SpongeBob Comics Discussion

Too soon? :p

Hmmm...maybe they will make an episode of BB trying to find a new superhero to fill MM's shoes. Would be fun to watch.
The comic covers are always really awesome. Conveniently comic #13, which makes it even better.

Readers take SpongeBob’s fate into their own hands in “Trading Laces,” a choose-your-own-pourous-path interactive adventure comic by puzzle-designer Robert Leighton and artist Gregg Schigiel. Then find out the secret of Gary’s new odd behavior in “Filthy Habit.”
And Bob Flynn provides a key to “What Lurks Inside the Jelly Hive.” All this plus SpongeFunnies by James Kochalka and a fill-in comic by Dave Roman!

It is out now at Bookstores so get a copy of it!
Awesome comic as usual.. read through it a couple days ago
The Bob Flynn drawing featured in it is pretty awesome
How about getting a VIP membership ;)
I've been neglecting reading SB Comics for quite a while now. Nice to see this artist's work.