Halibut's Top 100 SpongeBob Eps in World History

Halibut said:
*shrug* Sorry. That episode didn't really appeal to me.
Yet you think The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom and License to Milkshake are any better?!
Web Surfer said:
Yet you think The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom and License to Milkshake are any better?!
Well sorry. I'm bored by almost every MM & BB ep. I'm sorry if that's not YOUR opinion.


Look, I must admit. This episode was a tiny bit dry, but a very tiny bit. There are 2 things that make this episode very good to me: the plot, and the song. Characters were not extremely good, and neither were the jokes. I think the overall CONCEPT of the episode is what makes me love it. The plot is so encouraging and the fact that there's a semi-serious episode regarding something important these days is amazing. Some jokes were good, but the best part overall is the song "Give Jellyfish Fields a Chance." They just take a hit John Lennon single and make it a little bit better! (Hint hint, the Beatles.)


This episode may be unlikable because of Plankton and sharthole Krabs, but everything else was good. That scenery actually WAS very good, the jokes were pretty funny, and the overall dialogue was one of the best the dreaded season 6. Those cave dwellers were something new in a good way, and I actually kind of liked the fact that Plankton was successful. The episode 'Chum Bucket Supreme' episode that came a few days after did have Plankton succeed, but it was for a dumb reason.


First of all, that's a creative title card. Second of all, this episode was laugh out loud funny, the plot was new, and it's just a super-good version of A Pal for Gary. You see, I like better versions of inexplicably awful episodes. Those are the ones that impress me the most. This one is different because SpongeBob actually had common sense in this one, Gary saved the day, and all three characters in the episode were good. [SB; Pat; Gary.] When Gary went crazy with the ball, and SpongeBob saw that Gary wasn't interested in him anymore, even if his reaction was wimpy, it was much better than SpongeBob being an ignorant idiot.


This episode brought a new side of Sandy overall. In this one, we learned about Sandy's origins, and that made people happy. We had no idea about her before this. Also, she was very emotional in this one, which was creative. We saw almost no real sadness and depression in any episodes before this. In a way, just knowing she's from Texas revealed a lot of stuff. It wasn't just that, though. The ending was golden. I couldn't think of a better one, and I laughed when SpongeBob and Patrick misinterpreted all of these quintessential Texan traditions like square dancing, barbeques, and ten-gallon hats. I was even happier when Sandy finally realized Bikini Bottom was her actual home and that she really just needs to move on from Texas.

This is a hidden gem, I tell you what. Even if the episode seems dry at first, you have to watch it more than once to enjoy it. I respect an episode with an acquired taste. The first time you watch it, it's not that good. Second time is bland. The third time, it's good. After a few times watching it, I realized how funny and ESPECIALLY creative this episode was. This episode really was creative, and if you don't think the same thing as I do, then whatever. The fact that Squidward's slight abuse in this episode was actually kind of funny made me reevaluate my priorities.


This is another episode with an acquired taste. The first time you watch it, you're annoyed as ::dolphin noise:: by SpongeBob and Patrick's stupidity. Sadly, you completely ignore the visual gags and humor overall and it just bugs you. If you hate this episode, watch it again and focus only on the humor. Don't focus on the plot or even the little Sponge's stupidity. Just listen to the jokes. You'll probably like the episode a little bit more. Yes, it does kind of bug me of the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick were a bit stupid in this episode, but I'll let it slide only this specific time.


By now, I knew some of you were mad at my list, but this episode at #71 probably made your head explode. Personally, this episode is one of the lesser ones of season 1. What are you gonna do about it except cry? I'm not changing the position of the episode. Bubble Bass was despicable and the plot kind of got smaller when SpongeBob started getting constantly confused. That little twist, I did not really like. Every other part of the episode is the reason it's on the list at all. The jokes really were funny, and the plot OVERALL felt okay. If anything, if I wasn't ROFLing this wouldn't be on the list at all. You guys better be happy.


