Re-Hydrated Sponge
Moby Dollar
Luigi's Mansion 2 (or Dark Moon if you live in America)
Well yes of course, the DS has been update for almost 13 years while the Switch has been on the market for about 1.5. The DS doesn’t have some of the best games due to simple hardware limitations, but the Switch is able to fit every game on the DS, if Nintendo had made VC which they didn’t, the DS would pretty much be useless since you can take it where you want. The Switch a lot of different control options so it is just a better experience overall in my opinion.Klu said:If. If only. Switch still doesn't have much games. While 3DS has a huge library plus ability to play DS games and games from Virtual Console.
Meh, switch is too bulky for handheld, not to mention a much smaller battery life. No matter how hard Nintendo tries push Switch as a system that both a home console and handheld, it's still not portable enough to be called that, imo. Still a great console, but I think many people should wait for revised edition like Switch Pro or something, when game library will be bigger and online-service will be finished (which sounds kind of awful so far, tbh). So I can totally understand why Nintendo still supports 3DS and I'm sick of salty people that hate this fact. Not everybody can jump from old console to new console like that, especially if said new console doesn't feel finished in many capacities.Well yes of course, the DS has been update for almost 13 years while the Switch has been on the market for about 1.5. The DS doesn’t have some of the best games due to simple hardware limitations, but the Switch is able to fit every game on the DS, if Nintendo had made VC which they didn’t, the DS would pretty much be useless since you can take it where you want. The Switch a lot of different control options so it is just a better experience overall in my opinion.
It is portable though, and since it is, it can be classified as both within reason. The reason it's called "Switch" (at least I thought) was because you could switch between portable handheld and console. I think it's a great handheld system, I see more Switches in the form of a handheld then I see I docked in commercials, it being bulky for you may not be for everyone, including the audience of people who don't play handhelds all that much unlike, I am assuming, you. I don't dislike the idea of having a handheld still, I just wish the "DS" can be discontinued for something else. If the Switch had those games, we'd pretty much be good since even still, you can still play Switch with a controller.Klu said:Meh, switch is too bulky for handheld, not to mention a much smaller battery life. No matter how hard Nintendo tries push Switch as a system that both a home console and handheld, it's still not portable enough to be called that, imo. Still a great console, but I think many people should wait for revised edition like Switch Pro or something, when game library will be bigger and online-service will be finished (which sounds kind of awful so far, tbh). So I can totally understand why Nintendo still supports 3DS and I'm sick of salty people that hate this fact. Not everybody can jump from old console to new console like that, especially if said new console doesn't feel finished in many capacities.
Anyway, it's kind of off-topic now, so I'll stop.