Valentine's Day
Episode: Valentine's Day
Description: Ah, Valentine's Day. A time of love, compassion, and just hanging out with your best friends so they don't feel left out. In Bikini Bottom, it's a little different. A carnival is in town and it's full of all sorts of games and entertainment. List of entertainment includes: Cotton Candy, Toss-A-Glass, Madame Fishy Fortune Teller, Heart-A-Whirl, Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster, Buddy Bounce, Fun House, Balloons, Heart Man, and Swings. After SpongeBob tells Patrick there is the greatest, bestest, most fantabulous present ever at the carnival, Patrick tries to figure out what it is. After several guesses, and some stalling from SpongeBob, Patrick gets a handshake, from his best friend, because the real present has been delayed thanks to some chocolate-eating scallops. Patrick gets angry a little while later and tries to destroy everything with a heart on a stick. Patrick's real present finally arrives. It's a giant chocolate hot-air balloon.