You guys will now be saying "How the ::dolphin noise:: is A Friendly Game higher than Pickles and MM & BB III?" You know what, those episodes were a bit bland to me. I SAID IT! THEY WERE BLAND! Are you guys happy now? This episode was more vibrant than those 2 episodes! Personally, I'm only saying because not that I'm afraid of criticism, but because I don't want to make it feel like my list is pointless. Anyways, let's get to the episode. The jokes were some of the funniest of season 8, and the whole episode said one specific thing. "SpongeBob's going back uphill again." After I watched that episode, I knew the phrase was true. No character was too bad, and every scene had a good gag in it, making it feel like a classic SpongeBob episode.
Bubble Troubles? Why? MOONCATION? WHY?
*sees Spongebob's Last Stand, Pest of the West, and Walking the Plankton on the list*
*doesn't see Treats*
Here's a video version of 100 to 97 :)

***Taken down***
Extremely sorry for the delay, everyone.


This is quite the episode. You probably know how I told you that most of the Vacation marathon was good. This episode was no exception considering it's basically a rip off of Sandy's Rocket.... As far as I know, the only two differences is that things are jolly in this episode and that Patrick isn't here. I don't care because, for some reason, I hated Patrick in Sandy's Rocket. If you would've put Patrick's bad character in that episode and added that to a POST-MOVIE episode, this wouldn't be on my list. Luckily, the only 2 big characters in this story are SpongeBob and Sandy. It is a very simple episode, and I like that. Also, the depiction of the moon in this episode makes ME want to go on the moon. Sadly, I'm afraid of heights.

This would have been higher on this list, but there were quite a bit of characters that are out of character. SpongeBob is lazy, Mr. Krabs doesn't care about his feelings, and Patrick ignores everything when he's supposed to be focusing on the situation being covered at the moment. Luckily, the characters are extremely overshadowed by the very creative plot, the misunderstandably funny gags, and the premise with Gary considering he's the only "good" character in this 2-part special.


First of all, that title card is pretty much a flash into the past. :D Second of all, I'm kind of ashamed of liking this episode this much. I mean that I really like this episode. If this episode was pre-movie, it would fit into those masses. It's that good. It's still not so good that it deserves a spot in the top 40, of course. I never said this episode has absolutely no flaws, either. To put it in perspective, SpongeBob and Patrick were a bit moronic in this episode, especially in the beginning. The difference is that this is innocent stupidity (in a way) so I can make that slide. No, the real problem with this episode is the overly large amount of redundancies in this episode, including when SpongeBob shows us that oxygen tank. For some reason, that joke made me angry. There were other excessive redundancies that I don't feel like talking about. Set that aside, and this episode is one of the best post-movie episodes.


If Bubble Troubles was the entree of season 8, then this would be the dessert. It is much sweeter in the sort that Karen finally has a spotlight position in an episode, which was creative all on its own. I also call it sweet because this episode does not take itself seriously at all which may cause some slip-ups, but also produces lots of funny jokes which take it all over. I'm almost completely sure that the writers chose, for fun, to make an episode which was just a bunch of stuff jumbled together and see how it turns out. It turns out that they made a SpongeBob episode sorbet. The land food gag was my favorite of them all since it's pretty much making fun of our food. That step off the boundaries in a cartoon like SpongeBob is amazing.
69 - Best of S8.
68 - Amazing.
67 - Decent.
66 - Not the best.

I think the way season 9 started surprised millions of the post-movie haters considering SpongeBob has gotten GOOD again. That alone gave almost all haters heart attacks. It's even weirder considering one of the best of s9 so far is the kickstarter. Sadly, this episode couldn't make the top 50. It just couldn't. The reason why is that the ending was overly bogus. What Johnny Krill said was stupid and that British fish is just weird. I say so what. The stunts at the beginning were quite impressive for cartoon characters. The training scenes were way funnier than I expected. Also, Johnny Knoxville being one of the Drasticals is the perfect and I mean PERFECT place for him if he was ever going to be a guest voice in any cartoon. :)


I'm pretty sure season 8 got better over the course of the season. Do you remember Drive Thru from the beginning of season 8? Ew, you probably do. Do you remember Chum Fricassee from the latter season 8? Yeah you do, and it wasn't half-bad. (It's not going to be in my top 100 btw.) This episode was made to balance the bad and the good in season 8 overall. It was too good to be true. I'm still confused how I don't throw up when watching the episode. There is a lot of gross stuff that we could have thrown up at. Instead, it's neutral because it's always added next to the really funny jokes in this episode. That's balance right there. If anything, the humor doesn't just balance out the gross stuff, but overshadows it. I can't say that for most gross episodes, especially the Splinter.


