Sponge Out of Water SpongeBob Movie 2 - confirmed! *SPOILERS*

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iedasb said:
I think it would be more cool if Patchy was there stealing the formula in order to know Spongebob, and in the end something blows up him :P
yeah, that's kinda funny.
Just got back from the movie and... holy shrimp.

That was awesome! :D

I think sometime in the future I'll watch it again, and think of a review!
Squidward "You know what this movie needs? A little interpretive dancing!"

*Horrible dance moves*

And I just realized, Mr. Krabs steals Patrick's wallet in the credits of the movie, and his pants falls down... LOL
As of right now, SpongeBob is right on the homepage of Viacom's website

According to the official Facebook page, the UK version of the movie will have different people voicing the seagulls. Those being Alan Carr, Caspar Lee, Stacey Solomon and Joe Sugg
I have a question, what design was Spongebob in the new movie, the 2D animated segments? I thought I saw some of his design from the first movie, but I'm not sure.
It's like a bouncier and better season 9 with fixed eyes, cheeks, and nose. Still a plain rectangle though. Not that trapezoid shape from the earlier seasons ^^^
Thank you, I stopped watching the show so I was just wondering. I thought I saw some first movie in there, but I wasn't sure.
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