My Episode Ideas

Pick one

  • My Custom Patty:SpongeBob accidentally drops a krabby patty in the fryer Tc music: Peg Leg Waltz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • FryBob CookPants: SpongeBob thinks he freezer burnt a patty

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Along Came A Sponge's Sister:
Live On TV: Plot: Squidina comes to visit Patrick and Squidina helps Patrick make a spongebob episode all to himself which makes spongebob unhappy
Tc music:
Puka A
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The Last Squid: Squidward loses his voice so spongebob and patrick try to help him get it back
Extra Sponge: SpongeBob becomes a paperboy
Tc music:
The Last Squid: Technically Speaking
Extra Sponge: Slide Whistle Stooges
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FryBob CookPants: SpongeBob thinks he freezer burnt a raw krabby patty

Pattery: Patrick become a great pottery artist

Tc Music:
FryBob CookPants: Greenhouse Rag
Pattery: SpongeBob Theme II
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The Spongernet: SpongeBob Discovers the internet
Coral Deep: SpongeBob finds a land of coral
Poor Little Snail: Gary gets a mysterious illness that only snails can get
Its An Interjection!: SpongeBob forgets his elementary school years causing him to not remember his interjections
Tc Music:
The Spongernet: Another Best Day Ever
Coral Deep: Skipping To School
Poor Little Snail: SpongeBob Theme II
Its An Interjection!: Coconut Cream Pie Dry
Title Cards
The Spongernet:
download (19).png
Coral Deep:
download (20).png
Poor Little Snail:
download (21).png
Its An Interjection!:
Its An Interjection!.png
Transcript for Its An Interjection!:
  • Title card shows as Coconut Cream Pie Dry plays
  • Bubble transition
  • French Narrator: Ahhhhh bikini bottom elementary school here young fish start their school journey
  • SpongeBob: Uhhhh Patrick whats elementary school?
  • Patrick: How do you not know what elementary school is Sponge- YIKES (something passes by)
  • SpongeBob: What was that YIKES!
  • Patrick: Its called an interjection.
  • Whats this plays
  • SpongeBob: whats that?
  • Patrick: *facepalms*
  • Bubble transition
  • SpongeBob: Stupid Patrick thinks i dont know interjections whatever that it..... Wait a second! HOW DO I NOT KNOW WHAT AN INTERJECTION IS!
  • Squidward: Because youre a sea sponge
  • *close up of sea sponge spongebob* *oh my trill! plays*
  • SpongeBob: Oh okay Thanks Squidward!
  • Squidward: Nooooooo Problem
  • *Montage of spongebob learning about interjections when he struggles its funny*
  • SpongeBob: PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SpongeBob: Patrick! Im not in danger
  • Patrick: Sorry SpongeBob
  • SpongeBob Theme II plays as episode ends*
  • SpongeBob: Its okay
  • Patrick: AHHHHHH!
  • *SpongeBob sees Patrick hooked*
  • SpongeBob: Gotcha!
  • Patrick Thanks buddy!
  • SpongeBob: No Problem!
  • *episode ends*
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My episode ideas so far:
(Rejected some):
Axolotling Around/ Glow Squid
Everybody Clap Your Fins/ My Custom Patty
Along Came A Sponge/ Live On TV
The Last Squid/ Extra Sponge
FryBob CookPants/ Pattery
The Spongernet/ Poor Little Snail
Its An Interjection!/ Coral Deep
Slewing The Swing/ Stubbed Toe
Low Battery/ E
SpongeBob's Mystery Dungeon/The Sea Panda Forest
The Lieing Sponge/The Krusty Strike
Gilded Sponge/Caricatures For The Squid
Hash Slingers (Holiday Special)
SpongeTism/Somewhere Over The Pineapple
Dear, Dad/For Squidward's All Meh
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Slewing The Swing: SpongeBob gets a tire swing after some coral grows outside of his house
Stubbed Toe: SpongeBob stubs his toe
Low Battery: Karen gets to low battery but Plankton cant find her charger anywhere!
E: SpongeBob learns about his family's secrets
Title card music:
Slewing The Swing: Old Hilo March
Stubbed Toe: Greenhouse Rag
Low Battery: SpongeBob Theme II
E: Coconut Cream Pie Dry
Title Cards:
Slewing the Swing
Slewing the Swing.png
Stubbed Toe
Stubbed Toe.png
Low Battery

Low Battery.png

Along came a sponge transcript:
  • Title card shows Earls Revenge plays during it
  • Bubble transition
  • Old Hilo March plays at beginning which is spongebob making krabby patties and you know where
  • SponegBob: *sings cherry tune* I love my job i love my spatula i love the krusty krab i even love Squidward *comes out and hugs Squidward*
  • Squidward: SPONGEBOB HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TELL YOU TO NOT HUG ME *sea spider comes out of spongebobs pants and squidward screams*
  • Mr Krabs: Mr. Squidward! I heard you scream are you alright
  • Squidward: Mr. Krabs thanks yeah im fine just that sea spider right there almost gave me a heart attack
  • Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob Me Boyo! Help Squidward face his fear i cant have him screaming in me restaurant
  • SpongeBob: YES SIR!
  • Squidward: But Mr. Krabs i dont want spongebob to...
  • Mr. Krabs: Hold it right there Mr. Squidward if you dont face that fear i will fire FOREVER! *he means blacklisting*
  • Squidward: *rolls eyes* UGGGGH FINE!
  • Bubble transition
  • *Cream pie plays*
  • SpongeBob: Alright Squid lets start facing that sea spiders phobia pet this sea spider
  • Squidward: YUCK! There is no way i am gonna lay one of my precious tentacles on that thing
  • SpongeBob: Please!
  • Squidward: No!
  • *repeats for 1 minute * *as this scene goes Some things to know about monsters plays*
  • Squidward: *pictures spongebob getting bit*
  • SpongeBob: *gets bit* *turns into a giant sea spider*
  • Squidward: *Screams*
  • *revealed to be a flashback*
  • *Peg leg waltz plays as episode ends*
  • Squidward: *pets the sea spider*
  • Sea Spider: *purrs*
  • SpongeBob: Good job Squid you see that wasnt so hard!
  • Squidward: Yeah thanks SpongeBob! *Squidward hugs spongebob*
  • SpongeBob: *Frozen* *faceplants*
  • episode ends
Note: This is a short episode (but not a short)

