Pinned thread Old Member Reunion Nostalgia Regathering Topic

Hey guys, I normally don't think about this forum (sorry). But when the Spongebob musical was about to air, I got an email from this place telling me about the livestream. I was like "Oh yeah, that place!".

Unfortunately, I was only able to catch 45 minutes of the musical because Steven Universe Future was also on and I deemed that more important ahaha. But I enjoyed those 45 minutes.
Well, since I am an old member in every sense of the phrase...I suppose I'll just leave this here:

I originally came here for answers. I lingered because I loved SpongeBob and all things spongey (not lingered, in a creepy way, tho...or maybe I did). I stayed and contributed because of the other members. I eventually had to leave, but not of my own desire. I had fun here. Maybe too much fun. But I will never regret it. Too many things happened because of this place, most good, some bad. But all have stuck with me.
To those of you from a decade ago-
Stinkoman 20X6 (aka about a million other
And everyone else I'm sure I'm forgetting (hey, I'm old...)

-thank you for the laughs, the tears (yes, there were a few of those), and the memories.
Not gonna lie I was kind of expecting more posts from the past year considering we're not leaving our homes at the moment.

Hope everyone's keeping safe out there!
Not gonna lie I was kind of expecting more posts from the past year considering we're not leaving our homes at the moment.

Hope everyone's keeping safe out there!
Lot more registrations, though, and new members who have stayed :)

How goes it?! :D
what do you mean this account is almost 16 years old

It's so nice coming back to this topic every now and then and seeing oldies pop in and out. I haven't really touched any spongebob in eons but this place is still a home I miss the posse. Hope all, both new and old, are doing well in this crazy world.
I remember when a quarter used to cost a nickel... neyeheheheh

nah but next year it'll have been 10 years since i joined this forum... dayum, and i'll be freakin' 20 too... this place has changed sooooo much since then.
i'll be honest: I miss the old forum version, xenforo works; but the old forum had more oomph to it.
Hey mang. It's Danny, a.k.a. Dial Tone or Shinobu. I've matured now. I just deal with crippling depression and existential panic caused by my delusional involvement with fantasy. Unlike a certain Chandler, I actually acknowledge my own flaws and accept reality. I just think it's overrated.