Century Squid

Name: Century Squid (you shall not know my secret identity)
Age: You shall not know that information either
Gender: Male
City: Too much information

Favorite SB episode: Mermaidman & Barnacleboy
Favorite SB character: Mermaidman
Favorite song: No
Favorite movie: If a movie about me existed, that would be it
Favorite book: see 'favorite movie'
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: see above
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: once again, see above
Favorite band/artist: No
Favorite actor: Adam West
Favorite actress: None
Favorite food: Anything but fish
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite store: aeropostale
Favorite vacation spot: the ocean
Favorite quote: all my quotes
Favorite website: this one i guess
Favorite color: blue like the ocean
Favorite videogame: Mario games

A word or phrase that describes you best? Super