What's with IMDb raitings, huh?

Honest Slug said:
Agree with everything said here, but the thing is the people on TV.com are obviously using multiple alt accounts to downvote episode scores and their reasons for doing such is idiotic (this is not a jokes 90% of the bad scores revived are alt accounts made specifically to give post-sequel episodes bad scores)_When someone tries to act like their opinion is the definitive one and the score should reflect that is stupid and not an opinion I can respect. Especially when it seems many of them probably haven't seen the episodes.
That, my friend, is blind hatrid and people who keep making multiple accounts to lower the score who has no better thing to do in their life. If you see my comments, you'll see that I'm highly against at people who have no better thing to do than hate-obsessing something. Honestly I don't even care If they lower the score, they are just wasting their time to make the average score their own score. tv.com and IMDB are two sites that we shouldn't even give a crap for the first place. They can do whatever they want there, they are just gonna end up like most of people in Youtube comments and it's best to ignore them.

MrTortellini00 said:
As for me, I don't have big problems. However, I have a really big problem with unfair criticism, that criticism that is just very superficial or that's just for the sake of hating. Everything deserves a chance. For example, I know that a lot of people hate Teen Titans Go to death. Does that make me automatically hate the show? Heck, no. Same for SpongeBob, the terrible episodes don't have a total effect on the other ones. The opposite for pre-movie: almost all of the episodes are good, but not all of them. Some people don't give valid reasons or don't even say any reason to love/hate something at all, and I'm against that. As long as people don't express opinions that way, I'm totally fine with it.
exactly buddy. Unfair criticism is something I don't tolerate.
Old comment but still, with that attitude, that doesn't make your point right at all, especially when you say "I'LL KILL YOU". That makes you just as harsh as people with blind hatrid of new SpongeBob.

Honestly, why can't we "haters (even that sounds harsh) and lovers" get along? I don't just say that to the comment above. It's to everyone. People often forget that everyone has their own opinions and not everyone can agree on one thing. Even If the problems of post-movie SpongeBob has been talked to death, people should be allowed to express their opinions whatever they like or hate. The blind hatrid is something I'm against, saying that "Oh God, this sucks, people shouldn't watch this crap, it should be banned from tv, people who like it are so wrong", that's just whining about a kid show, not criticism of a kids show. There's one thing Mr. Enter (yes, the person you guys don't like, even I don't like him) said about criticism on kids shows, If I remember correctly. He said "just because it's a kids show, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be open to criticism". He's right, kids shows should be open to criticism because it's important for kids to watch quality shows as well and adults want to enjoy watching cartoons that appeal to them. However, being angry at kids show is just you being harsh on something that is made for entertainment. I'm against at blind hatrid of post-movie, not at criticism of post-movie. Those have huge differences. I've seen really good explainations from people who hate post-movie. However, I don't support blind fanboying/fangirling either. Just saying "Oh yeah, this was a really perfect and brilliant episode, people who hate this are just people with no sense of enjoyment". Explain why you like something, don't just say it's a masterpiece or it's funny or it's overhated and trust me, I did that a lot in the past and may be still doing from time to time. Chris Stuckmann, a movie critic made a video about fanboying on something and he said that praising something without explaining why they like it or seeing it's flaws is just someone being a blind fanboy. He said he loved Star Wars The Force Awakens and he's called a fanboy because he didn't see it's problems but If you see his review and analized Star Wars video, he's aware of the criticism of Force Awakens and he said he didn't find everything about it to be good, he gave his problems of the movie but he also gave his reasons why he loved the movie. That's how you escape from being a mindless fanboy, explainining. Since a lot of people started to hate post-movie and being harsh about, it also gave other people who have good reasons to hate post-movie a bad reputation and it also created a lot fanboys who like post-movie and are against post-movie haters. Discussing something is what makes us closer to each other but since they are blind hate and blind love, it's tearing us apart. We should be glad that we have different opinions and we should get along no matter how our opinions are different. Don't be afraid of expressing your opinions but also don't be a meanie and harsh about it either. That's all I can say for now. This discussion I'm having isn't going to solve the cold war between haters and likers but It would be nice for some to listen this. Feel free to say anything you want about this post of mine, people. :sbthumbs:
Thank you.

