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The Splinter

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Airdate:June 2, 2008
Season: 6
Prod. Number: 105a
Air Number: 112
Paired With:Slide Whistle Stooges
Directors:Nate Cash and Sean Charmatz (storyboard), Vincent Waller (creative), Tom Yasumi (animation)
Writers:Nate Cash, Sean Charmatz, Steven Banks
Plot:When SpongeBob gets a stubborn splinter, Squidward threatens him with being...sent home!
On Video:
To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants Season 6 Volume 1 The Complete Sixth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Gotcha! This thing is stuck pretty good. I guess this is it. You really saved me! Hey, a splinter! OK, well it's been nice knowing you but you have got to go … now. OK, out we go. Oh, that kinda hurts. Come on. Oh, that really hurts. Aw, barnacles this hurts! Conch shelled manatees, this is painful! OK, you're tough, you're smart, and you are charming. But you are still no match for me! Look, a bald eagle with a moustache! OK, fine, stay, but I hope you like making Krabby Patties."

"He does?"