Pinned thread Season 5 Discussion

You know the drill at this point

Friend Or Foe
The Original Fry Cook

Night Light
Rise And Shine

Fungus Among Us
Spy Buddies
Boat Smarts
Good Ol' Whatshisname
New Digs
Krabs A La Mode
Roller Cowards
Bucket Sweet Bucket
To Love A Patty
Breath Of Fresh Squidward
Money Talks
SpongeBob Vs The Patty Gadget
Slimy Dancing
The Krusty Sponge
Sing A Song Of Patrick
A Flea In Her Dome
The Donut Of Shame
The Krusty Plate
Goo Goo Gas
Le Big Switch
Atlantis SquarePants
Picture Day
Pat No Pay
Blackened Sponge
Mermaid-Man Vs SpongeBob
The Inmates Of Summer
To Save A Squirrel
Pest Of The West
20,000 Patties Under The Sea
The Battle Of Bikini Bottom
WhoBob WhatPants
The Two Faces Of Squidward
Banned In Bikini Bottom
Stanley S SquarePants

Bottom 5
5. To Save A Squirrel
4. Stanley S SquarePants
3. Atlantis SquarePants
2. A Flea In Her Dome
1. To Love A Patty

Top 5
5. Pat No Pay
4. Blackjack
3. Picture Day
2. New Digs
1. Krabs A La Mode

Season 5: Good Season
Two more guilty pleasures:

1: I don't really like Blackened Sponge. I cringe at it everytime I see it, and I feel like SpongeBob becoming very egotistical was more unfunny than any other appearance of him being that way in the entire series.

2: I actually sort of like Atlantis Squarepantis. Say what you will about the singing, but I sort of like it. Of course I don't like the bus songs, but the musical numbers in-between were actually pretty good in my opinion. I also like the Atlantis City parts, those were pretty enjoyable. Although the ending was pretty cringeworthy and just really stupid.
#41. To Love A Patty: ScumBob
#40. A Flea In Her Dome: ScumBob
#39. Atlantis SquarePants: ScumBob Fun fact this episode was airing as I made this.
#38. Stanley S. SquarePants:
#37. To Save A Squirrel: Boo
#36. WhoBob WhatPants: Boo
#35. Good Ol' Whatshisname: Boo
#34. Waiting: Boo
#33. SpongeHenge: Boo
#32. Breath Of Fresh Squidward: Meh
#31. Blackened Sponge: Meh
#30. The Two Faces Of Squidward: Meh
#29. The Battle Of Bikini Bottom: Meh
#28. Le Big Switch: Meh
#27. Goo Goo Gas: Meh
#26. Fungus Among Us: Meh
#25. Rise & Shine: Meh
#24. The Krusty Sponge: Meh
#23. Night Light: Meh
#22. Boat Smarts: Meh
#21. Money Talks: Meh
#20. Pest Of The West: Good
#19. 20,000 Patties Under The Sea: Good
#18. Banned In Bikini Bottom: Good
#17. The Inmates Of Summer: Good
#16. Mermaid-Man Vs SpongeBob: Great
#15. Sing A Song Of Patrick: Great
#14. The Donut Of Shame: Great
#13. Bucket Sweet Bucket: Great
#12. Slimy Dancing: Amazing
#11. The Original Fry Cook: Amazing
#10. Spy Buddies: Amazing
#9. Roller Cowards: Amazing
#8. The Krusty Plate: Amazing
#7. SpongeBob Vs The Patty Gadget: Amazing
#6. Pat No Pay: Amazing
#5. Blackjack: Amazing
#4. Friend Or Foe: Amazing
#3. Picture Day: Amazing
#2. New Digs: Amazing
#1. Krabs A La Mode: Amazing
Continuing the tier list series from back in January, starting with Season 5!


Amazing: 4
Great: 10
Good: 8
Meh: 9
Bad: 4
Awful: 3
ScumBob: 3

Final Result: Good Season

(This season's ratings actually look very similar to Season 4's ratings in episode placement, but there are 3 Awfuls and 3 ScumBobs rather than 2 Awfuls and 0 ScumBobs.)
  • Very inconsistent season. 16 GOOD episodes vs 14 of S4, but also 15 BAD vs "only" 10 of S4. I feel the show has lost its charm by now, even the animation is a lot more stiff compared to the first 3 seasons.
  • At the very least Friend or Foe can provide a rather solid story. A bit poor joke-wise, but still better than half of the season.
  • The nonsensical ending of Spy Buddies easily stands out. Best S5 episode.
  • While I don't particularly adore Krabs à la Mode and Roller Cowards, they're solid enough.
  • Money Talks is very underrated. It knows how to deal with Krabs' money obsession, he wishes money could talk and gets what he deserves in the ending, which is also great.
  • French stereotypes aren't that funny. They certainly didn't learn their lesson in Le Big Switch after All That Glitters shenanigans.
  • Pest of the West is a pretty disappointing special. Its climax is also lame.
  • I can only save the dodgeball flashback in Sing a Song of Patrick, 'cause rest is boring. Even Patrick's song is nothing special.
  • The Two Faces of Squidward isn't bad, but the lack of solid humor and the awful ending diminish its efforts.
  • Krabs is very unlikable in The Original Fry Cook. Jim is indeed very arrogant, but at least had a solid reason for quitting his job at KK. Squidward's blonde hair looks amazing, though.
  • I don't hate the ending of To Save a Squirrel.
  • On the other hand, I simply despise the blatant excuse A Flea in Her Dome finds to use Pat-prick. ONCE AGAIN, another episode involving Spongebob and Pat-prick's friendship drama... YES, because it never happened before. It's just like modern Simpsons constantly embarrassing themselves by overusing Homer and Marge's marriage dramas because they have no ideas and should end once and for all after 30+ seasons. GOD, I HATE THESE GODDAMN TROPES.
  • To Love a Patty is indeed bad, but I actually believe it's not worse than the aforementioned episode or the bottom two. Spongebob's love for that hamburger is so ridiculous, so dumb and so disgusting it doesn't cease to entertain. At least it's not that boring, I can give it that.
  • Waiting is not very good, either. Feels like a waste of time, but at least the ending is nice since Squidward is the mvp.
  • Night Light, Rise and Shine and Good Ol' Whatshisname take Spongebob, Patrick and Squidward's stupidity up to eleven unnaturally.
  • Atlantis Squarepantis is an unbelievably uninteresting and tedious special. David Bowie's character's (don't even remember his name) looks so dreary.
  • Breath of a Fresh Squidward showcases a brilliant idea on paper, Squidward stalking Spongebob is fine, Spongebob envying Squidward is also fine, Spongebob getting mad at Squidward for playing with Patrick is also fine... what I hate about this is the LACK of COHERENCE. WHY ISN'T SPONGEBOB SCOLDED FOR THROWING SQUIDWARD OUT OF HIS OWN PARTY??? You know, like they did with Squidward in Fools in April and Little Yellow Book??? The ending is also dumb.
  • Spongehenge brings back the idea of having jellyfish torment Spongebob... on one hand there's a plot here, unlike in Jellyfish Jam, but unfortunately watching this makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Not in a good way.
  • Incredible how S5 last pairing is worse than S4. Banned in Bikini Bottom and Stanley S. Squarepants end the season on a very nasty note.
  • Fungus Among Us has nothing but disgust.
  • Whatever Happened to Spongebob is easily one of the absolute WORST episodes ever made. At least bottom five. I no longer believe To Love a Patty deserves to be hated, because THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE. THIS EPISODE DOES DESERVE YOUR HATE FULLY.
    THE ANIMATION IS BAD AND THAT SB CLOSEUP IS 1000X MORE DISGUSTING THAN THE ENTIRE TO LOVE A PATTY. The plot tries to use the hackneyed amnesia trope so that they're aware of holding a solid reason for Spongebob to be away from home, but having everyone conveniently call him 'idiot boy' and Squidward actually SABOTAGE Sandy in order to keep Spongebob away from him clearly don't improve the situation.
  • Okay, the concept of being afraid of bubbles is decent, but I can't absolutely put up with this. I'd rather watch Ink Lemonade than bearing this atrocity (at least it's well animated unlike this). The terrible tier isn't sufficient to contain such an abysmal episode. THIS EPISODE SUCKS.
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Next list to revise is season 5!

