Harvey Beaks

BeanoSponge said:
Storyboarder 'Brandon' put real beaks on them. I think they just look creepy, I'm happy they aren't the real designs! :D

From CH Greenblatt:

Brandon why you gotta make everything creepy?!
Milkmaidman said:
Brandon why you gotta be gross?!
The Finger: Very...interesting, kinda funny I guess.
The Negatives of Being Positively Charged: Very sweet episode, funny, plus some character development.
BeanoSponge said:
Also, did anyone else get the Garfield reference - 'Boy, that cat sure loves lasagne.'
Yeah, I thought it was pretty cyoot
Here is a recording of Fee and Foo's What'll I Do?'
My friend had some interesting points about this show. Not sure if I agree with him but he's not too big on the drawing style of the show to put it lightly.
Pe-choo! and The Spitting Tree: Good (7/10)
The Finger: Great (8/10)
The Negative of Being Charging Positive: Perfect (10/10)

So far the show had been surprisingly decent and there's no duds yet in the first few episodes (unlike Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners which got it too early with the respective episodes of Laugh Quake and Stank Breath). The characters are great, the humor is decent (should need some work), so does the emotion. I can't wait to see more of this show as I'm a fan of C.H. Greenbelt's works. 8/10 altogether as of right now.
Popeye Q. Krabs said:
My friend had some interesting points about this show. Not sure if I agree with him but he's not too big on the drawing style of the show to put it lightly.
Hmm. The character designs are actually something I really enjoy about the show. It's charming how simplistic they are; I think it suits the show's style. And the backgrounds are so pretty and colorful!
I'm starting to love this show. I find it to be more charming and tranquil than funny, though, and that's a whole new perspective of creativity. This show might bring back some fans that were lost about 3-4 years ago!