The Tidal Zone Mythos

DAY 29
May 29, 2001
I've been sucked into some kind of portal, and now I'm in some completley non-classy place full of mushrooms. And I've eaten some kind of small mushroom and now I'm tiny!
DAY 29
May 29, 2001
I've been sucked into some kind of portal, and now I'm in some completley non-classy place full of mushrooms. And I've eaten some kind of small mushroom and now I'm tiny!
Actually, you can’t continue the story like that. It’s done.


You can however write the plot for an original story or a sequel to Tentacle Acres.

Make sure the original story subtlely connects to the Tentacle Acres story.
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Sea Tentacle Acres

This story takes place on June 3, 1997 at Sea Acres. This story is taken from a collective diary hidden a few hundred feet beneath the tapes Squidward found. Author unknown.

I had recently awoken from a good sleep and started another day at my beloved town Sea Acres. I got out, said hi to the neighbors, and had some breakfast. Suddenly, I could hear something being out in my mailbox. I went to check it out but there was nothing there. I went to my neighbors to talk about what had happened when I saw they were reading this magazine. My house has pretty thick hedges, so I couldn’t see the name. As soon as he finished reading, he started listening to jazz. My neighbor usually likes folk music so this was strange. What was even stranger was that my other neighbor started doing interpretive dance after reading the magazine. My neighbor never practiced interpretive dance, so this became really shocking. I walked around tue neighborhood to see the magazine had made the neighbors act weird. They started to play clarinet, they insulted each other and laughed it off. But the most unsettling thing… they wanted me to read the magazine. I decided to walk home and rest for a bit. A couple minutes later, I was getting worried about my neighbors, so I looked through my window to see for myself. I was shocked when I saw my neighbor grow a long bulbous nose, two extra feet, and suction cups appearing all over his limbs. He was becoming a cephalopod. I looked out the other window and it was the same story. I ran out the house to see cephalopod after cephalopod staring me down with that accursed magazine in their hands. I was chased into a corner of town where I am right now. It won’t be long until they come get me. I have one last thing to write. The name of the accursed magazine, the one that plagued my town is
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Hocus Pocus Pathulhu

This story takes place during Spring Break 2007 and the days leading up to the spring equinox. These are customer complaints made toward Horace B. Magic for his product Mr. Magic’s ALL NEW Magical Kit of Magical Magic which was made with help from a mysterious distributor.

”I can’t believe what this kit did to my son! It had a book of spells, which seemed innocent enough, but then this portal into this strange world appeared and these weird creatures came out and almost ate me! I’ll see you in court!”

”I tried to make my pet snail disappear with your kit, but all he keeps saying is HIS POWER WILL PEAK AT THE EQUINOX, and he keeps drawing this weird starfish-kraken like creature and all these people praising him. Two people I can usually see amongst the praise is this sponge in square pants and this fat dumb-looking starfish. I think I saw them a few years back. They were flying on these reef blowers, carrying a guy in a brown shirt.”

“Your magic book created this weird vacuum-like thing that’s being eating everything in sight. Also, there’s a note that says HIS POWER PEAKS AT THE EQUINOX. I don’t even know what that means! Not to mention that every few words in the Magic Glossary is the word Pathulhu.”

After these complaints, Horace B. Magic, proprietor of Mr. Magic Magic Kits, had several court cases made against him, and suffered many financial losses. Finally, one day, he took a pack of ALL NEW Magical Kits and ran away from his company, leaving a note.

Farewell friends, for I am to find the people that wronged me and my company. They have gained a real, powerful magic in their hands, and I must stop them from using this Pathulhu from destroying the world. I do not know when I will return, but I will make this ocean right.

- Mr. Magic”