Friend or Foe: 8.6/10
The Original Fry Cook: 7.5/10
Night Light: 7/10
Rise And Shine: 5.5/10
Waiting: 3.5/10
Fungus Among Us: 7/10
Spy Buddies: 9.1/10
Boat Smarts: 4.7/10
Good Ol' Whatshisname: 6.5/10
New Digs: 8.5/10
Krabs à la Mode: 9.2/10
Roller Cowards: 8.7/10
Bucket Sweet Bucket: 7/10
To Love a Patty: 4/10
Breath of Fresh Squidward: 2.9/10
Money Talks: 6.4/10
SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget: 9/10
Slimy Dancing: 7.6/10
The Krusty Sponge: 8.3/10
Sing a Song of Patrick: 7/10
A Flea in Her Dome: 6/10
The Donut of Shame: 7.5/10
The Krusty Plate: 8.8/10
Goo Goo Gas: 6/10
Le Big Switch: 6/10
Atlantis Squarepantis: 5/10
Picture Day: 7.8/10
Pat No Pay: 6.6/10
BlackJack: 8/10
Blackened Sponge: 7/10
Mermaid Man Vs. SpongeBob: 7.3/10
The Inmates of Summer: 9/10
To Save a Squirrel: 8.7/10
The Pest of the West: 6.4/10
20,000 Patties Under the Sea: 5/10
The Battle of Bikini Bottom: 5.5/10
Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?: 2.9/10
The Two Faces of Squidward: 6/10
SpongeHenge: 6/10
Banned in Bikini Bottom: 4.5/10
Stanley S. SquarePants: 4.8/10

Top 5:
5. The Krusty Plate
4. The Inmates of Summer
3. SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget
2. Spy Buddies
1. Krabs à la Mode

Bottom 5:
5. Banned in Bikini Bottom
4. To Love a Patty
3. Waiting
2. Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?
1. Breath of Fresh Squidward

Amazing: 4
Great: 7
Good: 10
Okay: 9
Mediocre: 4
Tolerable: 5
Bad: 1
Abysmal: 2

Additional Comments:
I think season 5 is very much a sleeper season. By this I mean that it's kind of ignored in comparison to other seasons. Seasons 1-3 are exalted, season 4 is usually regarded as a continuation of SpongeBob's greatness or as the beginning of its downfall. Seasons 6-8 are infamous while seasons 9 onwards are kind of seen as renaissance. But season 5? No one really talks about it, and I think there are some really good episodes in here, and the worst episodes here really aren't as bad as SpongeBob could get.

Not only is the season as a whole underrated, but there are some very underrated episodes here like The Inmates of Summer, which I think to be one of SpongeBob's most (if not the most) underrated episodes, and To Save a Squirrel.

I also think this season was kind of the beginning of the SpongeBob writers trying out that new and crazy stuff that people are loving in the most recent seasons. Consider SpongeHenge for example, it has an air of different-ness that I don't think SpongeBob consistently had until season 9 or 10.
download - 2022-02-25T074247.057.png
  • Friend or Foe is beyond perfect its a great origin story!
  • Atlantis SquarePantis is straight up wrongfully overhated
  • Picture Day is underrated still good
  • Theres not much to say about Fungus Among Us its just decent
  • The Krusty Sponge is SpongeBob torture but its actually fun to watch
  • I hate the execution of Money Talks
  • Pat No Pay is our loser here i dont want to talk about it!
Best: Friend or Foe?
Worst: Pat No Pay
Continuing the tier list series from back in January, starting with Season 5!

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Amazing: 4
Great: 10
Good: 8
Meh: 9
Bad: 4
Awful: 3
ScumBob: 3

Final Result: Good Season

(This season's ratings actually look very similar to Season 4's ratings in episode placement, but there are 3 Awfuls and 3 ScumBobs rather than 2 Awfuls and 0 ScumBobs.)
Now hold up Matt! Why do you hate BlackJack?
Awful (0/5)
41. Atlantis SquarePantis
40. Waiting
39. A Flea in Her Dome
38. Fungus Among Us
37. To Love a Patty

Bad (1/5)
36. Stanley S. SquarePants
35. To Save a Squirrel
34. Night Light
33. Pest of the West
32. Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?
31. Good Ol’ Whatshisname
30. Pat No Pay
29. Boat Smarts
28. Breath of Fresh Squidward
27. SpongeHenge

