SpongeBob Comics #35: Plankton's Playtime

Release Date: August 13, 2014
Pages: 36
Pages: 36
Plankton's Playtime Pages: 10 SpongeBob invites Plankton over for game day at his house. Flotsam and Jetsam Ocean Facts: Tardigrades Pages: 1 Read about real tardigrades, or "water bears", that live in he ocean. SpongeFunnies Pages: 1 Spy Shoes, Fassion Passion. Showdown at the Shady Shoals Part 4 of 5 Pages: 11 Mermaid Man and Viro Reganto compete in the Old Fogey-thon to see who is stronger, while a mailman delivers an old submarine containing none other then the Tidal Wave. Stupid Cool Pages: 8 Patrick gets invited to a party with surfer dudes who think he's funny. Plankton's Petulant Protests Pages: 1 Plankton uses advanced vocabulary while he complains about the success of the Krusty Krab. Random fact: SpongeBob listens to dub-step through a record player in the story "Plankton's Playtime".