Sister: Live On TV
Has Jokes: Some
Running Time: 10 minutes 44 seconds
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SpongeBob's Mystery Dungeon: SpongeBob finds a trapdoor which leads to a basement and SpongeBob gets creeped out after he loses his way
The Sea Panda Forest: Squidward camps at kelp forest for the night of saturday but he has to deal with 2 slight obstacles
Lieing Sponge: SpongeBob takes Squidward's advice so he starts telling lies which get him in trouble
The Krusty Strike: SpongeBob finds out that his bank account has been banned thanks to his infamous strike
Gilded Sponge: Its sports day and Mrs. Puff's boating school and Spongebob really wants the trophy but someone else wants it more than him (Squidward)
Caricatures For The Squid: Squidward starts drawing caricatures
Tcs and tc music
SpongeBob Mystery Dungeon: Earl's Revenge
download (37).png
The Sea Panda Forest: A Pineapple Lua
download (38).png
Lieing Sponge: SpongeBob Theme II
download (39).png
The Krusty Strike: Drunken Sailor
download (40).png
Gilded Sponge: Horlepiep
download (41).png
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The Spongernet transcript:
  • Tc shows as another best day ever plays
  • Bubble Transition
  • Episode opens with SpongeBob in bed
  • Alarm clock goes off
  • SpongeBob: *yawns and does a good morning stretch* Good Morning Gary!
  • Gary: Meow (Rolls his eyes) (stares at a phone)
  • SpongeBob: Whats with that attitude Gary?
  • Gary: Meow Meow! (Its not an attitude its called The Internet!)
  • SpongeBob: So youre on something called THE INTERNET!
  • Gary: Me Ow! (Yeee Up!)
  • SpongeBob: I gotta see what thats all about!
  • Bubble Transition
  • SpongeBob: *watching videos of screaming sea goats* *A sea goat screams* *laughs*
  • Squidward: (Here comes a title mention) DID YOU SAY THE SPONGERNET?
  • SpongeBob: NO! INTERNET
  • Squidward: *gets on a computer* *spongebob is following squidward oh my trill! should play during this scene*
  • Squidward: SpongeBob the internet is gonna rot your brain!
  • Bubble Transition
  • SpongeBob: *wakes does the exact same stuff he did in the beginning* Good Morining Gary!
  • SpongeBob: Gary Gar-Bear it-it-it is that you
  • SpongeBob: *cries*
  • Gary: *pops out of nowhere attempting to bite helpless spongebob!*
  • Squidward: *uses plankton's latest invention the-book-thrower-1000* HERE GARY TASTE SOME BOOK!
  • Gary: *turns back into a normal snail*
  • SpongeBob: Squidward! You saved me!
  • Squidward: Well i had to help you some day
  • Bubble transition
  • *Cream Pie plays as episode ends*
  • *At the krusty krab*
  • SpongeBob: Hey Squidward?
  • Squidward: Yes SpongeBob?
  • SpongeBob: Do you like the internet or (another title mention coming) THE SPONGERNET better?
  • Squidward: The Spongernet SpongeBob The Spongernet
  • *episode ends*
About The Spongernet:
Sister: Poor Little Snail (Was coral deep at one point)
Has jokes: Screaming sea goats
Good ending: Yup!
Running time: 12 minutes
Episode #: 278a
Rating for my own idea: 10/10!
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My first special!

Hash Slingers: Squidward thinks the hash slinging is a hoax but that changes once it is coming... for him!

Tc Music: Finger of Suspicion 2 (Since its a return for The Hash-Slinging Slasher)

Note: This episode doesnt contain spongebob for most of the time he appears 9 minutes before part 2

Running Time: 42 minutes 19 seconds

Note: This is hashy's return

Ending: Squidward calls a bus The Hash-Slinging Slasher eventually tries to get to Squidward and SpongeBob and Patrick but the bus comes and The Hash-Slinging Slasher gets ran over 12th street rag with bass plays as the episode

Ending Theme: 12th street Rag With Bass
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Spongetism: SpongeBob finds out hes autistic

Ending Theme: SpongeBob Theme II

286b?: Somewhere Over The Pineapple
Plankton tries to get the secret formula which is on top of SpongeBobs house

Ending Theme: Sunny Samoa
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Title Cards

Spongetism (Note: I tried to do a autism spongebob like background):
download (56).png
Somewhere Over The Pineapple:
download (55).png
Title Card music:
Spongetism: Rip Tide
Somewhere Over The Pineapple: Hawaiian Train