Average (2/5)
26. Rise and Shine
25. Slimy Dancing
24. Banned in Bikini Bottom
23. The Inmates of Summer
22. Le Big Switch
21. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea
20. Goo Goo Gas
19. Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob
18. BlackJack
17. Song a Song of Patrick

Good (3/5)
16. Bucket Sweet Bucket
15. The Original Fry Cook
14. Picture Day
13. Money Talks
12. New Digs

Great (4/5)
11. The Krusty Sponge
10. Friend or Foe
9. The Battle of Bikini Bottom
8. The Two Faces of Squidward
7. The Donut of Shame
6. The Krusty Plate

Amazing (5/5)
5. Krabs à la Mode
4. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget
3. Spy Buddies
2. Roller Cowards
1. Blackened Sponge

Season 5 Score: 2.29 (Average)

That seems a little low, probably because there were multiple episodes I gave a 0, but yes, I’d say Season 5 is a major downgrade from 4, most of the good episodes were worse than 4’s, and most of the bad episodes were worse than 4s, season 5 is definitely memorable though, I’ll never forget it, because it did try a lot of things, it’s just a shame only a few of those ideas hit. Was it worth it? Well, I don’t know but at least the show isn’t stagnant yet. It definitely won’t be for a few more years.
41. Fungus Among Us
40. To Love a Patty
39. Waiting
38. Atlantis Squarepantis
37. Whatever Happened to Spongebob
36. Banned in Bikini Bottom
35. A Flea in her Dome
34. Pat No Pay
33. Le Big Switch
32. Spongehenge
31. Stanley S. Squarepants
30. Breath of Fresh Squidward
29. Good Ol' Whatshisname
28. Slimy Dancing
27. Sing a Song of Patrick
26. Boat Smarts
25. Pest of the West
24. The Original Fry Cook
23. Money Talks
22. Night Light
21. Rise and Shine
20. New Digs
19. Picture Day
18. The Krusty Sponge
17. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea
16. The Donut of Shame
15. To Save a Squirrel
14. Blackjack
13. The Inmates of Summer
12. The Battle of Bikini Bottom
11. The Krusty Plate
10. Spy Buddies
9. Blackened Sponge
8. Bucket Sweet Bucket
7. Mermaid Man vs. Spongebob
6. Krabs A La Mode
5. Friend or Foe
4. The Two Faces of Squidward
3. Goo Goo Gas
2. Spongebob vs. The Patty Gadget
1. Roller Cowards

Season 5 REALLY does stuff like no other season. The production team basically said "screw it, our show's getting stale" and changed up countless things. Spongebob received three family members, in a possible pass off as world-building, as well as a couple episodes that really dug into different concepts, some being done beautifully well, and some failing miserably, and let's not forget the TV movie! I can confidently say that Season 5 is a mixed season, containing truly absymal episodes, but also fantastic gems, but the main reason why I find it so interesting is that it feels like its trying to become bring a new and unusual life to a show that had found its footing a couple years back.
To Love a Patty

Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?
Pat No Pay

Good Ol' Whatshisname
Money Talks
Blackened Sponge
The Battle of Bikini Bottom

A Flea in Her Dome
Boat Smarts
Fungus Among Us

Night Light
The Original Fry Cook

New Digs
The Krusty Sponge
The Inmates of Summer
To Save a

Pest of the West

Rise and Shine
Bucket Sweet Bucket
Breath of Fresh Squidward
Slimy Dancing
Sing a Song of Patrick
Le Big Switch

Atlantis SquarePantis
Picture Day
Krabs a la Mode
The Donut of Shame
The Krusty Plate
Banned in Bikini Bottom
Stanley S. SquarePants

Goo Goo Gas
SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget
Spy Buddies
20,000 Patties Under the Sea

Friend or Foe
Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob
The Two Faces of Squidward
Roller Cowards

Additional Thoughts:
Waiting: Fellow season 5 episode Waiting is basically SpongeBob torturing everyone for 7 minutes straight! Its not very good. The jokes werent really funny. This episode was also boring. The only redeeming qualities were the beginning and the fork joke. So this is our personal loser.

To Love a Patty: WHY DOES THIS EPISODE HAVE TO EXIST?!?!? IT DOESNT! This was easily one of season 5's worst episodes every single bit of this episode is downright stupid! The close-ups were awful, the song is awful and even ending is easily one of the show's worst endings.

