Sponge Out of Water The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

I live in Holland, and i missed it. Isn't there a way to watch the movie online in a legal way after 6 february?
Isn't that illegal?
As long as the law doesn't know....*holds gun up to head*

SB_DW_Fan said:
I know this is a dumb question but was there any fart and poop jokes in it? If so, how much? (Put it on spoilers)
**SPOILERS** Like about 3. I didn't count exactly but here's ones I remember. One when mayo gets on planktons tank, one when Patrick gets scared of burger beard on land and there's another sound affect that plays during the boat chase scene but no one actually farts it's only there to make the kiddies giggle.

OH YEAH! And multiple seagull poop jokes
Whatsittoya said:
As long as the law doesn't know....*holds gun up to head*

**SPOILERS** Like about 3. I didn't count exactly but here's ones I remember. One when mayo gets on planktons tank, one when Patrick gets scared of burger beard on land and there's another sound affect that plays during the boat chase scene but no one actually farts it's only there to make the kiddies giggle.

OH YEAH! And multiple seagull poop jokes

Called it @the seagull poop jokes. Oh well, as long as there aren't that many I'll be fine. :unsure:
Called it @the seagull poop jokes. Oh well, as long as there aren't that many I'll be fine. :unsure:

It's bareable. And the one when Patrick gets scared is kinda funny. Reminded me of Finns fart when he found out he was at the bottom of the ocean in Adventure Time: Ocean of fear
Whatsittoya said:
It's bareable. And the one when Patrick gets scared is kinda funny. Reminded me of Finns fart when he found out he was at the bottom of the ocean in Adventure Time: Ocean of fear
Okay thank goodness! As long as they're bearable and not just there for the sake of fart jokes ;] I still can't wait to watch the movie!
Just saw the official theatrical release! The recorded one had ::dolphin noise:: quality

In the HD versions, I realized how detailed the CG characters are.
In the HD versions, I realized how detailed the CG characters are.

Yeah, I like the way they look. I think there's just enough detail that they look super impressive and pretty, but not so much that they look creepy and hideous, like Alvin and the Chipmunks or The Smurfs do. :)
Yeah, I like the way they look. I think there's just enough detail that they look super impressive and pretty, but not so much that they look creepy and hideous, like Alvin and the Chipmunks or The Smurfs do. :)

Exactly. Perfect combo of realistic and classic
I'm seeing it tonight, so expect comments first thing tomorrow morning
Like, how many times did the staff tell you to not talk about watching the movie illegally?
Okay guys, let me just say, if you're anything like me, you'll love this! Even if you're nothing like me, you're probably going to love it! It's just that amazingly awesome and it has something for everyone! Everyone in the theater laughed out loud at atl east one moment.

You're definitely going to notice some callbacks if you're a big fan of the show. Here are two notable examples (not huge spoilers, but you might want to be surprised so, I'm putting it in the tag):

"FINLAND!" and "My leg!"

Overall score: 4.3/5

If there's one word that I can use to describe this movie, it's trippy. Yep, it's trippy. I absolutely love the trippy approach that the SpongeBob writers went with. Instead of being your normal situation-conflict-solution plot, now there's this situation-weird-comedy-subplot-conflict-subplot-solution-resolution mix that's oddly refreshing. I'll talk more about it in the spoiler tag below.

The bulk of the "trippyness" is during the time machine part. I actually thought this would be like the SB-129 episode when they were about go into the time machine, but boy was I wrong! It was very trippy to say the least, but it also keeps the cartoon-comedy that we've all come to expect from the SpongeBob franchise. It's like they took the modernness of 2015 (think of the flat look that apps have these days) and combined it with hipster to make an ultimate trippy aspect. It sounds weird, but they manage to make it work really well.

Another part of the trippyness is when SpongeBob and Plankton travel to Bubbles the Space Dolphin in this weird space prism that oddly reminds me of Pink Floyd.


One thing that left me hanging about the plot was that there was two "different" plots going on at the same time: the apocalypse and the secret formula. The transition between the two was a little lacking and seemed pretty random, so I have to bring down the plot rating because it did seem too random, giving the plot a 4/5.

The overall music behind the SpongeBob movie has a "hipster-Indie" feel to it. I didn't expect it from the SpongeBob franchise at all, and this is where, in my opinion, the movie excels in. 5/5.

Holy crap. The amount of SpongeBob references in this movie! Many things from many different episodes were referenced. Some examples are listed below in the spoiler.

