SpongeShine's Top 100 Episodes!


Episode: 21a.

Season 2


One of the best old SpongeBob episodes of all-time has arrived: Your Shoe's Untied! Season 2 is off to a great start! SpongeBob was experiencing one of the most simplest things ever: untied shoes! I just laugh every time he trips up on those laces! And, Squidward ate all of those Krabby Patties! That was funny, too. All I have to say is, it's funny how these episodes can something simple extremely funny!

Best Character: :spongebob:

Funniest Moment: SpongeBob tripping and making those patties fly into Squid's mouth.
Your Shoe's Untied is a funny episode, especially the Krusty Krab bit! :D Squiddy was at his finest, especially when he ate all them Krabby Patties! :lol:
This episode was a classic! :D It reminds of how I once didn't know how to tie my own shoes! :P

Episode: 72a.

Season 4


I actually like this episode. I don't understand why so many people hate it so much just because of SpongeBob crying and being naked. To me, it's more than that, I tell you. I was saddened to find that SpongeBob's spatula broke. I felt bad for him! And, that replacement spatula was a jerk! That's the only flaw in this episode. Before I conclude, I actually cried like that once! So, I hope those that hate this episode lighten up, because this episode is more than it seems.

Best Character: :spongebob:

Funniest Moment: Monster Krabby Patty.
Unfortunately, I disagree. I did not like All Those Tears AT ALL. Ah well, it's your opinion, I respect it.
I agree. This is a terrible episode. Spongeshine, maybe you should slow down a bit. You know, for suspense.
Or slow down at the end. That makes more sense.
Put suspense on the top 10, that's for sure. Your Shoe's Untied is low, IMO, but you seem to like it as much as me.
I agree with Shoe's Untied, should be higher.

All That Glitters, I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree.

The only SB crying/laughing episode I like is A Day Without Tears
I sure do, cwn!


Episode: 32a.

Season 2


This episode is, what I call, "Da Bomb". SpongeBob and Sandy compete to prove that they are better at everything! Those insults were very funny! Mean and rude, but funny. The best part is when they went on dry land! And, we learn an important life lesson from this episode: everyone's good at something, but no one's best at everything.

Best Character: :spongebob: and :sandy:

Funniest Moment: Read the review.
That episode makes 101 on my list. Didn't make the list, but is still good. Good choice.

Episode: 172b.

Season 8


You probably weren't expecting this. I "glove" this episode! Of course, it was quite depressing to find that Glove World has been closed down. Of course, this episode saved my sadness with its hilarity! Especially all of SpongeBob and Patrick's failed attempts to keep Glove World open. I wonder why they chained themselves to keep it open. That confuses me. But, it got better when this whole time, it was just

Spoiler! Spoiler!

Grand Opening of Glove Universe!

End of Spoilers.

But, Glove World will still be remembered.

Glove World​

Best Character: :patrick:

Funniest Quote:
  • Spongebob: Ooh, that looks Glovey on you Patrick.
  • Patrick: It fits like a glove.
  • Spongebob: Glove size fits all.
  • Patrick: A penny saved is a penny gloved!
  • Spongebob: You can leave a glove to glove, but you can't make it glove.
  • Patrick: She gloves me, she gloves me not.
  • Spongebob: All's fair in glove and war.
  • Patrick: Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove! Glove.
Not so many comments, huh?


Episode: 88b.

Season 5


A very entertaining episode with funny lines,
And the best part is that it rhymes!

This episode is short, but it's also good,
And the story was all as it should.

It shows how SpongeBob is the best fry cook,
You won't like this episode until you look!

Best Character: :spongebob:

Best Part: The Patty War
Isn't the patty war the the main part?