New Digs: Wait how is New Digs meh? Well i thought it was okay when i first watched it. This is because of the lack of humor and just like To Love a Patty it had some pretty bad close-ups. Luckily the only part that saved it from being bad was the Laundry song because i'll have you know that song was pretty catchy.

Breath of Fresh Squidward: This one was pretty fun. The jokes were nice and it was very fun. Plus the ending was just hilarious.

The Two Faces of Squidward: This episode falsely gains mixed reception. This episode was filled with jokes. It was fun and funny! Plus it also gave us a good meme (You know which meme)

Roller Cowards: The plot of this episode was not that clever but that doesnt mean that this is our personal winner of season 5 my friends! I had many laughs at the jokes the Glove Guy scene was very funny. The Mitten is a very funny roller coaster. And lets not forget about that dream scene.

Best Episode: Roller Cowards
Worst Episode: Waiting
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41. Fungus Among Us
40. To Love a Patty
39. Waiting
38. Atlantis Squarepantis
37. Whatever Happened to Spongebob
36. Banned in Bikini Bottom
35. A Flea in her Dome
34. Pat No Pay
33. Le Big Switch
32. Spongehenge
31. Stanley S. Squarepants
30. Breath of Fresh Squidward
29. Good Ol' Whatshisname
28. Slimy Dancing
27. Sing a Song of Patrick
26. Boat Smarts
25. Pest of the West
24. The Original Fry Cook
23. Money Talks
22. Night Light
21. Rise and Shine
20. New Digs
19. Picture Day
18. The Krusty Sponge
17. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea
16. The Donut of Shame
15. To Save a Squirrel
14. Blackjack
13. The Inmates of Summer
12. The Battle of Bikini Bottom
11. The Krusty Plate
10. Spy Buddies
9. Blackened Sponge
8. Bucket Sweet Bucket
7. Mermaid Man vs. Spongebob
6. Krabs A La Mode
5. Friend or Foe
4. The Two Faces of Squidward
3. Goo Goo Gas
2. Spongebob vs. The Patty Gadget
1. Roller Cowards

Season 5 REALLY does stuff like no other season. The production team basically said "screw it, our show's getting stale" and changed up countless things. Spongebob received three family members, in a possible pass off as world-building, as well as a couple episodes that really dug into different concepts, some being done beautifully well, and some failing miserably, and let's not forget the TV movie! I can confidently say that Season 5 is a mixed season, containing truly absymal episodes, but also fantastic gems, but the main reason why I find it so interesting is that it feels like its trying to become bring a new and unusual life to a show that had found its footing a couple years back.
Finally someone else who agrees with me that New Digs is meh i was starting to think i was the only one
  • Yeesh... no 10/10s or 9/10s. That's a bit of a decline from my Season 4 tier list. But in no way does it make Season 5 bad.
  • Though, I do need to mention the fact that an 8/10 on this list would actually be a 6 or 7 on the Season 2/3 lists, but since I want to give every season the best shot, I have a new expectation for how good an episode in a season can be, but a 10/10 is always a 10/10, no matter the season.
  • Roller Cowards is the best episode in the season, and I think it holds up well against Season 1-4 episodes, but not in the top tiers. It's still a good time though!
  • Sadly, this is the first Season with below 4/10 episodes. I just do not care for To Love A Patty and Waiting. Even if I'm just watching TV, I'll skip these on purpose. Just boring episodes in general, To Love A Patty is disgusting and Waiting is frustratingly dumb.
  • Season 5 isn't as good as Seasons 1-4, but it isn't too much of a downgrade from Season 4. At it's best, it fits right in with Seasons 1 & 4.
With March coming to a close, my reviews of season 5 are as well. Lots to say after the summary!

