The National Weather Service (NWS) comes up with a list of hurricanes. Every 6 years, the same names from the hurricane season 6 years ago get re-used. However, if the previous storm is very devastating, the name gets "retired". Like Katrina, that was pretty memorable. So that was in 2005. 6 years later, or last year, it was replaced by Katia. The NWS comes up with a name for every letter of the alphabet, usually up to like U or V. Any amount of storms past that amount is considered a very active hurricane season.
Just like that, for Sandy, this season is 2012. So we have to go back to 2006, and see if Sandy was already a name, or if it replaced a devastating storm. And after looking it up, it looks like the season didn't even reach the letter "S". So Sandy was already on the list, it just was never used. But now, if THIS Hurricane Sandy is devastating, is very costly and deadly, then it most certainly will be retired by the NWS and replaced with another name. Hope I helped :) I love studying meteorology. After architecture, it is my second favorite hobby :)
Fun fact: the National Weather Service is also the trademark owner of their signature annoying public service announcements that interrupt radio stations and even local TV news channels if serious enough.
Usually it'll go something like "The National Weather Service in (local weather station city) has issued a (type of weather warning/watch, e.g. tornado/severe thunderstorm) in (names of municipalities).
You'll be able to know whether it is a NWS PSA if you hear this annoying (or rather scary and frightening beep/ring type thing. Here's what it sounds like. It's at the very beginning of the video. It gives you an idea of what a NWS weather statement sounds like (or in this case, looks like on a TV)
Those always seem to happen, every single time there's some rainy, stormy weather outside.
Off-Topic: I'm scared of those because one time years ago there was a test version of that, and my little brother screamed. Then the "TV" said "Calm down, this is only a test." I'm dead serious. :eek: