Old comment but still, with that attitude, that doesn't make your point right at all, especially when you say "I'LL KILL YOU". That makes you just as harsh as people with blind hatrid of new SpongeBob.
Honestly, why can't we "haters (even that sounds harsh) and lovers" get along? I don't just say that to the comment above. It's to everyone. People often forget that everyone has their own opinions and not everyone can agree on one thing. Even If the problems of post-movie SpongeBob has been talked to death, people should be allowed to express their opinions whatever they like or hate. The blind hatrid is something I'm against, saying that "Oh God, this sucks, people shouldn't watch this crap, it should be banned from tv, people who like it are so wrong", that's just whining about a kid show, not criticism of a kids show. There's one thing Mr. Enter (yes, the person you guys don't like, even I don't like him) said about criticism on kids shows, If I remember correctly. He said "just because it's a kids show, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be open to criticism". He's right, kids shows should be open to criticism because it's important for kids to watch quality shows as well and adults want to enjoy watching cartoons that appeal to them. However, being angry at kids show is just you being harsh on something that is made for entertainment. I'm against at blind hatrid of post-movie, not at criticism of post-movie. Those have huge differences. I've seen really good explainations from people who hate post-movie. However, I don't support blind fanboying/fangirling either. Just saying "Oh yeah, this was a really perfect and brilliant episode, people who hate this are just people with no sense of enjoyment". Explain why you like something, don't just say it's a masterpiece or it's funny or it's overhated and trust me, I did that a lot in the past and may be still doing from time to time. Chris Stuckmann, a movie critic made a video about fanboying on something and he said that praising something without explaining why they like it or seeing it's flaws is just someone being a blind fanboy. He said he loved Star Wars The Force Awakens and he's called a fanboy because he didn't see it's problems but If you see his review and analized Star Wars video, he's aware of the criticism of Force Awakens and he said he didn't find everything about it to be good, he gave his problems of the movie but he also gave his reasons why he loved the movie. That's how you escape from being a mindless fanboy, explainining. Since a lot of people started to hate post-movie and being harsh about, it also gave other people who have good reasons to hate post-movie a bad reputation and it also created a lot fanboys who like post-movie and are against post-movie haters. Discussing something is what makes us closer to each other but since they are blind hate and blind love, it's tearing us apart. We should be glad that we have different opinions and we should get along no matter how our opinions are different. Don't be afraid of expressing your opinions but also don't be a meanie and harsh about it either. That's all I can say for now. This discussion I'm having isn't going to solve the cold war between haters and likers but It would be nice for some to listen this. Feel free to say anything you want about this post of mine, people. :sbthumbs: