Pinned thread Season 1 Discussion

Here are my season 1 episode ratings :

Help Wanted - Great (8/10)
Reef Blower - Okay ()
Tea at the Treedome - Good ()
Bubblestand - Great ()
Ripped Pants - Great ()
Jellyfishing - Good
Plankton! - Great
Naughty Nautical Neighbors - Good
Boating School - Good
Pizza Delivery - Amazing
Home Sweet Pineapple - Great
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - Good
Pickles - Amazing
Hall Monitor - Amazing
Jellyfish Jam - Amazing
Sandy's Rocket - Good
Squeaky Boots - Mediocre
Nature Pants - Okay
Opposite Day - Great
Culture Shock - Great
F.U.N. - Amazing
MuscleBob BuffPants - Great
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - Good
The Chaperone - Mediocre
Employee of the Month - Good
Scaredy Pants - Great
I Was a Teenage Gary - Mediocre
SB-129 - Good
Karate Choppers - Great
Sleepy Time - Amazing
Suds - Amazing
Valentines Day - Good
The Paper - Good
Arrgh! - Amazing
Rock Bottom - Amazing
Texas - Okay
Walking Small - Great
Fools in April - Great
Neptune's Spatula - Okay
Hooky - Meh
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II - Good

9 Amazing Episodes
12 Great Episodes
12 Good Episodes
4 Okay Episodes
1 Meh Episode
3 Mediocre Episodes
0 Bad Episodes
0 Awful Episodes
0 Terrible Episodes

Top 5 episodes:
5. Pizza Delivery
4. Rock Bottom
3. Sleepy Time
2. Suds
1. Jellyfish Jam

Bottom 5 episodes:
5 - Nature Pants
4- Hooky
3- The Chaperone
2- I Was a Teenage Gary

1- Squeaky Boots (Quite close to being bad)

Overall season rating: - Great
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My second favourite season along with season 2 (season 3 is my first favourite).
I use :
-Amazing (for episodes I love/really really like)
-Good (for episodes I like/really like)
-Meh (for episodes I consider so so, or even like a lil bit)
-Bad (if there's any, for episodes I hate or do not like)

Help Wanted - Amazing (great way to start of the series)
Reef Blower - Amazing
Tea at the Treedome - Good
Bubblestand - Good (close to meh with a total of 7/10 but actually reached the ''good'' sign)
Ripped Pants - Amazing
Jellyfishing - Good
Plankton! - Amazing
Naughty Nautical Neighbors - Amazing
Boating School - Good
Pizza Delivery - Amazing
Home Sweet Pineapple - Amazing (I think it's better than Pizza Delivery, I love this episode and I highlighted it because it's one of my top favourites of this season)
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - Meh (so this is the first meh, with a total of 6.5/10 :( but could reach ''good'' and that's something)
Pickles - Meh (Never really thought of it as a good episode like everyone does, in fact, I think it's overrated, there are MANY gems in that season, that's definitely not one of them for me)
Hall Monitor - Good
Jellyfish Jam - Amazing (hilarious episode, totally one of my favourites)
Sandy's Rocket - Good
Squeaky Boots - Good
Nature Pants - Good
Opposite Day - Good
Culture Shock - Amazing (always loved this episode, since little)
F.U.N. - Amazing
Muscle Bob Buff Pants - Good (forgettable though)
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - Amazing
The Chaperone - Amazing
Employee of the Month - Amazing (I really really love this episode and it's definitely one of my favourites)
Scaredy Pants - Good
I Was a Teenage Gary - Good
SB-129 - Amazing ( my favourite episode out all of them when I was 7-8, it's still one of my favourites )
Karate Choppers - Good
Sleepy Time - Good
Suds - Good
Valentine's Day - Good
The Paper - Amazing (my all time favourite episode)
Arrgh! - Amazing (Definitely one of the gems of this season)
Rock Bottom - Amazing ( Also a really favourite episode, the pairing of Arrgh! and Rock Bottom are one of the best)
Texas - Amazing
Walking Small - Good
Fools in April - Amazing ( I hated this episode when I was little but I can know see what is it actually for, and really like it actually)
Neptune's Spatula - Meh (Really forgettable, I really like the ending though)
Hooky - Amazing
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II - Good
Help Wanted - B+
Reef Blower - B+
Tea at the Treedome - A-
Bubblestand - A-
Ripped Pants - B
Jellyfishing - B
Plankton! - A
Naughty Nautical Neighbors - A-
Boating School - A
Pizza Delivery - A+
Home Sweet Pineapple - A-
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - B+
Hall Monitor - A+
Jellyfish Jam - A
Sandy's Rocket - B-
Squeaky Boots - A-
Nature Pants - C
Opposite Day - A+
Culture Shock - A+

F.U.N - A+
MuscleBob BuffPants - B-
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - A+
The Chaperone - B+
Employee of the Month - A+
Scardey Pants - B
I Was a Teenage Gary - A
SB-129 - A+
Karate Choppers - A-
Sleepy Time - B+
Suds - A
Valentine's Day - A+
The Paper - A+
Arrgh! - A
Rock Bottom - A+
Texas - A
Walking Small - A-
Fools in April - B
Neptune's Spatula - B-
Hooky - B
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II - A-

This season gets an A-

Top 5
1. Pizza Delivery
2. The Paper
3. F.U.N
4. Employee of the Month
5. Valentine's Day

Very good season!
To me season 1 did a great job establishing the characters, who they were and what they wanted to achieve. A lot more gag humor than we might see in later episodes, but also I think the episode ideas were far more simple. Certain characters were shown to mesh well (SB and Squid in say, Employee of the Month), SB and Plankton (Walking Small), SB and Patrick (Sandy's Rocket). It showed a lot of characters learning lessons and never really delved into the absolute gold and hilarity of seasons 2-3. 92/100

I'm seeing lots of hate for I Was a Teenage Gary. Why so much? I like it because it is one of those episodes you don't see as much, and shows how Squidward originally doesn't care about something that he later frantically cares for, a theme used a LOT later on. It isn't meant to be a funny episode, and i like that. Also, SB-129 is the best episode of the series IMO. And Jellyfish Jam is the second best of the season. I hated Nature Pants

Amazing: 10
Great: 9
Good: 8
Average: 6-7
Mediocre: 4-5
Bad: 2-3
Awful: 0-1

Help Wanted - Great
Reef Blower - Good
Tea at the Treedome - Good
Bubblestand - Good
Ripped Pants - Great
Jellyfishing - Good
Plankton! - Amazing
Naughty Nautical Neighbors - Good
Boating School - Good
Pizza Delivery - Amazing
Home Sweet Pineapple - Good
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - Good
Pickles - Amazing
Hall Monitor - Amazing
Jellyfish Jam - Great
Sandy's Rocket - Awful
Squeaky Boots - Average
Nature Pants - Bad
Opposite Day - Amazing
Culture Shock - Great
F.U.N. - Amazing
MuscleBob BuffPants - Good
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - Good
The Chaperone - Good
Employee of the Month - Great
Scaredy Pants - Good
I Was a Teenage Gary - Good
SB-129 - Great
Karate Choppers - Great
Sleepy Time - Good
Suds - Good
Valentine's Day - Amazing
The Paper - Good
Arrgh! - Good
Rock Bottom - Good
Texas - Great
Walking Small - Great
Fools in April - Good
Neptune's Spatula - Average
Hooky - Average
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II - Great

Overall: Great season

Favorite episode: Opposite Day

Least favorite episode: Sandy's Rocket
Ranked out of 5

5 - 9 Episodes
4 - 10 Episodes
3 - 19 Episodes
2 - 3 Episodes
1 - 0 Episodes

Help Wanted - 3
Reef Blower - 3
Tea at the Treedome - 3
Bubblestand - 4
Ripped Pants - 3
Jellyfishing - 3
Plankton! - 4
Naughty Nautical Neighbors - 4
Boating School - 5
Pizza Delivery - 5
Home Sweet Pineapple - 5
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - 3
Pickles - 3
Hall Monitor - 5
Jellyfish Jam - 4
Sandy's Rocket - 5
Squeaky Boots - 2
Nature Pants - 2
Opposite Day - 4
Culture Shock - 4
F.U.N. - 5
MuscleBob BuffPants - 3
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - 3
The Chaperone - 3
Employee of the Month - 3
Scaredy Pants - 3
I Was a Teenage Gary - 3
SB-129 - 4
Karate Choppers - 4
Sleepy Time - 4
Suds - 3
Valentine's Day - 4
The Paper - 5
Arrgh! - 5
Rock Bottom - 3
Texas - 3
Walking Small - 5
Fools in April - 3
Neptune's Spatula - 2
Hooky - 3
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II - 3
This way

Best: Jellyfish Jam
Runners up: Suds, Sleepy Time, Pizza Delivery
Worst: Squeaky Boots
Runners up: Hooky, I Was a Teenage Gary, The Chaperone
Overrated: SB-129
Underrated Gems: Fools in April, Sleepy Time, Home Sweet Pineapple, Bubblestand
Overhated: I Was a Teenage Gary
Guilty Pleasure: Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost
Most Forgettable: Scaredy Pants, Employee of the Month, Naughty Nautical Neighbors
Okay here are my opinions.