My top 3:
  • My leg
  • "FINLAND!"
  • Squidward's interpretive dance

The only thing that the movie failed to do was reference the first movie. In fact, this is probably the movie's strongest weakness: no mentions or references of the first movie. I fully expected to see the pirates from the movie theater in the first movie to show up, but they never did. Not once. I was highly disappointed in that. However, I can see the creative side of this: the first movie was supposed to be the end-all to the series, which would mean that referencing the first movie would mean referencing the supposed-to-be ending of the series. I can kind of see why they wouldn't reference that: this would acknowledge that the supposed-to-be ending wasn't actually the ending, but the beginning of something else. It would also give to a major plot hole known as the Krusty Krab 2, but that's for a later discussion. They didn't even reference the infamous "Now That We're Men" song or the Goofy Goobers restaurant.

Unfortunately, I'll have to give it a 3/5. I was hoping to see more references from the first movie, but it didn't happen. However, there were many other references made, so that helped out the score.

Character Design
Overall, I loved the creative approach they did with the design of the characters. The shading wasn't overbearing, and it actually enhanced the feel of the movie. I saw the movie in 2D, and I felt like the shading really helped to pop up things, so that's a great aspect. 5/5

This movie was HILARIOUS. I'm not kidding. I'm freaking 21 years old and this movie is hilarious even to me. There was even an opportunity for adults to give a "That's what she said!" joke (which I'm sure is actually intentional given the history of adult jokes in the series). Holy crap. The funniest joke, in my opinion, was Squidward's superpower (which I'm going to leave a mystery - you have to watch the film to know!). I'm going to give the comedy a solid 5/5.

Replay Value
I'd say that this movie has some replay value. It's definitely not like Avatar where you watch it once and you probably never want to go through the 3 hours ever again, but it's definitely not the most replayable movie. Honestly, I think this movie has more replay value than the first movie, and that's an accomplishment! I'm going to give this a 4/5.
Just got back~ I had the extremely awkward pleasure of being the only person in the theater. Yeah! (I'm losing my mind because I'm sorta' trained to analyze films at a distance so I use other audience reactions to judge better and there are none. -sobs-)

Overall, this felt completely different from the first movie. It actually felt pretty serious (for SpongeBob, anyway), and it might be one of the more serious things to come of the series, though I might be alone in that.
Was there anything after the credits? My brother wanted to leave so, I didn't get a chance to see.
After watching it once I'll give my initial thoughts.. not sure if I'll have time to give a bigger review though.
Some really funny parts of the movie.. a lot of good laughs. The plot was action packed really quickly which was pretty different.. took a while for me to really get into it. Also the 2D animation on the background characters looked really weird in some parts. For the most part I enjoyed it though.. not sure if it topped the first movie but it was fun.

Also in the epic part where Ecstasy of Gold plays I was really hoping is was about to break into Jay-Z's Blueprint 2... still epic though haha

Nothing really at the end of the credits btw..
Just plankton running across the bottom of the screen while riding his snail trying to get away from Gary
And it also said In Memory of Ernest Borgnine
Supmandude said:
Was there anything after the credits? My brother wanted to leave so, I didn't get a chance to see.
Just Plankton in the robo-Gary being chased by Gary at the bottom of the black screen. Same style as the other characters in the credits. You didn't miss much.

Tempted to see it again sometime over the weekend to get a gauge on the crowd reaction...
Mr. Dr. Professor Patrick said:

Overall score: 4.3/5

The only thing that the movie failed to do was reference the first movie. In fact, this is probably the movie's strongest weakness: no mentions or references of the first movie. I fully expected to see the pirates from the movie theater in the first movie to show up, but they never did. Not once. I was highly disappointed in that. However, I can see the creative side of this: the first movie was supposed to be the end-all to the series, which would mean that referencing the first movie would mean referencing the supposed-to-be ending of the series. I can kind of see why they wouldn't reference that: this would acknowledge that the supposed-to-be ending wasn't actually the ending, but the beginning of something else. It would also give to a major plot hole known as the Krusty Krab 2, but that's for a later discussion. They didn't even reference the infamous "Now That We're Men" song or the Goofy Goobers restaurant.

Unfortunately, I'll have to give it a 3/5. I was hoping to see more references from the first movie, but it didn't happen. However, there were many other references made, so that helped out the score.
How can they reference the first movie if the events are happening BEFORE THE FIRST MOVIE?!?!?!? This, my friend, is nitpicking. I'm glad they didn't reference it! No screwing with continunity!