Trolls who still deny the fact that SpongeBob isn't getting better. If that so, then it's BS for them to not even admit that it's getting better. Even post-movie era haters had been saying that is is a step-up from the previous seasons (from 5/6-7/8, depending on how you view the seasons).
So, people that have an opinion are trolls? -_-

The Appetizer said:
I'll bet some of those people never saw the episode, or maybe a few seconds of them.
So, anyone who doesn't like post movie didn't see the episode?

I'm really disappointed in you guys. What you are saying is people are trolls for not liking post second movie episodes... I guess people who like post first movie episodes are trolls too.
People are trolls for having opinions, is that what you guys are trying to say?
You're as bad as the blind haters. You're blindly saying that everyone who leaves a bad rating on a ratings site, who have opinions different to you, WHO DONT LIKE SOMETHING THAT YOU DO, are trolls?
A Lonely Fishstick said:
Thank you.

So, people that have an opinion are trolls? -_-

So, anyone who doesn't like post movie didn't see the episode?

I'm really disappointed in you guys. What you are saying is people are trolls for not liking post second movie episodes... I guess people who like post first movie episodes are trolls too.
People are trolls for having opinions, is that what you guys are trying to say?
You're as bad as the blind haters. You're blindly saying that everyone who leaves a bad rating on a ratings site, who have opinions different to you, WHO DONT LIKE SOMETHING THAT YOU DO, are trolls?
No, it's not that they have different opinions then most people, it's just the fact that their reasoning for their opinion is entirely false or bizzare. Look at one of the reviews yourself from TV.com or IMDb. It's ok to have your own opinion as long as there is reasoning. For example, if someone doesn't like an episode like Squidward In Clarinetland, they would have good reason to not like it. And the people who like that episode would say why they liked it with their own good reasons as well (personally, I liked that episode). However here, the reasons are very either; 1. Hard to understand or 2. Are very false statements that don't make sense to the episode's context.

So, we think they are trolls because they don't seem to have much evidence to back up their claim. And evidence is VERY important to support the claim. So, if a person hates a post-SOOW episode with good reason/evidence, then we understand they didn't like that episode as much as others. However, when the evidence is foggy, it's hard to believe that the opinion in question is actually an opinion.
TheSpongeWhoCan'tFly said:
No, it's not that they have different opinions then most people, it's just the fact that their reasoning for their opinion is entirely false or bizzare. Look at one of the reviews yourself from TV.com or IMDb. It's ok to have your own opinion as long as there is reasoning. For example, if someone doesn't like an episode like Squidward In Clarinetland, they would have good reason to not like it. And the people who like that episode would say why they liked it with their own good reasons as well (personally, I liked that episode). However here, the reasons are very either; 1. Hard to understand or 2. Are very false statements that don't make sense to the episode's context.

So, we think they are trolls because they don't seem to have much evidence to back up their claim. And evidence is VERY important to support the claim. So, if a person hates a post-SOOW episode with good reason/evidence, then we understand they didn't like that episode as much as others. However, when the evidence is foggy, it's hard to believe that the opinion in question is actually an opinion.
Some people (me included) haven't been stating their opinion for very long. They have decided for a while that they like it or they don't like it. So when they start writing reviews, they're not very good at it.
That's what it's like with everyone. When you start doing something, it takes a while for you to become good at it.
That's my theory. People who write reviews on those sites are new to it and aren't very good at it yet. I mean, it's not as if most of them review tv shows a lot like pieguyrulz does.
But if they don't like something for a stupid reason like "the episode is good but all the episodes are bad which makes this episode is bad" then I agree with you.