In Progress WeirdSponge's series rewatch!

Reviews for 27 (Prehibernation Week/Life of Crime)

Prehibernation Week

This one was NOT a great "prehibernation week" for me...

Honestly everyone... This episode is the main reason i hate Sandy because she actually attempted to kill SpongeBob this image seems to describe this one...
Yes that is true SpongeBob Sandy wanted to kill you...

Only redeeming quality that it spawned the following memes...
  • The Burning fish
  • "Um I can explain"
  • "No you aint"
  • "Who are you people?"
  • Gentle Breeze Fad (Squidward smiling at Mr. Krabs)
  • Extreme Jacks
  • "This is a load of barnacles"
  • "I am a man" (Not that popular of a meme but still exists)

Rating: Sucky

Life of Crime
Life_of_Crime_title_card (1).png

This one was worthy and made it in my top 15 and i ranked it #13

This one has great gags and was a nice cooldown after Prehibernation Week also that title card is amazing!

Rating: Perfect

Next i will review Chrismas Who? and Survival of the Idiots/Dumped then reviewing will be delayed until i get my portable dvd player back
Review for 28 (Christmas Who?)

Christmas Who?

I think i watched this when i was younger it might have actually been the premiere Its a SpongeBob Christmas but lets just say im now mad at my own not so great reviewing 6 year old self...

Lets just say the very first double length episode known as Christmas Who? isnt as good as people make it sound. Though i actually do like it alot! Mostly because its the very first appearance of Patchy he would later in many other great specials but one episode! So this one was a good start to double length episodes!

Rating: Good

Reviews for 29 (Survival of the Idiots/Dumped)

Survival of the Idiots

Hahahaha! This one is one to remember! When i finished Christmas Who? and took out my complete second season disc 1 dvd and put in disc 2 and pressed that "play all" button after the theme song i immediately got the title card of this one and a rather funny track played during it! This title card is so far my favorite because it gives you a hint that this episode is gonna be silly and memorable! Its funny and i actually had a lot of laughs during this episode also it spawned this funny moment!
Who you callin' Pinhead?

Rating: Amazing!


Man, This one is overhated...

Its not as bad as people make it sound in my opinion i actually think its pretty interesting...

Yes the depressing scenes fazed me and i was just about to consider it good but the ending saved me Patrick eventually gets what he deserves for stealing Gary!

Rating: Great

When i get my dvd player back i will review No Free Rides/Im Your Biggest Fanatic and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III/Squirrel Jokes next

In the meantime heres my tier list for the episode of season 2 so far...
download - 2022-02-22T091915.899.png
Best (so far): Dying for Pie
Worst (so far): Grandma's Kisses

In the meantime i will review random episode i watched before excluding those ive already reviewed

Note!: My opinion on it might change
I havent updated this thread in a while!

Reviews for 30 (No Free Rides/Im Your Biggest Fanatic)

No Free Rides:

I kinda actually enjoyed watching this episode. Everything about is the high definition of Mrs. Puff excessively worrying about SpongeBob's safety. The highlight of this episode is "EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION OH NO!"

Rating: Amazing Episode

Im Your Biggest Fanatic:
Im not really a big "fanatic" of this episode...

That Kevin C. Cucumber guy was really unlikable for excessively calling SpongeBob a "loser". The only good part here was the karma Kevin at the end.

Rating: Bad Episode

Reviews for 31 (MMABBIII/Squirrel Jokes)


This one was funny the atmosphere is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally high also "Its not my wallet" is a very funny scene and the "orb of confusion" gag was hilarious and Patrick's quote "AND BOY PATRICK!" was funny.

Rating: Amazing Episode

Squirrel Jokes:
If i coul describe this episode in one word its "racist" because this one IS RACIST

Rating: Horrible Episode

Next i will review 32 (Pressure/The Smoking Peanut) and 33 (Shanghaied/Gary Takes a Bath)