Amazing: Pizza Delivery, Opposite Day, SB-129, Sleepy Time, Arrgh!, and Hooky
Superb: Help Wanted, Reef Blower, Naughty Nautical Neighbors, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, Pickles, Culture Shock, F.U.N, Employee of the Month, The Paper, Rock Bottom, Walking Small, and Fools in April
Great: Bubblestand, Plankton!, Boating School, Home Sweet Pineapple, Hall Monitor, Jellyfish Jam, Squeaky Boots, Scaredy Pants, Karate Choppers, Suds, Valentine's Day, Texas, and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II
Good: Tea at the Treedome, Ripped Pants, Jellyfishing, Sandy's Rocket, Nature Pants, MuscleBob BuffPants, Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost, I Was a Teenage Gary, and Neptune's Spatula
Decent: The Chaperone
Here Are My Ratings For The Season:

Help Wanted-Great!
Reef Blower-Hmm...
Tea At The Treedome-Um...
Ripped Pants-Best Of The Best!
Jellyfishing-Meh (Its Kind Of A Squidward Torture Episode)
Naughty Nautical Neighbors-Worst Of The Worst!
Boating School-Hmm...
Pizza Delivery-America Heck Yeah! (I Replaced The F Word With Heck So I Wont Be Banned)
Home Sweet Pineapple-Boooooooooo!
Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy-Meh
Pickles-Worst Of The Worst!
Hall Monitor-Great!
Jellyfish Jam-Hmm...
Sandy's Rocket-Weak
Squeaky Boots-Extremely Funny!
Nature Pants-Uhh...
Opposite Day-!taerG
Culture Shock-Great!
Musclebob Squarepants-Mom Get The Camera!
Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost-Funny!
Scaredy Pants-Okay
I Was A Teenage Gary-Ugh
SB-129-America Heck Yeah!
Karate Choppers-Weak
Sleepy Time-Good!
Valentine's Day-Great!
The Paper-Boooooooo!
Rock Bottom-Bad
Texas-You Cant Say Nothing About This Episode!
Walking Small-Great!
Fools In April-Great!
Neptune's Spatula-Hmm...
Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy 2-Great Finale!
Season 1 was good, but the cel animation is great but the coloring in the show was a little shady dark. I get this is Cel Animation this was way before season 2. And some episodes were meh mostly good. I still dislike Sleepy Time´s Ending though.
Help Wanted- Good
Reef Blower- Good
Tea at the Treedome- Good
Bubblestand- Good
Ripped Pants- Good
Jellyfishing- Good
Plankton- Good
Naughty Nautical Neighbors- Great
Boating School- Good
Pizza Delivery- Great
Home Sweet Pineapple- Great
MM and BB- Good
Pickles- Great
Hall Monitor- Great
Jellyfish Jam- Great
Sandy's Rocket- Good
Squeaky Boots- Bad
Nature Pants- Bad
Opposite Day- Good
Culture Shock- Good
FUN- Great
Musclebob Buffpants- Meh
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost- Good
The Chaperone- Meh
Employee of the Month- Great
Scaredy Pants- Good
I Was a Teenage Gary- Bad
SB-129- Great
Karate Choppers- Great
Sleepy Time- Good
Suds- Good
Valentines Day- Good
The Paper- Good
Arrgh!!!- Great
Rock Bottom- Great
Texas- Good
Walking Small- Good
Fools In April- Good
Neptune's Spatula- Meh
Hooky- Good
MM and BB II- Good

Great: 12
Good: 22
Meh: 3
Bad: 3
Awful: 0

Good season!
Ratings: Gold, Good, Average, Meh, Bad, Abysmal and ScumBob.