This is one of the few post-movie episodes that feels nostalgic. If none are to you, then it's because you're not 12 years old like me. Personally, I really like this episode and I have no idea why. I don't even think it's nostalgia, either. It's probably the charm of the episode. Maybe it's just that it's funny. Actually, yes. The plot is stupid. The characters are stupid. The only thing good about this episode is that it's just plain funny. I don't even need to name all of the funny scenes in this episode since it's all extremely funny to me. Of course, I don't laugh out loud. I get close to laughing at this episode multiple times, though. This episode was a great way to start off season four, I tell you what.


You know what, this episode has the exact same problem as Fear of a Krabby Patty. The only perk of this episode is that it's gut-wrenchingly hilarious. The difference is that this one has, in a way, one more perk that makes it good. That is the overall plot. I personally think the humor and the plot match each other in a way that makes the episode better to me than it is to many other people. They mix together so well that I don't care how stupid the characters are in this episode. I don't have much to say about this episode, sadly. Because I have room, I will tell you guys something, but I'll say it in this episode's paragraph to make it a little easter egg. There will be no post-movie episodes in the top 40. First of all, it's out of respect. Second of all, none of them really do fit into the top 40 in my eyes.
65 - meh
64 - a little higher
63 - highar
62 - meh

This a great way to start a new post, huh? Yes, I know some of you hate this episode, and I see why. Both SpongeBob and Patrick weren't good this one in most people's eyes and I see it too. Personally, I don't BELIEVE it, though. I think their characters are elevated with Patrick's new smartness and SpongeBob's heartwarming compatibility with Patrick. If there was an episode for me to watch so I can feel better about the future, it would be this episode. I really liked Patrick because I have the same general IQ as he had in this episode. It's not just the characters that I love the episode about, though. I really liked both the plot and the resolution. The transitions were amazingly smooth and so many scenes were depressing in a good way. It's a hidden gem of season 4.


It's a milestone. I already took on 40 episodes and I do not regret it. The 40 I already covered were if anything the "pretty good" ones. They are the ones that I definitely liked, but they weren't the best episode I've seen. Between number 60 and number 41, the episodes will stack-up episodes. These are the ones that are in between "pretty good" and "super amazing." They are simply "great." To start it off, we have The Chaperone. This episode is the debut of Pearl which is a weird character because she was a great character in pre-movie and in post-movie, she became an idiotic brat of a whale. This is probably her best performance, though. Her feelings about SpongeBob over the course of the episode are interestingly smooth and I really liked that. While the rest of the episode is good, it's honestly too even to say anything else about the episode. I'm just going to say it's a great episode and call it a day.


It was a breath of fresh Squidward air to see a good Gary-based episode. Grooming Gary was boring, and A Pal For Gary was stupid and possibly the worst episode ever. Gary in Love was just so good of an episode, I honestly can forgive Grooming Gary. A Pal For Gary is a completely different story. :p I also liked how there were new elements put into the story. The snail Gary falls in love with has an evil gang boyfriend (that talks) and is basically a New York gangster in snail form. That alone was awesome, but the plot was just great. Gary abandons SpongeBob to fight that snail's boyfriend and get his girl? Holy crap, how can that fit into a SPONGEBOB episode? I think the best part is unlike other Gary-based episodes, SpongeBob is virtually uninvolved. If anything Grooming Gary and A Pal For Gary focused too much on SpongeBob and his negative side for Pete's sake. This episode is different. It is sorely Gary's story and only his. That's what makes this episode better than any other of it's kind.


I honestly have absolutely no idea what to say about this episode. I am not ::dolphin noise:: joking. I will try, though. This episode was very creative, I will say that. All of the dreams were interesting, especially Mr. Krabs' dream. You now what, I have no idea. This episode is good but I have no idea why. I just don't know what to say. I see nothing that makes this episode stand out.
Well 60, 59, 58 are decent, and 61 is great.
I hated Patrick SmartPants and personally didn't care for Gary in Love. Sleepy Time and The Chaperone aren't masterpieces, but good for the most part.