Friend or Foe: 9.2/10
The Original Fry Cook: 7.9/10
Night Light: 6.7/10
Rise And Shine: 5.8/10
Waiting: 6.4/10
Fungus Among Us: 7.5/10
Spy Buddies: 9.5/10
Boat Smarts: 8.5/10
Good Ol' Whatshisname: 9.2/10
New Digs: 9.3/10
Krabs à la Mode: 9.4/10
Roller Cowards: 9.2/10
Bucket Sweet Bucket: 8.9/10
To Love a Patty: 5.4/10
Breath of Fresh Squidward: 4.8/10
Money Talks: 8.7/10
SpongeBob Vs. The Patty Gadget: 9.1/10
Slimy Dancing: 8.3/10
The Krusty Sponge: 8.4/10
Sing a Song of Patrick: 7/10
A Flea in Her Dome: 6.7/10
The Donut of Shame: 8.5/10
The Krusty Plate: 9.2/10
Goo Goo Gas: 6.6/10
Le Big Switch: 7.6/10
Atlantis SquarePantis: 7.5/10
Picture Day: 7.2/10
Pat No Pay: 8.4/10
BlackJack: 9.3/10
Blackened Sponge: 9.1/10
Mermaid Man Vs. SpongeBob: 7.6/10
The Inmates of Summer: 9.4/10
To Save a Squirrel: 9/10
The Pest of the West: 8.2/10
20,000 Patties Under the Sea: 7.8/10
The Battle of Bikini Bottom: 9/10
Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?: 4.2/10
The Two Faces of Squidward: 6.5/10
SpongeHenge: 6.6/10
Banned in Bikini Bottom: 5.9/10
Stanley S. SquarePants: 7/10

Top 5:
5. BlackJack
4. New Digs
3. The Inmates of Summer
2. Krabs à la Mode
1. Spy Buddies

Bottom 5:
5. Banned in Bikini Bottom
4. Rise and Shine
3. To Love A Patty
2. Breath of Fresh Squidward
1. Whatever Happened to SpongeBob?

Amazing: 13
Great: 8
Good: 9
Okay: 6
Mediocre: 3
Tolerable: 2
Bad: 0
Abysmal: 0

Additional Comments:
Ah, season 5, what can I say about you here today? It feels like there’s both so much and so little to talk about at the same time. But I’ve got a few ideas.

First, I wanna continue the conversation I started in my season 4 review about that season and especially this season being regarded as the “beginning of the end” of this show (which I’ve already debunked and given my thoughts about so I’m not even gonna start), and as a transition to the seasons 6-8 era. I’d say that season 5 feels more like season 4 than it feels like seasons 2 or 3. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, which is where I diverge from popular opinion (not of this forum, but the people out there who’ve absorbed post-movie hate into their bones). And I’ll talk more about season 5 on its own in a minute. But as a preview for that, I’ll just say that this season keeps the adventurous writings that started in season 4.

What’s really interesting to me about the public reception of season 5 is that…there isn’t much. I mean, just think of the popular conversations surrounding this show as a whole. We’ve got terms like “good” & “bad” and “classic” & “modern” thrown around, season 4 being slowly absorbed into the “classic” canon, the grouping of seasons 6-8 as the most infamous era of the show, post-second movie as a whole different beast, and season 5 isn’t really in these conversations at all. So to me it feels like season 5 is the most forgotten season, and it occupies an interesting liminal space. Maybe that’s why so many of its episodes have been forgotten by the fandom at large.

And that’s too bad, because I think this is a pretty interesting season of the show, as to me it embodies the “transition” vibes I’ve previously outlined. In fact, where I’d call seasons 4 and 5 combined the Transformation Era, I’d also call season 5 the Daring season. This season, to me, is all about taking risks and finding ways to spice up the show, ensure it doesn’t get stale, which was a necessary change because of the increasing longevity of the show. I’d say we’re in another one of these kinds of eras now, or actually we just got out of one (seasons 9b and 10) and are now reaping the benefits. But anyway, out of of the 5 seasons I’ve reviewed so far, season 5 is easily the most adventurous. And I don’t just mean the obvious picks like “SpongeHenge”, though that is definitely one of the best examples of how exploratory season 5 is. The 3 different episodes expanding on the SquarePants family, “To Save A Squirrel”, “The Inmates of Summer”, “Blackened Sponge”, every special episode, the experimental episode lengths…these are all very exploratory, adventurous things to me. And not every episode of season 5 is a successful experiment, of course not, but I appreciate that season 5 tried. I appreciate all the new and interesting ideas that were brought up in this season, even if that did mean we got episodes with out-of-character writing, for example.

