitive gag the right way, seeing as how it was funny in the first place and is acknowledged that SpongeBob has taken it too far. The song at the end was awesome as well, I think it's one of the best SpongeBob songs even to this day. But what really sells this episode for me is the excellent moral: Be true to yourself. Normally I couldn't care less about morals in SpongeBob, but the moral here is definitely a great one for children to learn and it is executed pretty ::dolphin noise:: well here. While I'm not quite sure if this episode would land in my Top 50 (Though it is certainly close), I still love every thing about it. Very charming, quite funny at times,great musical number, and awesome moral. Just all around a VERY cute SpongeBob and Sandy episode.

I couldn't have stated it better, I think we both share the exact same thoughts on this episode. It is a really great one with a great moral, that is still useful today. On the surface it just looks like an ordinary episode, but it delves deeper, and really appreciate what they did with this. I don't know about you, but this makes my Top 10 for Season 1, just for the effort that was seemingly given all throughout.
It’s was my least favorite episode when i was a kid just because i didn’t find it very funny. But now, it’s a pretty good episode.

This episode is alright. I liked when SpongeBob ripped his pants at first, but then it became stale. And I HATED when SpongeBob pretended to drown just to rip his pants. But the song prevents this episode from being bad.

Ranking so far:
1. Help Wanted (A)
2. Bubblestand (B)
3. Tea at the Treedome (C)
4. Ripped Pants (C)
5. Reef Blower (C)
I still stand by that this episode is amazing, it's one of the first episodes to have a deep meaning to something, it's relatable, funny, and awesome all in one 11 minute package. The song propels it as well.
Most of this episode is just SpongeBob ripping his pants over and over. This was close to being downright terrible but the song at the end was pretty good.

Bad Episode (2.5/10)
This episode was a BIG step up from BubbleStand. I think this episode does a good job at telling it's message, and the song's pretty great!
75/100 Good
So since this is my favourite episode ever I obviously think its good but how good.

The reason I like this episode so much as I can identify with Spongebob, I was born with Autism, ADHD and Dyspraxia and as a kid I had moments where since I was very popular in school I tried to push the boundries of what I could go get away with it and what with make me more popular and eventually went to far and lost people as they thought I had lost myself, Being true to yourself is very important and I feel this episode displays it beautifully, Spongebob is just someone who wants to spend time with people he cares about but has to try and impress her to keep her attention, It works for a short while and eventually backfires, although I didn't sing a song to gain everyone back I learned to be who you are and won everyone back and will never look back, I love this episode because its the only episode that taught me something that stuck with me.

Sorry for the rant but I just love this episode and I haven't mentioned many more things. This IMO was the one of the first two episode to get the animation on point, Bubblestand and Ripped Pants really set the animation for the show and although not perfect a huge step up from. Help Wanted Tea At The Treedome and Squeaky Boots, The Jokes while simple are very effective and make me laugh everytime, It also shows us Larry for the first time, introduces Goo Lagoon and also has THAT AMAZING SONG, and has one of my favourite lines in music in general "Be true to yourself, don't wanna miss your chance" Love that line considering even getting it tattooed on me. It was also on the Home Sweet Pineapple DVD and that also is special to me

Sorry again for ranting but I just feel so strongly about this episode and why I adore it and of course Its amazing 10/10 from me please if you haven't check this one out, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but it sure as hell is mine.
This episode is really good. I really liked the message of being yourself and not making a fool of yourself for a quick laugh, and it also has one of my favorite songs in Spongebob history. I will admit that the whole ripping pants shtick got a little tiring after a while, but that was kind of the point, and Spongebob did get his comeuppance for it. There was also some really sweet moments between Spongebob and Sandy in this episode that I enjoyed.

Good episode (8/10)

1. Help Wanted (9)
2. Ripped Pants (8)
3. Tea at the Treedome (7)
4. Bubblestand (7)
5. Reef Blower (6)
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This is my 2nd FAVORITE of the entire season. It really teaches us a lesson about being yourself, plus some funny moments, and for the giant cherry on top, the awesome plot. The song was the best part of the episode, it is really good. Some gags are a tad weak, but most, and I mean MOST jokes are very, very good. I think the funniest joke though is when SpongeBob accidentally rips his pants the first time. I don't really know why though, just really cracks me up.

Ripped Pants: (10/10)
Tea at the TreeDome: (10/10)
Help Wanted: (9.5/10)
Bubblestand: (8.5/10)
Reef Blower: (7.5/10)
The moral is good, the song is good and some of the stuff at the beginning is good and maybe I disliked it more back then than now, but I'm still annoyed a lot during this. Overall not terrible, but far from good.

#5. Tea At The Treedome (D)
#4. Ripped Pants (
#3. Reef Blower (
#2. Bubblestand (
#1. Help Wanted (

I decided to make the rankings just letters from a-f because I thought there were too many rankings.
I love this episode. I love the song in the episode. 9/10
This episode teach us a lesson through a very good song! It has a funny story surrounding SpongeBob and his ripped pants!

I'll give it a 9/10! (Good episode)

Season 1 ranking:

#1 Bubblestand

#2 Ripped Pants

#3 Help Wanted

#4 Reef Blower

#5 Tea at the Treedome
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh not the best episode i ever watched. Though i actually thought this one could have executed better. This one has some flat jokes and boring execution. Though the part that saved it from was the song.

Rating: Okay Episode

Reef Blower (Amazing!)
Help Wanted (Amazing!)
Bubblestand (Great)
Ripped Pants (Okay)
Tea at the Treedome (Meh)
The ripped pants joke is funny at first, but it gets old after a while. That said, the moral of being yourself and not trying to change yourself to please others was executed well. Also, the song at the end is great.

Episode Rating - 7/10

1. Help Wanted (9/10)
2. Bubblestand (8/10)
3. Ripped Pants (7/10)
4. Tea at the Treedome (7/10)
5. Reef Blower (7/10)