Hurricane Sandy

I love how I'm still going to go trick-or-treating even if it's going to rain torrentially.

It could be the worst one in about 20 years. :s: Again, something happens around Halloween. We lost power for FIVE DAYS after it snowed around Halloween last year. Thank goodness the convinced us to buy a Full-House generator! :O
Maybe it will be so bad I'll miss school. Doubtful, now that I mentioned it. :p

Where do you live in NY? It was a CLEAR day on Halloween last year. o.o
The National Weather Service (NWS) comes up with a list of hurricanes. Every 6 years, the same names from the hurricane season 6 years ago get re-used. However, if the previous storm is very devastating, the name gets "retired". Like Katrina, that was pretty memorable. So that was in 2005. 6 years later, or last year, it was replaced by Katia. The NWS comes up with a name for every letter of the alphabet, usually up to like U or V. Any amount of storms past that amount is considered a very active hurricane season.

Just like that, for Sandy, this season is 2012. So we have to go back to 2006, and see if Sandy was already a name, or if it replaced a devastating storm. And after looking it up, it looks like the season didn't even reach the letter "S". So Sandy was already on the list, it just was never used. But now, if THIS Hurricane Sandy is devastating, is very costly and deadly, then it most certainly will be retired by the NWS and replaced with another name. Hope I helped :) I love studying meteorology. After architecture, it is my second favorite hobby :)

Fun fact: the National Weather Service is also the trademark owner of their signature annoying public service announcements that interrupt radio stations and even local TV news channels if serious enough.
Usually it'll go something like "The National Weather Service in (local weather station city) has issued a (type of weather warning/watch, e.g. tornado/severe thunderstorm) in (names of municipalities).

You'll be able to know whether it is a NWS PSA if you hear this annoying (or rather scary and frightening beep/ring type thing. Here's what it sounds like. It's at the very beginning of the video. It gives you an idea of what a NWS weather statement sounds like (or in this case, looks like on a TV)

Those always seem to happen, every single time there's some rainy, stormy weather outside.
Off-Topic: I'm scared of those because one time years ago there was a test version of that, and my little brother screamed. Then the "TV" said "Calm down, this is only a test." I'm dead serious. :eek:
From Nickelodeon's Twitter:

Hurricane Sandy would be a lot more fun if it looked like this.#butseriously #becareful
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Nick is seriously reminding me of the SpongeBob-related joke I made last year about the 9.1 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

I love how I'm still going to go trick-or-treating even if it's going to rain torrentially.

Where do you live in NY? It was a CLEAR day on Halloween last year. o.o

I live around the NY/NJ border. Our power company isn't always the best with keeping power on. Not as shabby as the Connecticut Light & Power company, though. >_<

EDIT: NastyPatty2002, I couldn't completely respond to the post I quoted from you. My response is at the bottom of your quoted post (on this post).
Nick is seriously reminding me of the SpongeBob-related joke I made last year about the 9.1 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

I love around the NY/NJ border. Our power company isn't always the best with keeping power on. Not as shabby as the Connecticut Light & Power company, though. >_<

EDIT: NastyPatty2002, I couldn't completely respond to the post I quoted from you. My response is at the bottom of your quoted post (on this post).

Well that explains everything, I live near the NY/PA border in the Southern Tier.
I live in NY but I'm not too worried. Should I be? :confused:
I live in NY but I'm not too worried. Should I be? :confused:

Umm, you live in Long Island... that sticks right in the northeast coast, YEAH you should be worried. Heck, I'm worried and I only live like 300 miles from the coast.
Everyone should be worried. Especially if you live in the NYC-metropolitan area, Anywhere in NJ, the Delmarva area (that little peninsula off VA), DC, Baltimore, the VA Beach/Norfolk area or Philly. However, as the storm heads inward, areas like where I am (Richmond), West Virginia, Buffalo, ELMIRA, Syracuse, or even Boston and Portland should start getting rattled as well. Right now, the storm is around 100 miles SE off Outer Banks, NC. As it curves to the NW and towards land, places as far as DC should begin feeling the winds and rain around tonight.

Tomorrow, however, is when all heck breaks loose ;]

Get ready, east coast.

  • New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has asked for federal executive orders mandating evacuation in low-lying areas.
  • Irene storm surge: 5.5 feet in NYC, 6-11 ft minimum for Sandy.
  • 1.1 million student population school system closed for Monday.
  • The buses, metro subway and train system has been halted.
Expected arrival of Sandy is around 10:00-2:00 AM tonight.

If you haven't already, gather and prepare ANYTHING you need for this storm. Flashlights, candles, and flashlight apps on smartphones are good ideas for light, keep bottles of water ready in case of shut-off of water, and if you have patio furniture/backyard stuff, KEEP IT SECURE, or take it inside. Shut off electronics to avoid override of power grid when power is restored, charge them in case you need it during an outage, and keep your power provider/utilities company (Dominion, Pepco, etc) ON SPEED DIAL.

This will be one hell of a storm.

This is NP2002 reminding you that if you haven't prepared by doing any of the above to do it now.
I don't have much to worry about. Not to brag, but our generator will help us a lot. However, should we be staying away from windows, or stay in a basement or in safe shelter? :confused: Sort of like what you'd do in a tornado situation. Just a little question.

SBM Meteorolgist NastyPatty2002 will be with you in a moment. ;)
It depends. Does your house have a lot of windows?

Now, if it does, definitely stay away from it. And power on that generator, because you certainly WILL need it. Now if you have that, you won't really need to go to a shelter, which is used mostly with generators for people who want to use their electronics but their houses are without power.

If you have a basement, like a tornado, you could go down there as well. Don't be on higher ground when there are strong winds. If your house has trees/forestry surrounding it, be very careful because under hurricane strength winds and torrential rainfall, they most likely will fall and knock out power, but it may also strike your house. But thats only if you have trees near your house.

Please, if anyone has any questions about how to prepare for this storm, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll most likely have some form of an answer. :p

I'm NP2002, your SBM meteorologist, with my new theme music!

*begins playing news* :prop:
So, if conditions are ging to bad, why isn't school cancelled? :p
because the storm hasn't approached your area yet. You haven't gotten some of the effects as much as some areas have.

But be forewarned:
All of NYS is in red... JUST WHAT I NEEDED!

Well, it's almost official. Basement and fully charged cellphone, computer, and anything with light starting Tuesday! ;(
remember the drill: candles. flashlights, power company on speed dial. works like a charm. ;)
Isabel didn't run FAR up the coast :p

I thought it entered OBX and that was it :p :p
CNN International has joined CNN domestic (the CNN you guys see in the States) so we get to watch proper CNN for a few hours at least :p
This storm was definite overhyped in Horseheads. No school for nothing. Wasted free day off that could have been used in a snowday. :facepalm: Darn I am dissapoint.