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Snowball Effect

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Airdate:February 22, 2002
Season: 3
Prod. Number: 46a
Air Number: 42a
Paired With:One Krabs Trash
Directors:Paul Tibbitt and Kent Osborne (storyboard), Andrew Overtoom (animation), Derek Drymon (creative)
Writers:Paul Tibbit, Kent Osborne, Merriwether Williams
Plot:Squidward discovers the joy and competition of snowball fighting!
On Video:
Christmas Christmas The Complete Third Season The First 100 Episodes

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"You gotta have a fort, Squidward."

"What's going on? The snowballs have stopped falling. I'd better take advantage of this momentary cease-fire. What? My left flank is exposed? That bloated starfish is gonna run right through me! I'll just fix that right now. Wait, that makes my north wall a weak spot! But if they attack from the rear, I'm a goner! But what about the possibility of an aerial attack! Fort Squidward is now all but impenetrable! Now, where are those fools? The first shot has been fired! Take this, Patrick! Taste my frozen fury! Victory is mine! Well, I got you now!"