Help Wanted - Good (8/10)
Reef Blower - Average (5.5/10)
Tea at The Treedome - Average (6.5/10) (Close to Good)
BubbleStand - Good (7/10) (Close to Average)
Ripped Pants - Good (8.5/10)
Jellyfishing - Bad (3/10)
Plankton! - Good! (9/10)
Naughty Nautical Neighbours - Average (5/10)
Boating School - Meh (4/10)
Pizza Delivery - Gold (10/10) + 5 Stars
Home Sweet Pineapple - Average (5.5/10)
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy - Good (8/10)
Pickles - Good (7/10) (Close to Average)
Hall Monitor - Good (9.5/10) (Close to Gold)
Jellyfish Jam - Good (7.5/10)
Sandy's Rocket - Good (8/10)
Squeaky Boots - Bad (3.5/10)
Nature Pants - Good (7/10) (Close to Average)
Opposite Day - Good (7/10) (Close to Average)
Culture Shock - Gold (10/10)
F.U.N - Gold (10/10) +1 Star
MuscleBob BuffPants - Average (5.5/10)
Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost - Meh (4.5/10) (Close to Average)
The Chaperone - Good (6/10) (Close to Average)
Employee of the Month - Good (8.5/10)
Scaredy Pants - Good (8/10)
I Was a Teenage Gary - Abysmal (2/10)
SB-129 - Good (9.5/10) (Close to Gold)
Karate Choppers - Good (7/10)
Sleepy Time - Good (8/10)
Suds - Good (7.5/10)
Valentine's Day - Good (7/10)
The Paper - Average (6/10)
Arrgh! - Gold! (10/10) + 3 Stars
Rock Bottom - Good (9/10)
Texas - Good (8/10)
Walking Small - Good (9.5/10) (Close to Gold)
Fools in April - Meh (4/10)
Neptune's Spatula - Average (6/10)
Hooky - Average (5.5/10)
Mermaidman and Barnacleboy II - Good (9/10)

Good Season

Top Five:
5. Walking Small
4. Culture Shock
3. F.U.N
2. Arrgh!
1. Pizza Delivery

Bottom Five:
5. Boating School
4. Fools in April
3. Squeaky Boots
2. Jellyfishing
1. I Was a Teenage Gary
Edit: This is outdated. My updated thoughts are on the next page

(The ratings used is pretty much one I found on the Spongebob wikia, but with a few changes)

Help Wanted - Great

Reef Blower - Meh

Tea at the Treedom - Good

Bubblestand - Great

Ripped Pants - Amazing

Jellyfishing - Amazing

Plankton - Amazing

Naughty Nautical Neighbers - Great

Boating School - Great

Pizza Delivery - Amazing (#3)

Home Sweet Pineapple - Great

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy - Great

Pickles - Amazing

Hall Monitor - Good

Jellyfish Jam - Amazing

Sandy's Rocket - Great

Squeaky Boots - Okay

Nature Pants - Okay

Opposite Day - Amazing

Culture Shock - Amazing

F.U.N - Amazing (#2)

Musclebob Buffpants - Okay

Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost - Amazing

The Chaperone - Okay

Employee of the Month - Amazing

Scaredy Pants - Amazing

I was a Teenage Gary - Amazing (Not joking, I actually really like this episode.)

SB-129 - Amazing (#1)

Karate Choppers - Great

Sleepy Time - Amazing

Suds - Amazing

Valentine's Day - Great

The Paper - Great

Arrgh! - Amazing

Rock Bottom - Great

Texas - Amazing

Walking Small - Amazing

Fools in April - Amazing

Neptune's Spatula - ??? (Haven't seen it in years since Fools in April seems to air with another pranking episode instead of this one now, so it's only really watchable on DVD)

Hooky - Great

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 2 - Decent

20 Amazing

12 Great

1 Good

1 Decent

4 Okay

1 Meh

1 ???
Season 1 is a classic! Really sets the tone on what’s to come.
Last edited:
1a. A
1b. C+
1c. A+
2a. B-
2b. A+
3a. B+
3b. B-
4a. A+
4b. A-
5a. B+
5b. A
6a. C-
6b. A-
7a. A+
7b. B
8a. A-
8b. A-
9a. B-
9b. A
10a. A
10b. A-
11a. C
11b. A-
12a. B-
12b. B
13a. A+
13b. B+
14a. B+
14b. A
15a. B-
15b. B
16a. C+
16b. B-
17a. C
17b. A
18a. A-
18b. A-
19a. A+
19b. C-
20a. B
20b. A+

Overall, this season has had quite a few let-downs of segments/episodes and was somewhat dull with jokes/gags. Excellent visuals for cel animation in 1999 - 2000 though; which brings Season 1's final ranking to... 7/10 (B-)! It is now ranked Number 4 (No. 4) in my top seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants!
Edit: This is outdated. My updated thoughts are on the next page.

Gonna do it this way now:

Best: SB-129

Runner Ups: F.U.N, Pizza Delivery, Arrgh, Jellyfish Jam,

Worst:Squeaky Boots

Runner Ups:The Chaperone, Musclebob Buffpants, Reef Blower, Nature Pants,


Underrated:Fools in April, Sleepy Time, Suds, I Was a Teenage Gary, Jellyfishing, Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost, Sandy's Rocket, SB-129,

Guilty Pleasure:I Was a Teenage Gary,

Most Forgettable:???

Top 5:
3.Pizza Delivery
5.Jellyfish Jam

Bottom 5:
1.Squeaky Boots
2.The Chaperone
3.Musclebob Buffpants
4.Reef Blower
5.Nature Pants