Top 95 WORST episodes of SpongeBob!


You can get get away from theft, if call it "exaggerating." What a great message. This episode is a great step for Mr. Krabs character. He "exaggerates" an entire hotel room, and everyone congratulates him. No consequences for theft, it's all good. Also, the title sounds like it would be a ripoff of "Shell of a Man."

​Hint: Sequels aren't always a good thing
Big Potato Leedles said:
Bubble Buddy Returns


The original episode was alright. Not the best episode out there, but far from bad. This episode, Bubble Buddy's back! Actually, it's just his son. There's really only one joke being told through the episode. It's that bubbles can be popped just about anywhere. Seriously, that's it. This episode is dedicated just for being fan service, and it's not even good fan service.

Hint: I make 89, and then what happens?

Spongebob, look under Patrick's rock. Look under Patrick's rock! Just look under Patrick's rock!! SpongeBob knows so much about Patrick, that it should be obvious. Most of this episode is pointless, and has a lot of filler. Just another forgettable episode.

Hint: This episode has the worst implications in SpongeBob.
Sorry for the late post, came down with a terrible cold. Also, I didn't mean for the episode to have the worst implications, I meant it as one of the worst implications.


Now, take note that at this point, I still don't hate these episodes. When I really do start disliking them is around #65. The problem with this episode is are the implications. Not only are there implications for racism, there are implications for tanning. Most of the episode is for tanning, instead of against it. I can't really say too much about this episode without repeating the reviewer PieGuyRulz, because I share the exact same opinion.

Hint: One of the least bad Squidward torture episodes
Giant Squidward or KBBB

Also, I think this should be a lot higher. This one's in my top 5 worst episodes of all time.

I think this is one of the least bad Squidward torture episodes because he actually does something wrong to deserve his torment. Either way, it's still frustrating. Also, there is a joke that goes way too long when SpongeBob and Patrick getting basically hypnotized by the metronome. There are other things too, like how Patrick went to school because that was his New Year's Resolution, though that's not how colleges work. It just feels like a plot hole that the writers just missed.

Hint: You need to play it where it lies