Leedle's Ranking of Every Season 1 Episode Countdown


Oct 26, 2014
my current location
Now we continute with our Pizza Delivery review.

I know, lots of you were expecting this to be #1. Well I just find 2 others better (which you should know, btw). However, that being said, this is an absolutely hilarious and well plotted episode. It's basically where SB and Squid have to go on an epic trip filled with pioneers, moss, tornadoes, and singing to get to their loyal customer! The jokes are incredibly well done, and are also gut bustingly hilarious. However, the best part has to be the ending, after SB starts crying when the customer doesn't accept the food. I also can't help but crying along with SB when I see scenes like this. I teared up when SB didn't get his job at the KK 2, I cried when SB thought he lost his job in Karate Choppers, and I cried when SB was taking down his Christmas decorations in Christmas Who? This was another one of those scenes. However, Squid goes over to him, knocks some freakin' sense into that ::dolphin noise::, and they go home all happy! Except for Squidward. Apparently, he has a tentacleache.

Now, you guess what's next!



Oct 26, 2014
my current location
And here it is...my two favorite episodes of Season 1...are Texas at #2, and Suds at #1. Why do I like them so goddamn much? Let's find out.

Texas, for one, is a really heartwarming and hilarious episode. One reason it's amazing is the plot. The plot is very good, and can have so many creative possibilities. Here, they went down the perfect route. After Sandy gets homesick, she sings a song about how she wants to go home (complete with the bug music notes that Patrick wants off of him). They then try and make fun of Texas on purpose (in an absolutely hilarious scene), and she chases her down in a hilarious and entertaining scene. It leads to the KK, where they brought Texas to BB, even if it wasn't exactly Texas. She then realizes she really was home, and she lives happily ever after! It's a gut bustingly hilarious episode with a heartwarming and great plot. And now...the best episode ever review...

Before we move ahead, here is the full list:

1. Suds
2. Texas
3. Pizza Delivery
4. Opposite Day
5. The Paper
6. Sleepy Time
7. The Chaperone
8. Employee of the Month
9. Sandy's Rocket
10. Jellyfish Jam
11. Home Sweet Pineapple
12. Squidward, the Unfriendly Ghost
13. Bubblestand
14. Valentine's Day
15. I Was a Teenage Gary
16. Karate Choppers
17. Rock Bottom
18. SB-129
19. Scaredy Pants
20. Boating School
21. F.U.N.
22. Arrgh!
23. Naughty Nautical Neighbors
24. Culture Shock
25. Hooky
26. Plankton
27. Pickles
28. Hall Monitor
29. Jellyfishing
30. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II
31. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy
32. Fools in April
33. Neptune's Spatula
34. Reef Blower
35. Help Wanted
36. MuscleBob BuffPants
37. Ripped Pants
38. Walking Small
39. Nature Pants
40. Tea at the Tree dome
41. Squeaky Boots

And now for my Suds review!!!!

Oh my God...where do I start? Without a doubt one of the funniest episodes in the whole entire series. The premise is simple, but taken to absolutely extreme levels. Patrick trying to help Spongebob was gut bustingly hilarious on its own, but when he hid Spongebob in another house and pretended it was his mobile home, ZOMG I don't think there's been a time in Season 1 where I laughed harder. "He's not home at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. *Beep.*" When he rolled him through the back, it was also hilarious. Then when they started fighting over him, it was hilarious. Best part is, Pat seems kinda like a jerk, he's actually really, really funny. And he gets a comeuppance! Yeah, what a way to return to Dr. Patrick in The Splinter. If you're going to make another episode with Dr. Patrick, make it good. Suds is easily one of the best episode of Season 1, and probably in my all time favorites.

Thanks for watching, folks! This has been Leedle's Ranking of Every Season 1 Episode Countdown! Good night, and be on the lookout for Season 2, coming to a Fan Favorites forum near you!


Jan 29, 2014
Good list. About that post, it's not that I think no one likes the list, it's really more like "no one that I really know that well." (I really don't know how it is when I posted, all the regular members show up, happened) These opinions are perfectly valid and appreciateable. Will be looking forward to Season 2.


Oct 26, 2014
my current location
BagelsinEurope said:
Great list. I hope Bossy Boots is #39 in S2 :angel:
No, a certain *ahem* episode will be 39. Won't tell you what.

Ok, so I just started working on Season 2, and there's one certain episode that people will complain about me putting it too low.

Big Meaty Claws

Apr 25, 2013
hanging out with yer mawm
:whoo: Awesome list! Looking forward to Season 2 ;)

Suds- Great ep. In my Season 1 top 10.
Texas- My favorite season 1 episode <3 Great humor and plot.
Pizza Delivery- Another amazing classic. Everything about it is so great.
Opposite Day- Used to be one of my all-time favorites, but it doesn't hold up as well as a few others. Undeniably a great episode, though. (Maybe in my top 5 of S1)
The Paper- Good ep. No complaints here. Needed a few more laughs.
Sleepy Time- Another one in my top 5 of S1. All of the dreams were really funny and creative.


Jan 29, 2014
Big Meaty Leedles said:
No, a certain *ahem* episode will be 39. Won't tell you what.

Ok, so I just started working on Season 2, and there's one certain episode that people will complain about me putting it too low.
No, I just know I'll have the opposite reaction to your actual #39.