Now, what of the actual quality of this season? Well, let’s start with the math. The average episode rating for this season was a 7.8. In terms of my own feelings, I enjoyed this season about as much as season 4. One worrying trend I began to see were some episodes having prolonged moments of boredom or dullness. It almost felt like a backslide into season 1 slowness, but without the rest of the vibes and material that made the slowness there work. Other than this trend, though, the episodes of this season were overall quite enjoyable and pretty funny. There are plenty of brilliant writing moments here too, which to me shows that nothing has left the show, it has just…changed. I don’t want to say evolved because of the connotations of that word, so I’ll say changed. And I think instead of the balance between interesting plot and great humor (which isn’t a dichotomy, but we’ll pretend they are right now) leaning heavy towards great humor like it did in seasons 2, 3, and somewhat 4, this season started leaning a bit towards interesting plot instead. And there’s nothing exactly wrong with that, other than not meeting expectations set by previous seasons I suppose.

Also, I think it’s hilarious to look back at the review from 2022 of this season that I barely remember making. It’s so obvious to me now that I didn’t bother to rewatch the episodes when I rated them, and just went off vibes alone. That is why this project is superior lol. But seriously, the fact that I was putting episodes in my “Bad” tier and even my “Abysmal” tier is crazy, because it’s really difficult for an episode to reach either of those tiers, and this season was definitely not the first to do it.

I was right about one thing, though. Season 5 is for sure a sleeper season. I think it’s time to wake it up!
where I’d call seasons 4 and 5 combined the Transformation Era, I’d also call season 5 the Daring season.
season 4 was trying (and succeeded in alot of ways) to emulate the magic of pre-movie

while season 5 was doing its own thing and being experimental
Friend or Foe?: Great

The Original Fry Cook: Decent

Night Light: Meh

Rise and Shine: Ok

Waiting: Bad

Fungus Among Us: Awful

Spy Buddies: Great

Boat Smarts: Poor

Good Ol' Whatshisname: Poor

New Digs: Good

Krabs à la Mode: Amazing

Roller Cowards: Great

Bucket Sweet Bucket: Ok

To Love a Patty: Awful

Breath of Fresh Squidward: Poor

Money Talks: Good

SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget: Great

Slimy Dancing: Good

The Krusty Sponge: Great

Sing a Song of Patrick: Meh

A Flea in Her Dome: Bad

The Donut of Shame: Good

The Krusty Plate: Good

Goo Goo Gas: Good

Le Big Switch: Decent

Atlantis SquarePantis: Terrible

Picture Day: Decent

Pat No Pay: Poor

Blackjack: Decent

Blackened Sponge: Decent

Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob: Decent

The Inmates of Summer: Good

To Save a Squirrel: Good

Pest of the West: Ok

20,000 Patties Under the Sea: Decent

The Battle of Bikini Bottom: Good

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?: Bad

The Two Faces of Squidward: Great

SpongeHenge: Awful

Banned in Bikini Bottom: Ok

Stanley S. SquarePants: Meh
GREAT (5/5), GOOD (4/5), AVERAGE (3/5), BAD (2/5), AWFUL (1/5), SCUMBOB (0/5).
  1. Krabs à la Mode
  2. Pest of the West
  3. Roller Cowards
  4. Spy Buddies
  5. The Two Faces of Squidward
  6. Friend or Foe
  7. Le Big Switch
  8. Sing a Song of Patrick
  9. Blackened Sponge
  10. The Battle of Bikini Bottom
  11. The Inmates of Summer
  12. Breath of Fresh Squidward
  13. Bucket Sweet Bucket
  14. The Krusty Plate
  15. SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget
  16. New Digs
  17. Night Light
  18. Boat Smarts
  19. The Original Fry Cook
  20. Good Ol' Whatshisname
  21. Slimy Dancing
  22. Money Talks
  23. The Donut of Shame
  24. To Save a Squirrel
  25. Rise and Shine
  26. Goo Goo Gas
  27. Pat No Pay
  28. Picture Day
  29. BlackJack
  30. Stanley S. SquarePants
  31. Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob
  32. SpongeHenge
  33. The Krusty Sponge
  34. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea
  35. Banned in Bikini Bottom
  36. To Love a Patty
  37. What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?
  38. Atlantis SquarePantis
  39. Waiting
  40. A Flea in Her Dome
  41. Fungus Among Us
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