Name: Philip
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Favorite SB episode: Nasty Patty
Favorite SB character: Spongebob
Favorite song: Sweet Victory
Favorite movie: Johnny English
Favorite movie genre: Comedy or Action
Favorite book: A Series of Unfortunate Events series. Only book series I've ever read in full.
Favorite TV Genre: Comedy
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: How I Met Your Mother (atm)
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: The Simpsons
Favorite band/artist: The Beatles
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite snackfood: Zugo's Panini or a Bachelor's Pasta n Sauce thing
Favorite sport: Don't really like sport, but I'd probably say badminton or table tennis (if they count :P )
Favorite store: Probably PC World or somewhere
Favorite vacation spot: Spain
Favorite quote: Either "I wonder if a fall from this height could be enough to kill me" or "And if there's anything else I can do, please hesitate to ask!" - both by Squidward
Favorite website: Grooveshark
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite videogame: The Crash Bandicoot games for the original PlayStation
Favorite pasttime: ermmmmm i dunno
A word or phrase that describes you best? Someone who can't think of a word or phrase that describes him best